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11 minutes ago, Still-young said:

It’s not really confirmed or solved until we see the model though. It looks likely but they could still be a number of things. 

There is still a very good chance that these rumor engines are taken from this artwork :



Following this, there was a rumor (by a well-known 40k youtuber) about a Kill Team box pitting Inquisition against Khorne Beastmen. Which would coincide with the release of World Eaters codex for the beginning of next year (second Kill Team box around February normally).


Regarding tonight's AoS announcements, King Brodd is nice but I wish he stood out more from the other megagargants. Making it just an additional sprue to the existing kit is a missed opportunity I think.

Finally more generally on the state of AoS, it continues to be poor in outputs. I really hope that means GW is putting all of their effort into Cities of Sigmar, but I'm afraid 2023 will be another lean year for AoS releases. Especially with the 10th edition of 40k looming next summer.

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Disclaimer: if you disagree with the below, thats fine. I'm glad you ate happy with your hobby- that's all that counts. I'm happy with mine too, it's a golden age for wargaming.

But my thoughts are coherent and detailed. If you want to disagree, please do, but actually contend with *what I'm saying*.

For me- with every GW preview, for all of their systems, I can't help but feel that in respect to the models, it's more of the same. I don't mean thematically, I mean that irrespective of the theme or faction etc, there is a shared aspect to the design of every model.

40k just revealed an entirely new race, and with one or two exceptions, they are exactly what I expected them to look like following the first preview. Chaos in particular for me are really suffering from this- they look increasingly uniform, humans in costume. Nothing remotley chaotic about them. The New Gargant looks like he's made from the literal corpse of all the other ones. The new LOTR sculpts are beautiful in their dynamism but they also look souless in every other department.

In part I think it's an issue with the studio painting approach- it's increasingly unsuited to such a variety of GW's ranges and painting say the hordes of Chaos in the same neat manner as Lumineth definitley kills their personality abit, like forcing them into a starched suit. It wasn't so much of an issue in thr past because model ranges were different In every sense, even proportion. 

I think it's probably also a wider event horizon for 3D sculpting, because most 3D sculpts share the same issue. It might be an uncanny valley thing, there's definitley an aspect where the sculpt reveals the automation behind it. It reminds me of an era in comics in the late 90's where printing technologies dramatically increased the availability of colours that could be printed. The consequence of this brave hew world was flashy comics that all looked the sane and were devoid of the draughtmanship and invention that used to thrive in the medium.

Increasingly GW feels to me like what it is- a franchise factory pumping out content, cobtent that increasingly is no superior to what freelancers can design and distribute. And it always has been thst sort of factory, don't get me wrong.

But the rate at which it's doing it is flattening the personality of its stuff, for multiple reasons. I'm getting the same sense of overload as with all the other IP behemoths, a sense that it just exists to produce without much of a vision or sense of soul. And especially in this climate, I think that's going to genuinley hurt it it dosent chill out a bit. If in a few months time people are struggling to keep up with food and energy inflation, the fifth similar looking warcry set of men in chaos fancy dress in 7 months or whatever is going to feel egregious in multiple ways.

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1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

Feel like Ogors got somewhat of an identity issue in AoS. They don't really fall into any category of their own, they are sort of like comical violent guys like Orruks, but they are also a little bit horror, but FeC does this aspect far more interesting. We also already got the monster hunters in Bonesplitterz.

They do have what appears to be the best "technology" on the destruction side, with their cannons and such, at least it is their most unique aspect from that grand alliance. It clashes a bit with their nomad lore though to carry around all this heavy artellery equipment and they have overall made 0 impact in the lore so far, expect from Excelsis where they at the behest of the loonking got hired as mercs, but betrayed the defenders from within. As we also got an ogor in the cursed city, they sort of balance this grey area between order and destruction, so I think this is the most interesting part of them so far.


I agree so far the Ogors have had the least affect on the narrative of any Faction. I really hope they come front and centre soon. 

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19 minutes ago, Nos said:

Disclaimer: if you disagree with the below, thats fine. I'm glad you ate happy with your hobby- that's all that counts. I'm happy with mine too, it's a golden age for wargaming.

But my thoughts are coherent and detailed. If you want to disagree, please do, but actually contend with *what I'm saying*.

For me- with every GW preview, for all of their systems, I can't help but feel that in respect to the models, it's more of the same. I don't mean thematically, I mean that irrespective of the theme or faction etc, there is a shared aspect to the design of every model.

40k just revealed an entirely new race, and with one or two exceptions, they are exactly what I expected them to look like following the first preview. Chaos in particular for me are really suffering from this- they look increasingly uniform, humans in costume. Nothing remotley chaotic about them. The New Gargant looks like he's made from the literal corpse of all the other ones. The new LOTR sculpts are beautiful in their dynamism but they also look souless in every other department.

In part I think it's an issue with the studio painting approach- it's increasingly unsuited to such a variety of GW's ranges and painting say the hordes of Chaos in the same neat manner as Lumineth definitley kills their personality abit, like forcing them into a starched suit. It wasn't so much of an issue in thr past because model ranges were different In every sense, even proportion. 

I think it's probably also a wider event horizon for 3D sculpting, because most 3D sculpts share the same issue. It might be an uncanny valley thing, there's definitley an aspect where the sculpt reveals the automation behind it. It reminds me of an era in comics in the late 90's where printing technologies dramatically increased the availability of colours that could be printed. The consequence of this brave hew world was flashy comics that all looked the sane and were devoid of the draughtmanship and invention that used to thrive in the medium.

Increasingly GW feels to me like what it is- a franchise factory pumping out content, cobtent that increasingly is no superior to what freelancers can design and distribute. And it always has been thst sort of factory, don't get me wrong.

But the rate at which it's doing it is flattening the personality of its stuff, for multiple reasons. I'm getting the same sense of overload as with all the other IP behemoths, a sense that it just exists to produce without much of a vision or sense of soul. And especially in this climate, I think that's going to genuinley hurt it it dosent chill out a bit. If in a few months time people are struggling to keep up with food and energy inflation, the fifth similar looking warcry set of men in chaos fancy dress in 7 months or whatever is going to feel egregious in multiple ways.

I actually just wanna agree with you. The repurposing of digital sculpts is what hurts the minis most IMO as not only do we get reused parts but quick and easy releases likely influence the schedule in a negative way at the moment. It's easier to crank out another Stormcast, Lumineth or Chaos warrior (marine, etc.) or something else where most of it is already modeled and they only need to add in a couple of new details for a new figure/unit.

The GOOD news however is that once they got assets done for less ubiquitous models, they can crank them out too, let's just hope they do (Skaven could easily get new stuff for example as they got the basics already established digitally). The bad news is that sculpt (detail) diversity will never be the same as back when it was sculpted by hand as they'll reuse assets wherever possible.

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1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

Feel like Ogors got somewhat of an identity issue in AoS. They don't really fall into any category of their own, they are sort of like comical violent guys like Orruks, but they are also a little bit horror, but FeC does this aspect far more interesting. We also already got the monster hunters in Bonesplitterz.

They do have what appears to be the best "technology" on the destruction side, with their cannons and such, at least it is their most unique aspect from that grand alliance. It clashes a bit with their nomad lore though to carry around all this heavy artellery equipment and they have overall made 0 impact in the lore so far, expect from Excelsis where they at the behest of the loonking got hired as mercs, but betrayed the defenders from within. As we also got an ogor in the cursed city, they sort of balance this grey area between order and destruction, so I think this is the most interesting part of them so far.


I know literally nothing about Ogors. 😇 Thanks for shining a bit of light onto them. I really love what I've seen from FEC but frankly I think both of them can co-exist easily as outside of being maneaters they're really different. I hope the "forgotten" factions will get their time to shine soon.

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Belated happy Broddsday, @KingBrodd! One of the reasons why I logged into this website today was definitely to absorb some proxy-hype from you.

2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

Feel like Ogors got somewhat of an identity issue in AoS. They don't really fall into any category of their own, they are sort of like comical violent guys like Orruks, but they are also a little bit horror, but FeC does this aspect far more interesting. We also already got the monster hunters in Bonesplitterz.

They do have what appears to be the best "technology" on the destruction side, with their cannons and such, at least it is their most unique aspect from that grand alliance. It clashes a bit with their nomad lore though to carry around all this heavy artellery equipment and they have overall made 0 impact in the lore so far, expect from Excelsis where they at the behest of the loonking got hired as mercs, but betrayed the defenders from within. As we also got an ogor in the cursed city, they sort of balance this grey area between order and destruction, so I think this is the most interesting part of them so far.

My personal favourite headcanon is tragic Ogors, where they are actually as smart, creative and sensitive as humans, but because of their crippling hunger they are unable to build civilization.

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1 minute ago, MitGas said:

I know literally nothing about Ogors. 😇 Thanks for shining a bit of light onto them. I really love what I've seen from FEC but frankly I think both of them can co-exist easily as outside of being maneaters they're really different. I hope the "forgotten" factions will get their time to shine soon.

I think Total War Warhammer 3 does them justice pretty well, with their 2 legendary lords focusing on different aspects. The butcher with the mad from hunger gorgers, paints them more in this endlessly hungry horror image. At the same time we got Greasus the overtyrant, a rich bloke being carried around in a supersized wheelchair. In a world with FeC being a thing, I think the Greasus approach is more unique, he actually works with diplomacy to unite the ogres under his rule and they also seem like the most "human" in their application of intellect. 

This also plays into their mercenary mechanics, material value is a big deal for them, they actually like to decorate things and apply some level of "craftmanship" into their gear, unlike Ironjawz who just bashes it into a semi useful shape with their bare hands. 

Despite their hunger they also seem better at living with other species, they have hunters using sabretusks for hunting, and various beasts they ride, which they seem more connected to than other destruction races, who usually goes for breaking down their warbeasts.

Playing them in the total war game, forming gunlines of leadbelchers and ironblasters, with hunters outflanking and Ironguts forming a solid anvil, they feel almost more like a human faction than. In that regard I could see the Underguts tribe being a posterboy for the next wave of Ogors. At least I think that would be interesting to see, but the new primal hunter guy suggests otherwise, even if that seems to step on the toes of the bonesplitterz theme a bit.

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31 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Belated happy Broddsday, @KingBrodd! One of the reasons why I logged into this website today was definitely to absorb some proxy-hype from you.

My personal favourite headcanon is tragic Ogors, where they are actually as smart, creative and sensitive as humans, but because of their crippling hunger they are unable to build civilization.

Thanks mate I appreciate the support!!

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I agree so far the Ogors have had the least affect on the narrative of any Faction. I really hope they come front and centre soon. 

It is so funny because in my personal narrative the Ogors are the protagonists. The ostensibly mortal inhabitants of a region caught between a war of heaven and hell. All they want is to push back both sides and return to peace.

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6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I am honestly as speechless from the support and love on this forum as I am the model. Everybody who visits here makes it a home worth returning to. I love each and every one of you.

@KingBrodd King of the Community!

6 hours ago, Lightbox said:

I cant believe they made a model of a TGA poster ;)

Based on the quote I posted above I am not surprised. I am only surprised that they captured Brodd's old Profile Picture exactly  😝

I will confess I was hoping we'd get news on a Vanguard box for the ogors and I feel like the new hunter indicates it might include elements from BCR and Gutbusters? 

Also I am so badly tempted by the Chaos box but it is also going to be pretty expensive for me. I really love the chosen and Ogroids... but I was really debating only going one or the other and this box has two units of chosen... but they look so good! I still haven't opened my chaos knight box... maybe a swap is in order 🤯

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Just had another look at the pics and I'll love to know who painted the ogor hunter, the lizard head just looks amazing. 

I love the different styles on the model. 

The more I look at the chosen, the more I love them, nods to the older models while bringing them up to date. The one with the hammer is so ready to smash face! 


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Hey KingBrodd, 

Grabbed a screenshot for ya last night from the reveal video. Thought you might want it for your Forum thumbnail. Its got one of the little gribbly things sitting near your head, where it can whisper ideas into your gargant skull. 





Also whomever called it with the 3 fingered gribbly beasties from the rumor threads as being helpers/worshippers of the mega gargants, they deserve a trophy. 



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8 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Just had another look at the pics and I'll love to know who painted the ogor hunter, the lizard head just looks amazing. 

I love the different styles on the model. 

The more I look at the chosen, the more I love them, nods to the older models while bringing them up to date. The one with the hammer is so ready to smash face! 


DO we know what the dead creature is on the Ogor's back? Is it supposed to be a bear? Or is there some other AoS beastie that its supposed to be from the lore? 

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I am wondering if the recent Gitz looking RE's and the talk about spiders crawling around in Ghur and the talk about a Spider Incarnate (could be the Spider-God?) are all related to something really awesome coming our way. Dont remember who excactly talked about this but i'm sure i have all read it here.

(also hope we see some more Ogor related stuff)

Edited by Gitzdee
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Brodd looks good, but it didn't really blow me away either. I think he really suffers from just being an extension of the existing Gargant kit. If it wasn't for us already having the art of his dragon helm and you told me it was a new generic Gargant variant called a "Dragonslayer" I'd have believed you. Whilst I'm definitely not opposed to upgrade kits there's nothing that really screams Unique Faction Leader about him. Definitely could've done with his own pose, like the 'hammer over shoulder' that's been brought up. Overall he's just 'good', not great, not bad.

Underworlds Khorne is... okayish? Meh? There's been two Khorne warbands at this point and this does have that sort of "throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks" vibe. Feels like it was a junior sculptor's prospect project and they decided to actually make it. A different, non-'Eavy Metal paint job might save them.

Chosen look fantastic. They hit the right balance of being ornate and "these guys/gals are clearly elite" without feeling unnecessarily overdesigned. I'm sure if I was required to actually paint them they'd quickly become my most hated models ever, but as an observer I love them.

The Hunter is a big disappoint for me, but that's probably because the original Ogre Kingdoms Hunter is, and remains, one of my favourite models ever. The Underworlds Hunter sculpt was pretty good as well, although I felt the face was where that one was let down. I see where they're going with it - they want the Hunter to feel more cohesive with the rest of the range, but to me that's part of what make him look so good, following the fluff of them being outsiders who were content to trek off alone and rely on themselves. Now he looks like any other Ogre with a crossbow, whereas the old ones you could glance at him and tell "Yeah, that one stands apart from the others." That's not to say the new model is bad, it's still a good model, but the soul was lost in translation.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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40 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

DO we know what the dead creature is on the Ogor's back? Is it supposed to be a bear? Or is there some other AoS beastie that its supposed to be from the lore? 

Could be anything, there are so many beasties in the mortal realms especially in Ghur. 

Saying that GW do like doing callbacks so I wouldn't be suprised to see a live version of whatever its meant to be in the future. 

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

@KingBrodd King of the Community!

Based on the quote I posted above I am not surprised. I am only surprised that they captured Brodd's old Profile Picture exactly  😝

I will confess I was hoping we'd get news on a Vanguard box for the ogors and I feel like the new hunter indicates it might include elements from BCR and Gutbusters? 

Also I am so badly tempted by the Chaos box but it is also going to be pretty expensive for me. I really love the chosen and Ogroids... but I was really debating only going one or the other and this box has two units of chosen... but they look so good! I still haven't opened my chaos knight box... maybe a swap is in order 🤯

Mate thank you so much I truly am grateful!!

1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

Hey KingBrodd, 

Grabbed a screenshot for ya last night from the reveal video. Thought you might want it for your Forum thumbnail. Its got one of the little gribbly things sitting near your head, where it can whisper ideas into your gargant skull. 





Also whomever called it with the 3 fingered gribbly beasties from the rumor threads as being helpers/worshippers of the mega gargants, they deserve a trophy. 



Mate thank you so damn much!! Ill definitely be using it, such a thoughful gesture!! And at risk of coming across too full of myself I was also one of the Users who floated the idea of the Creeperz being from the SOB Battletome 😅

1 hour ago, BaylorCorvette said:

It's been a couple months since I've been on these forums, life is just so darn busy. But when I saw the releases last night I had to check here to see how excited @KingBrodd is. Happy for you man!

Cheers mate the support is insane!!

28 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

haven't been in here in months but just popped by to say congrats to @KingBrodd! you've finally arrived

Thanks mate I really appreciate it!!

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Since Ive returned to the hobby everything I have wished for so far has more less come true. I literally cant complain.

All I can do is hope my Destruction Grot brethren can recieve a Tome in the new year alongside a Spiderfang update.*

*And new Troggoth.

Hey @KingBrodd are you gonna be shelved as.an upgrade kit, many of ur pieces seem like the normal mega gargant

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7 hours ago, KingBrodd said:









I am honestly as speechless from the support and love on this forum as I am the model. Everybody who visits here makes it a home worth returning to. I love each and every one of you.

Where to begin with Brodd...just...I cant put into words how happy I am with him. Hes perfect. Im in love. I have a new child of plastic. Gargantuan perfection. 


I came to the Forums quite excited to see your reaction. For your steadfast patience and constant positivity. Well deserved, happy for you and all the Gargant Collectors💪🏼

On topic I’ll be changing my Username to SigmarMorghurMalerionChaosDwarfsUshoranOrion


On an actual note, Phwoar That Horus. I heard Valrak say he was coming but man he exceeded all expectations. The old Horus was Good. This is just perfection!

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11 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

Shouldn't bee too hard, look at the traditional Ogroid Thamaturage paint scheme. I too run a Tzeench SLaves of Darkness themed force, I'd be interested to see what you come up with . 

@Gothmaug, I'm thinking of replacing their axe heads with the "great blades" from the Tzaangor kit, and going with the classic Ogroid Thaumaturge color scheme. I'll post them on my narrative thread "The War of Funerary Delights."

2 hours ago, MitGas said:

I actually just wanna agree with you. The repurposing of digital sculpts is what hurts the minis most IMO as not only do we get reused parts but quick and easy releases likely influence the schedule in a negative way at the moment. It's easier to crank out another Stormcast, Lumineth or Chaos warrior (marine, etc.) or something else where most of it is already modeled and they only need to add in a couple of new details for a new figure/unit.

The GOOD news however is that once they got assets done for less ubiquitous models, they can crank them out too, let's just hope they do (Skaven could easily get new stuff for example as they got the basics already established digitally). The bad news is that sculpt (detail) diversity will never be the same as back when it was sculpted by hand as they'll reuse assets wherever possible.

It's a darn shame that the technology that was meant to improve the hobby has begun to negatively affect it's creativity at the same time. This is best seen in the various conversion/kitbash pictures circling around the web, where it seems like more and more green stuff and third party parts are being used to actually get a "unique" feeling in everyone's creations. 


10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Mate thank you so much I truly am grateful!!

As we are grateful for you @KingBrodd, for keeping the spirit of this thread joyful at times where it should be depressing. May the dice always roll what you need Your Swoleness.

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