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56 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Memes aside, if Lumineth is redesigned to be less of an NPE nightmare, I think we'll all benefit.

i doubt it though 😐

At first i was really interested in Lumineth myself but there are so many factors that make them kinda uninvolved... i kinda hate it that teclis just autocasts in a dice centered game...

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I' very impressed with the new Slaanesh points drops. For those not familiar with Slaanesh, the big changes were (from pre GHB points):

- Sigvald 205 (-60)

- Blissbarbs 140 (-30)

- Twinsouls 130 (-35)

- Painbringers 120 (-25)

On a list I've been using well, it dropped 235 points. These are really huge changes.

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4 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

> No SCE points changes 

> Balance battlescroll coming soon

Oh boy am I looking forward to SCE taking nerfs and staying the same points. That sounds like a very reasonable thing to do.

I’m more worried for our celestial scaled brethren the Seraphon.(we got a ton of amazing options already that just got better)

That rumor that they might lose scaley skin is a bit unfortunate if it comes true.

Storm and Star must stand United in these tumultuous times.



Also I bet they won’t touch Krondspine but just use it to make the rumored spider one more juicy. Defensive bonuses and Realm webbing to stop the wild troop charges as big counters could make a fun elemental kaiju war.

Fyreslayer tome is already hinting at new wild volcano elementals stirring beneath the priesthood Lodges so it’s likely gonna be a very long term thing to keep pumping out new kaijus everywhere as this arc’s Endless Spells.

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I'm not actually salty but the idea that LRL need another new book (and mini) to fix the NPE is funny because it's like some elf player at GW was like "my friend only collects for the lore and painting and I'm really bothered by the fact that I can't ruin his experience as well!"


Introducing new and improved NRE! (Negative release experience* *patent pending)

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4 hours ago, cyrus said:

Personally I think is Ogre mawtribes instead of Sons of behemat which received the WD update.

So Ogres vs Gitz battlebox 

Fury of the deep was order vs order 

Oooh I could see this happening!! Drop Sons later after STD in the New Year, New Year New Gargant!!

4 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Hand/Smoke Grenade for Witch Hunter warband is my first guess

Thats a great guess mate.

3 hours ago, Thaliontil said:

Thanks to Martin Orlando for spotting this in the PDF. It seems like we have the new cover for the LRL 3.0 Battletome



WhatsApp Image 2022-06-21 at 3.30.55 PM.jpeg

Im just glad its not recycled art again!! 

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I'm hoping that the LRL book makes other options more viable. Seems like if you are not maxing out on Vanari you are doing it wrong.

Based off the leaks it seems that stonemages got a buff, while the archers got nurfed. Will be interesting since the ballistas went up in points, but nobody really uses the poor thing already.

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6 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

I'd legit buy three of this box if it actually existed. The hope of a new Ogor book is the only thing sustaining me at this point.

Well, I guessed like half the sylvaneth battletome months in advance when I was writing up a custom update as a thought exercise, including Season of War focused around AWW almost point for point, so we’ll see if I’m actually a prophet of AoS. Lol

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So Rings of Power dropped their orc previews today. Absolutely stunning. Now I think this is the next stage the Kruleboyz need. Orruk Nobz / Nobles. Like a caste system with the lowlier Swamp Dwellers and the Nobs being armed with lots of spiky armour and tattered robes…. I don’t know seemed quiet round these parts 😂


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I think correcting mistakes (like the NPE of the Lumineth) benefits everyone and should be considered just as much as releasing new tomes for underserved armies. It sounds strange at first. But personally, I'd profit much more from a better designed Lumineth book, than from blades of Khorne or Gits. There just seem to be more Lumineth players around.

This line of thinking however changes drastically when it comes to proper releases aka tons of new miniatures. Here the LRL just like some other factions have had it pretty good in the near past and should make room for Ogors and the like who've so far gotten very little since AoS was first released.

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If we get Lumineth vs Gloomspite I’d like to see the magical Zaitrec moon people shown off in the box as they have Alarith sized beef with Da Bad Moon.


“The people of Zaitrec don't fear the night, as they revere the ethereal moons of Hysh, waxing and waning as they phase in and out of reality. A Zaitreci may talk to the spirits of these distant moons like to a close friend, asking them to share their knowledge and wisdom with them.

Lunar symbols can be commonly found on robes or armor worn by the people of Zaitrec, while those most closely to the celesital spirits sometime wear a crescent-shaped halo above their heads. 

Many of the spire-cities of Zaitrec claim one of the ethereal moons as their patron, but none is as revered as Celennar, the True Moon of Hysh. Many Aelfs travel great lengths for a chance to gain some of the Lunasphinx wisdom. Those approaching the duo often spare Teclis little attention. "Better to learn from the source than from the mouthpiece" is a common sentiment among the Aelfs of Zaitrec, much to the irritation of the Arch-Mage.

While the Lunar Cults of Zaitrec revere the moons of Hysh, they fear and hate the Bad Moon worshipped by the cave-dwelling Gloomspite Gitz. Many grand rituals and spells have been woven to ward of the malicious moon, but still it moves across the skies of the mortal realms as it pleases.”

3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Thats a great guess mate.

Some have pointed out the hand is pretty meaty.

Gutfort Gutbuster Grenadiers maybe?

33 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Like a caste system with the lowlier Swamp Dwellers and the Nobs being armed with lots of spiky armour and tattered robes….

Oooh. Those would be pretty cool.

the Big Yellers clans of the Realm of Metal have a similar caste system like that in their mechanized fortresses but instead of spikey armor the richest get flashy outfits and drive reverse-engineered Piston-legged Cogforts they outfitted with ballista and giant mecha-choppas to hack down defenses and monsters.


“Big Yellers prefer bright colours and loud sounds over stealth and subtler forms of intimidation. Their laziness mean they spend a lot of their time tinkering with their weapons carrying out "kustom modifikashuns". Thus their Deffspikerz are able to wield superior missile weapons, which also solves the issue of having to walk up close to the enemy. However when the effects of the Waaagh! reaches its height Big Yellers can be motivated to break into a run, albeit for a small time.

The wealthiest of the Big Yellers travel in captured Cogforts which have been heavily modified. These contain firing gantries armed with beast-skewer killbows and massive winch-driven mega-choppas that can smash defences and cut down giant monsters.”



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1 hour ago, Rachmani said:

I think correcting mistakes (like the NPE of the Lumineth) benefits everyone and should be considered just as much as releasing new tomes for underserved armies.

I do agree but I also am of the midset that this company has 30+ years of experience doing this. if you're going to charge premium price then deliver premium product. Imo it shouldn't take 3 friggin books to get there. Im not hating but this lack of polish has pushed me to other games. I do however still use GW minis for said games. 

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It'd explain the lack of points changes to Stormcast, as they simply aren't going to just leave the trinity of Fulminators, Raptors and Stormdrakes untouched, surely. 

I'm just sad it looks like the Stardrakes and big named dragons aren't getting their much needed drops :(

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22 minutes ago, Enoby said:

I hope this means some warscrolls are getting changed - both good and bad, I think warscroll changes are the most satisfying way of dealing with poorly designed warscrolls.


I wonder if we'd see some improvements to Gluttons here. Give them some rend, and now that they can attack in ranks I'm happy as a clam.

Added: I also wouldn't mind seeing Ironguts and Mournfang with Gargant Hackers go up to -2 rend. The Brutes with their 2" weapons get -2 rend, not sure why a 12' sumo wrestler swinging a telephone pole wrapped in barbed wire wouldn't get the same if not better.


Edited by Plinketts Mawtribes
Had more to say
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