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16 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Yknow I was so happy when I saw two destruction tomes because SoB is in such a solid place that I was sure Gitz and Ogors were getting the upgrades they need. This makes me really sad.

Because GW doesn’t base their release on the Meta or the competitiveness of their armies since they plan these out way far in advance. It probably base by how big a release is and where they can put it in their marketing and product schedule (S2D is a big release so they planed it in a open slot in winter, Sylvaneath is a mid size and Skaven is small so they can fit in the summer along with Horus Heresy and CSM release, and so on) 

like CSM and Eldar could have use their rule release a lot sooner but where held back as some of the last codex because their was a planed release with them

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i still think it’s pretty crappy that both armies have had years (if not as bad as skaven or BoC) without a real update or refresh.

i guess I’ll just hope for Ogors when they expand the roadmap in for what’s coming out in winter w s2d.

/resigned sigh for Everwinter jokes

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7 hours ago, Landohammer said:

Having spent the last few years charging my spite revenants into sentinels, snakes, megas, fulminators, and unpainted 2+/5++ dragons, and enjoying a faction win rate hovering around 30%, I am fully prepared to water my trees with everyone's tears.


Dont get your hopes very high because fyreslayers with new book have 38 win rate.

So not all tye new books are good

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On 5/16/2022 at 6:19 PM, Fairbanks said:

Buying the new box for both armies, and praying there will be enough printed to actually get one. 😅

GW tends to overproduce things nowadays. Indomitus broke something within the company and now they think every box will do numbers like that. It's why 3 LGS stores locally to me had pushy GW reps trying to get them to order 200 boxes of the new Blood Bowl EACH.

You can still find stuff like Octarius, Christmas boxes, BT army box, Eldritch Omens etc still being sold in all manner of places, they even stick around the GW site for ages before presumably being pulled off for write-off purposes or for their contents being reboxed.

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45 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

GW tends to overproduce things nowadays. Indomitus broke something within the company and now they think every box will do numbers like that. It's why 3 LGS stores locally to me had pushy GW reps trying to get them to order 200 boxes of the new Blood Bowl EACH.

You can still find stuff like Octarius, Christmas boxes, BT army box, Eldritch Omens etc still being sold in all manner of places, they even stick around the GW site for ages before presumably being pulled off for write-off purposes or for their contents being reboxed.

In this case, it's also Sylvaneth and a half. Skaven players are probably not as enthousiastic, though they are useful models.

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Well, it seems that in June we'll have 30k, in july CSM, and for the last quatrimester, the Squats. Plus other three 40k codexes on the way (WE, DoC, AM) and at least two of them will come with lots of new kits according to the leaks so far. So, I would say the only big thing AoS is gonna receive on the next 12 months it's the StD release

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3 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

GW tends to overproduce things nowadays. Indomitus broke something within the company and now they think every box will do numbers like that. It's why 3 LGS stores locally to me had pushy GW reps trying to get them to order 200 boxes of the new Blood Bowl EACH.

You can still find stuff like Octarius, Christmas boxes, BT army box, Eldritch Omens etc still being sold in all manner of places, they even stick around the GW site for ages before presumably being pulled off for write-off purposes or for their contents being reboxed.

You say this like it's a bad thing. It's pretty great that come Christmas time, I'll be able to find most of this year's big boxes to buy as Christmas Presents. Sure it might not be great for GW's profits but it's good for us, especially if gw decide to do another sale this year. I got Dominion for ¥20,000 last year. In a country where LGS never do sales, it was the best Warhammer deal I've found for a while. 

To get back on the rumour track, what are the chances of 4th edition launching with some new cities of sigmar models in the box? The time frame lines up pretty well, and after the situation with Dominion it might be time for GW to try something new. 

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3 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

GW tends to overproduce things nowadays. Indomitus broke something within the company and now they think every box will do numbers like that. It's why 3 LGS stores locally to me had pushy GW reps trying to get them to order 200 boxes of the new Blood Bowl EACH.


It wasn't just Indomitus. It was 2 years of super abnormal buying practice. GW saw insane growth of sales over that period because suddenly they had people in lockdowns on furlough money who weren't going out. So they had hobby money to spend. 

So its no surprise that its not so much something broke, but that GW has adjusted their production to try and account for a higher demand. Of course at some stage the demand will go down as things return to a level of normality. So GW will likely have a period of adjustment after that to settle into. Also don't forget that sales rates vary over countries and regions. So whilst one local region might not see a huge spike, others will. So some areas will end up with boxes left on the shelf whilst others will find it hard to keep them in stock. 
Another aspect that reared its head with the AoS 3.0 set is that many games stores run on very tight margins. So when that set didn't sell out within the first few weeks of sale, some stores had to sell them at discount to release that money to buy other stock that would sell faster. It's not that it wasn't selling, it just wasn't as hot ticket and wasn't selling out quite as fast as they would like/needed it too. 

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9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

You say this like it's a bad thing. It's pretty great that come Christmas time, I'll be able to find most of this year's big boxes to buy as Christmas Presents. Sure it might not be great for GW's profits but it's good for us, especially if gw decide to do another sale this year. I got Dominion for ¥20,000 last year. In a country where LGS never do sales, it was the best Warhammer deal I've found for a while. 

To get back on the rumour track, what are the chances of 4th edition launching with some new cities of sigmar models in the box? The time frame lines up pretty well, and after the situation with Dominion it might be time for GW to try something new. 

THIS. I am so damn excited at the idea that 4th Edition will launch with new Cities of Sigmar battling off against, wait for it, Skaven.

Its Chaos turn at the 'Big Bad' after Destruction and having a boxed set of completely new models for both sides is such a slam dunk. 

It lines up with the teases putting it at least 2 years away, plenty of time to finish new COS and update a tonne of Skaven minis while there at it.

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

To get back on the rumour track, what are the chances of 4th edition launching with some new cities of sigmar models in the box? The time frame lines up pretty well, and after the situation with Dominion it might be time for GW to try something new. 

It’s possible. I personally doubt it but depends on how popular they are. I suspect if it was to happen, it would be with Stormcast in the force as well but let’s see what direction GW take.


1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Well, it seems that in June we'll have 30k, in july CSM, and for the last quatrimester, the Squats. Plus other three 40k codexes on the way (WE, DoC, AM) and at least two of them will come with lots of new kits according to the leaks so far. So, I would say the only big thing AoS is gonna receive on the next 12 months it's the StD release

I agree with this. Hopefully there will be some more stuff as I think most of the updated books will just be getting a new model (bar STD and Sylvaneth). It’s going to be exciting I think as the new books seem to be good and the Generals Handbook will change things as well

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Nighthaunt just got a small handful of new models and with Sylvaneth getting a significant release soon and then StD, what might the next one be? Seraphon would be an obvious choice and if the latest rumor engine spear turns out to indeed be Seraphon, that might align pretty well with a spring release 2023 for them, as the next big thing a few months after StD.

Still hoping for some updated resin Ogors, a SoB named hero or armored mancrushers and OBR archers with a monster hero, that would be the dream ;)

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14 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:


I agree with this. Hopefully there will be some more stuff as I think most of the updated books will just be getting a new model (bar STD and Sylvaneth). It’s going to be exciting I think as the new books seem to be good and the Generals Handbook will change things as well

But it is concerning if we are talking a 12 month timeframe as opposed to through the rest of the year.  While a lot of books might be fine with a single char and updated rules, I really worry for BoC.

I don't see much change of a new bullgors anymore as ogroids seem to be similar in a lot of ways, even with loadouts options.  They feel like redundant kits, yet the ogroids seem specifically non beast like to be used in both books.  I still feel boc would need at least a medium size release, and it seems unlikely at first glance that two substantial releases would both be chaos without something else in-between.

One thing I theorized was that boc was going to get new models by way of warcry, like a new jabber and shaggoth and/or other new beasties - then a minimal release like suggested - but idk, I feel it's already been a pretty long haul waiting for news.. if they were going that route they probably couldn't release until after those warcry options and it just seems to leave them in 'idefinitelty waiting' again.

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1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

Nighthaunt just got a small handful of new models and with Sylvaneth getting a significant release soon and then StD, what might the next one be? Seraphon would be an obvious choice and if the latest rumor engine spear turns out to indeed be Seraphon, that might align pretty well with a spring release 2023 for them, as the next big thing a few months after StD.

Still hoping for some updated resin Ogors, a SoB named hero or armored mancrushers and OBR archers with a monster hero, that would be the dream ;)

From what @Whitefang has hinted at Sons of Behemat will be getting an upgrade sprue/kit with their new Tome this Autumn!! 

Ogors on the other hand were hinted at not a major release so I could see them just getting an updated Butcher, however!! Thanks to Warcry we could see them getting a Maneater Warband as they seem to not be available in any Online Stores!! Same goes for Seraphon, if they arent updated this Edition (A crime if there surely ever was one) then a unit in Warcry could very well happen.

In regards to Ossiarch I think the Underworlds Warband archer may be a sneak peek at a unit, alongside the Craventhrone Guard Nighthaunt this would be a second ranged unit for the Alliance.

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

From what @Whitefang has hinted at Sons of Behemat will be getting an upgrade sprue/kit with their new Tome this Autumn!! 

I sure hope so, got 6 mancrushers collecting dust most of the time, a new book to rebalance the disparity between bringing 1 mega or 3 mancrushers would be nice, I think everyone would prefer seeing SoB armies with a mix of big and small guys instead of just the usual 4 megas.

That upgrade sprue could end up being the single most important new sprue of the edition ;)

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5 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

In this case, it's also Sylvaneth and a half. Skaven players are probably not as enthousiastic, though they are useful models.

As a skaven player I am very disappointing of the releases.

I wasn’t expecting much, but I am pretty certain that gw could have sated the skaven communities hunger with at least a new boxset of night runners.

as for the battlebox, its not bad, well at least not for the sylv. Players, as of the skaven side, your pobably better of buying the starter set currently existing and adding in a box of clanrats and stormvermin.

The value ist about them same (a few pounds difference), when splitting the box up 50/50.

so to any skavenplayer in this forum, don’t buy the box, unless your friend is at least willing to split it up by 60/40

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1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

I sure hope so, got 6 mancrushers collecting dust most of the time, a new book to rebalance the disparity between bringing 1 mega or 3 mancrushers would be nice, I think everyone would prefer seeing SoB armies with a mix of big and small guys instead of just the usual 4 megas.

That upgrade sprue could end up being the single most important new sprue of the edition ;)

I cannot wait to see what monster awaits us!! A bearded beastie with his little helpers!!

33 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So one of destruction autumn tome is for sons of behemat ? I thought it was ogor mawtribes and gloomspite

Whitefang heavily implied Sons of Behemat. It would make sense as the Sons original release date was April 2020 but were delayed to October due to Covid.

This would be over 2 years since their original release and an upgrade sprue added into the Mega Kit completely changes the Faction.

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54 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


Whitefang heavily implied Sons of Behemat. It would make sense as the Sons original release date was April 2020 but were delayed to October due to Covid.

This would be over 2 years since their original release and an upgrade sprue added into the Mega Kit completely changes the Faction.

But...why? It's been almost 4 years since Ogors got their book, and they need the update far more than Sons do. I'm not even talking about models; I'm willing to keep the ****** resin if I can just get some new rules to stop Ogors from sucking hard.

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2 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

But...why? It's been almost 4 years since Ogors got their book, and they need the update far more than Sons do. I'm not even talking about models; I'm willing to keep the ****** resin if I can just get some new rules to stop Ogors from sucking hard.

Because GW is trolling us is what I’ve come up with. It makes no sense to me, either.

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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

You say this like it's a bad thing.

When GW is destroying stock that won't sell rather than recycle or discount it, it is :( GW shareholders cannot expect the pandemic boom to continue. 

3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

It’s possible. I personally doubt it but depends on how popular they are. I suspect if it was to happen, it would be with Stormcast in the force as well but let’s see what direction GW take.


I could see 4.0's box being one or two Stormcast attached to a new Cities/Dawnbringer force. It would not only change up the Stormcast vs X, but it doesn't stop GW from putting out a separate Cities launch box. IIRC, the Thunderstrike Brotherhood Start Collecting was supposed to be used with the 1.0 starter set so you could get a full 5 Retributors?  So there's precedent for GW doing two big boxes that fit together.

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Sons is not a bad candidate for a tome all things considered. If things are shifting from monsters to focus more on battleline, having rules written to keep them competitive/ engaging with that is a good thing. Hoping they have as inventive of a tome as Nighthaunt and Nurgle have gotten.

Ogres is my army, but im not sad to not see anything for them. I think the sculpts have aged pretty well, and I'll be damned if I'll let my bias say we should get a range update before lizardmen and skaven xD. Really, I'm fine waiting. I just hope we get two major things in our release.

- A new tome with interesting and fluffy rules, that offer gimmicks/ tricks and fun systems in our Allegiance abilities. Eating or Hungry is pretty bland and boring when you compare it to Bloodtithe, Nighthaunt, or Nurgle.

- A new, plastic butcher kit with the option to make a Slaughter Master. Really the main kit we REALLY need. Yehti, Gorger being the two next in line, with Cats then Gnoblar being my next in line. 

Give me those, and im happy. Let the other factions get the big model refreshers, or new and exciting armies/factions. 

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47 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

But...why? It's been almost 4 years since Ogors got their book, and they need the update far more than Sons do. I'm not even talking about models; I'm willing to keep the ****** resin if I can just get some new rules to stop Ogors from sucking hard.

Mate Id love to know, why did GW give DOK 2 books in such a short space of time? GW does what it does.

33 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

Sons is not a bad candidate for a tome all things considered. If things are shifting from monsters to focus more on battleline, having rules written to keep them competitive/ engaging with that is a good thing. Hoping they have as inventive of a tome as Nighthaunt and Nurgle have gotten.

Ogres is my army, but im not sad to not see anything for them. I think the sculpts have aged pretty well, and I'll be damned if I'll let my bias say we should get a range update before lizardmen and skaven xD. Really, I'm fine waiting. I just hope we get two major things in our release.

- A new tome with interesting and fluffy rules, that offer gimmicks/ tricks and fun systems in our Allegiance abilities. Eating or Hungry is pretty bland and boring when you compare it to Bloodtithe, Nighthaunt, or Nurgle.

- A new, plastic butcher kit with the option to make a Slaughter Master. Really the main kit we REALLY need. Yehti, Gorger being the two next in line, with Cats then Gnoblar being my next in line. 

Give me those, and im happy. Let the other factions get the big model refreshers, or new and exciting armies/factions. 

I think if we get the 1 model treatment it will absolutely be a Butcher/Slaughtermaster mini. I 100% agree on the Yehtees and Gorgers too, especially after seeing the Blood Bowl Yeti!!

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Mate Id love to know, why did GW give DOK 2 books in such a short space of time? GW does what it does.

I think if we get the 1 model treatment it will absolutely be a Butcher/Slaughtermaster mini. I 100% agree on the Yehtees and Gorgers too, especially after seeing the Blood Bowl Yeti!!

Honestly, if we could choose between new models and a new book I'd take the new book in a heartbeat. Our rules are simply bad compared to almost every other army out there.

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