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3 minutes ago, Lengthster said:

I wonder if Cities of Sigmar will go the way of Orruk Warclans with several souped factions.

They said several times the focus would be very much on humans.

That sounds to me like a "brace yourselves, Dispossessed and Wanderers collectors."

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Just now, Lavieth said:

Yes, but those are both new AoS armies. I feel like GW would know it's a massive missed opportunity to not update the globaliers and night/gutter runners. Not giving fairly new armies new units isn't as big of a missed opportunity in my opinion. Its unfortunate for those armies, but at least those rantes all have a unified look. The skaven are currently have multiple units that don't even blend in with the existing faction.

Unless I missed it, has this whitefang fellow even suggested there won't be anything beyond a new plastic character?

I don't know, would be fun to summon him like a great chaos demon to know if there's anything more planned for the rats if you want


The biiiiiiiiig lack of leaks is starving me 


(I don't know how to quote people on TGA)

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I am really disappointed for Skaven and the fact that we got no indication whatsoever on the fall tomes. However one thing I am really happy about, the sylvaneth release is the first instance of an actual new unit (ie. not a lone character model) being added to an AoS unique faction other than Stormcast (which really don't count) and Lumineth (which was honestly one release that was arbitrarily split into two for some reason). That's pretty exciting and gives some hope for factions like Ironjawz or Fireslayers that there isn't some company mandate to never update existing factions. 

Edit: Nevermind, the crossboos exist and I'm sure I'm missing something else. Ok, just disappointment then haha. 

Edited by Grimrock
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The new sylvaneth models are cool, although I found the flying archers to be a bit boring? Like I get that it makes sense, and flying archers are objectively a useful thing in-narrative (in rules I suspect they'll either be chaff or competing directly with kurnoth hunters), but I tend to prefer when they get a bit weirder like with the bug cavalry.

I'm a bit disappointed that sylvaneth are getting the update though, Skaven are in desperate need of a refresh (among other armies). 

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Sad day for the Skaven players... Those 20 year old kits are getting stretched for a little while longer with the minimal effort a faction gets these days (book + a single foot hero). 

Sylvaneth expansion did seem interesting to me. It's good to see that faction fleshed out more and I for one, don't mind that it's more towards the elf + insect side. 

Chaos tease is just to remove the bad aftertaste of potato cam pictures recently? :D

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As a new player who just bought a ****** ton of Cities units not sure how to feel right now (two just came in the mail today lol).................... Sort of freaking out.

Like the wording is just so perfect. They made it sound like they are removing all the non human elements from the faction as well as replacing all the human elements as well!! 

Not sure if they often remove that many units from the game so not sure what to do

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I wonder if DawnBringer Crusade moulds will also be the basis for The Old World releases. I can see generic fantasy human, elf and dwarf troops with AOS and TOW themed upgrade spruces or resin add on kits. Similar to the plastic mk 3 & 4 marines and shoulderpads. 

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6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They said several times the focus would be very much on humans.

That sounds to me like a "brace yourselves, Dispossessed and Wanderers collectors."

I mean "focus being very much on humans" doesn't have to mean "there'll be no Duardin or Elves".

Best case scenario, what we already have stays/even gets updated.

Worst case scenario, the other races will be relegated to unit variety roles (e.g.: weapon/vehicle crews, mixed into mostly human units, etc.), and the already existing units get Legended-ed (can't say Squatted anymore, eh?)

Also, for me at least, this CoS revamp announcement is the biggest thing in this entire Warhammer Fest reveal week.
My favorite faction getting totally revamped? Sisters of Battle style? CAD renders look amazing already? I'm scared I won't even care about Horus Heresy by Saturday!

Edited by Asbestress
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5 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

I wonder if DawnBringer Crusade moulds will also be the basis for The Old World releases. I can see generic fantasy human, elf and dwarf troops with AOS and TOW themed upgrade spruces or resin add on kits. Similar to the plastic mk 3 & 4 marines and shoulderpads. 

Well they made a big deal about how ‘these aren’t the old world, they’re definitely Age of Sigmar!’ (Even though every bit we saw would have fit just fine in The Empire). 

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Good for Sylvaneth, though the Lady of Vines edged it closer they remain an army im always kinda nearly thinking of collecting :D

The Deathmaster was one of the least necessary, if not the least necessary resin update needed for Skaven, especially with the underworlds set. Its bit gutting really, even as an Eshin player! Fingers crossed for Night runners in Warcry tomorrow i guess? 

the rest is good but not too interesting personally, though i do very much like a faction changing grand alliance officially.

I think people might be over egging Dawnbringers being all human, its a fact that elves and dwarves have had whole new armies while Humans for AoS could probably be counted on your fingers, its basically a meme. So i guess a lot of the new figures will be Human but probably not all, and i doubt they will Khemri the rest of the non humans in the CoS ranges! 

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10 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

Yes, but those are both new AoS armies. I feel like GW would know it's a massive missed opportunity to not update the globaliers and night/gutter runners. Not giving fairly new armies new units isn't as big of a missed opportunity in my opinion. Its unfortunate for those armies, but at least those rantes all have a unified look. The skaven are currently have multiple units that don't even blend in with the existing faction.

Unless I missed it, has this whitefang fellow even suggested there won't be anything beyond a new plastic character?

I know Whitefang reacted to my post of Sylvaneath being the lucky one to get models between the two upcoming armies 

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11 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They said several times the focus would be very much on humans.

That sounds to me like a "brace yourselves, Dispossessed and Wanderers collectors."

I swear to Nagash, Gorkamorka and Malerion - if they squat even one more WHFB faction, I'm done with this game. 

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7 minutes ago, edmc78 said:

I wonder if DawnBringer Crusade moulds will also be the basis for The Old World releases. I can see generic fantasy human, elf and dwarf troops with AOS and TOW themed upgrade spruces or resin add on kits. Similar to the plastic mk 3 & 4 marines and shoulderpads. 

Th said they where going to be extremely different from the Empire of Old and more Age of Sigmar like but take that as you will

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Listening to the stream now and Eddie in fact just specifically said the other factions will be around but humans have been neglected and will be front and centre of this release (Around 53:50 ish in the stream VOD)

Also, totally going to make a Vagrant Sister of Silence character out of that vampire :D

Edited by Noserenda
extra point
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4 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

The Deathmaster was one of the least necessary, if not the least necessary resin update needed for Skaven, especially with the underworlds set. Its bit gutting really, even as an Eshin player! Fingers crossed for Night runners in Warcry tomorrow i guess? 

I want to have hopes, but we already know that what's comign to warcry are just two new std warbands (the legionnaires and horns of hashut)


Hope I'm wrong

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15 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

As a new player who just bought a ****** ton of Cities units not sure how to feel right now (two just came in the mail today lol).................... Sort of freaking out.

Like the wording is just so perfect. They made it sound like they are removing all the non human elements from the faction as well as replacing all the human elements as well!! 

Not sure if they often remove that many units from the game so not sure what to do

You can always return them? But there's a good chance you can simply proxy those units; tourney rules are only sticklers about non-GW plastic. 

COS was always technically in limbo, though I don't know if they'll fully squat it. Recent battletomes removing warscroll abilities in favor of (sub)faction abilities means old Cities units could be repurposed with new faction keywords, rather than squatted.

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15 minutes ago, novakai said:

Th said they where going to be extremely different from the Empire of Old and more Age of Sigmar like but take that as you will

Which is a bit of a weird thing to say when their first preview image is... very Empire-esq accessories. 

Ironically, the Freeguilders shown in the Skaven video have a far more 'generic fantasy city guard' look to them than anything in the Old World range.



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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The follow up article for Dawnbringers https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/05/revealed-the-massive-project-to-put-mortals-back-into-mortal-realms/

Again they say this is "new concepts and miniatures grounded in the lore… but also quite unlike anything you’ve seen before" ...and yet the description on the CAD renders is "These are some of the insignia, emblems, and symbols that will come with your models to demonstrate their rather macabre dedication to the God-King" which sounds EXACTLY like things we've seen before in both WHFB and 40k...

Edited by CommissarRotke
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Btw, if revealing only one skaven was a marketing strategy for more announcements to come, it's totally backfiring on them. All skavendom is kinda raging at the internet, and some have even started to criticize the new model (in my opinion, a bit unfair given that it's a cool model and removes a finecast one, even if it wasn't that needed) which I'm sure it's not very good for GW's business atm

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Btw, if revealing only one skaven was a marketing strategy for more announcements to come, it's totally backfiring on them. All skavendom is kinda raging at the internet, and some have even started to criticize the new model (in my opinion, a bit unfair given that it's a cool model and removes a finecast one, even if it wasn't that needed) which I'm sure it's not very good for GW's business atm

They usually mentions if something's is more to come and the article seems to say that Underworld warband and the new hero will be the only new models sadly.

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Just now, Garrac said:

Btw, if revealing only one skaven was a marketing strategy for more announcements to come, it's totally backfiring on them. All skavendom is kinda raging at the internet, and some have even started to criticize the new model (in my opinion, a bit unfair given that it's a cool model and removes a finecast one, even if it wasn't that needed) which I'm sure it's not very good for GW's business atm

I mean do you think GW will care?

like I bet it will be drown out by the Space marine euthoria this Saturday with Horus Heresy

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