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Everything posted by Adamcbutton

  1. We all know what the real consequences of the Great Horned Rat’s recognition will be. Give us human GHR cultists in Warcry, you cowards.
  2. Are the Pyregheists themed around hunting? I thought they were just burning stuff.
  3. Those diamond-shaped… connectors? Hoops? are all over Kruleboyz minis - see the Hobgrot grenade handles and the hoops on the Gutrippaz banner. Obviously other factions might use them too but it’s an established design element for that faction, as is the jagged metal spike
  4. I think that’s the Gorewarden, he’s in exactly the same pose as the one on the cover and they have the same eyes
  5. Set the next season in a ruined dawnbringer settlement, have a starter set with flagellants vs gutter runners!
  6. Depends on the type of undead. As a zombie or skeleton you’re probably fine, as there isn’t really any sentience there. Nighthaunt though are all about being punished by Nagash. Bladegheist Revenants for example spend their entire existence experiencing their last moments - and seeing as they’re all the souls of people who died frantically trying to escape being trapped (drowning in confined spaces, buried alive) etc, it’s a pretty miserable afterlife
  7. I hope this is true. I didn’t see too many hints for what the Ossiarch warband might look like - the descriptions just sounded like Kavalos Deathriders. Most Warcry warbands this season have had a ‘pet’ of sorts. I could see OBR having some kind of dog/hyena-like constructs.
  8. No, there was Dagnai Holdenstock from Cursed City
  9. My guess is, the eggs are how this season of Underworlds is going to justify why people keep coming back to life. Previous seasons had the Katrophane Curse and Shadeglass that kept resurrecting fighters - given the eldritch setting here, something weird like being reborn in the eggs isn’t too far fetched.
  10. This isn’t a battle box, it’s two bundles with a start collecting and half of the Loonwar battle box that was released a couple of years ago. I’m guessing GW had some leftover copies of the art that was in that box and wanted to shift it, so put these bundles online
  11. Based on the mechanics introduced in this season, probably Eshin. Harrowdeep introduced the ‘Assassin’ keyword, but as of yet none of the three new warbands have used it.
  12. That’s be a lot of work for something even fewer people would buy than a new warband, this is probably just art for one of the new upgrade cards as it shows an illusory spear. Every season has had a new gimmick for upgrade weapons like shade glass, amber bone etc.
  13. They revealed what this Big Guy is the other day, it’s going to be a Bloodspawn similar to how Nurgle gets a Rotspawn
  14. Warscroll Builder’s been updated and is showing the Marshcrawla Sloggoth as a Kruleboyz unit, hopefully this means the keyword will be added to its warscroll soon.
  15. In Blood Bowl this isn’t strictly true - there’s whole teams with official rules but no models, like Norse, Amazons, Chaos Dwarfs and so on. Even teams with GW models don’t necessarily have them for all their players - there’s still no Blood Bowl Kroxigor and the Lizardman team was released years ago. That said, I can see this being a Forge World release shortly after the Khorne team comes out, as Nurgle has their Forge World big guy with the Rotspawn.
  16. No sign of the vulture Kruleboy that we saw either - I wonder if this means it is just an alternate build for one of the Gitrippaz
  17. It’ll most likely be similar in size to the existing Necromantic werewolves which are roughly human-sized:
  18. The warband leaders aren’t always a named version of an existing hero though (Thorns of the Briar Queen, Ylthari’s Guardians, Skaeth’s Wild Hunt, Rippa’s Snarlfangs, the Dread Pageant, Kainan’s Reapers). Given the design of this grot with chains as snares, we could be getting a Snatchaboss on foot, which is something we haven’t already seen.
  19. “Yeah, there's no rumors about mini "normal gnashtoof", but if we wanna reflect on that: out of Gargants, there is an army without cavalry?“ A few: Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Sylvaneth, Skaven, and Flesh-Eater Courts
  20. Man, I hope the troll is easy to build, it’s the model that convinced me to get the Kruleboyz and if it’s easy to build it’ll be a good lot cheaper than it would otherwise.
  21. Torgillius can’t show up until you hit a certain level, and Radukar has the same restriction under normal circumstances but I believe can spawn early due to end-of-game ‘extraction’ events. I’m not sure about the Vargskyr, but the rest of the villains can definitely appear at level 0.
  22. Legions of Nagash never had a keyword on the war scrolls though: you added ‘Legion of Blood’ etc to the models you chose to use, but otherwise the units only had their own keywords without a faction one.
  23. How does Belladamma’s spell that adds exploding 6s interact with zombies? Would they deal 2 mortal wounds on a 6, or one and an extra hit that must roll to wound?
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