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The Rumour Thread

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Regarding the male female thing as a last word, with my eyesight unless I've got my nose planted on the matt then I' won't be able to see what they are past thin blur, thicker blur, so honestly it doesn't bother me either way.  I don't play this game for existential and metaphysical philosophy and ruminating.  I mean, if you got a marauder or beastman army you'll be using a dustpan and brush to sweep up your casualties anyway, so what they are is of little point given how long they hang around!

This also serves to highlight what a great army chaos dwarfs are.  When you have a hat that big, from the air nobody can see if you got chesticles or not. Simples.


Anyhoo, firstly will a shadow daemon be as awesome as the original and best shadow demon from the D&D cartoons?


Secondly, do we think that perhaps the pre teaser teasers are actually due to logistical difficulties and to by time?

Reason I ask this is because I'm thinking to the blood bowl viking warband, and I get the feeling that was pushed forward perhaps because it hit the shores first.  The reason I say that is because it was only revealed at adepticon several weeks ago. Typically from reveal is several months to hitting the shelves. Much smaller window this time, hence my musings.


Has anyone else thought that the new picture actually has a massive cthulhu style big thing with one eye and a thing on the right with a tentacle face  staring down at the lone figure with the torch in its hand on top of the obvious crouchy thing ?


As a total left of field (and of course utterly wrong and more wrong) what if it's the grand army of the first prince? shadow daemons not aligned to any god?  "sworn enemies of the physical world."   It'll give our boy belakor a family of his own at last.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Is that our first look at a Shadow Daemon!?

Well not the first thanks to the Harrowdeep book.


I like the art keeps their eldritch headless nature.

1 hour ago, Beliman said:

From Core book:


Yeah, I grinned big time at the moons finally be involved again. Besides Da Bad Moon it’s been too long since the countless arcane moons of the realms had a good presence in the plot since stuff like the Realmgate Wars dealing with a low orbiting Aqshy moon that pulled combatants into the aether(well there’s the Shyishian Ghoul Star from Malign Portents whose starlight turned people into deadwalkers but that’s a star. That’s a whole other thing like the majority of Azyr stars being giant gold & obsidian balls of celestium that the Seraphon colonize and change accurately to show portents of the future or horoscopes)

The quivering half-eaten prey moons of Ghur, alchemical and clockwork chiming moons of Chamon that keep time, ethereal spirit moons of Hysh that fade in and out of reality, once-verdant habitable moons of Ghyran now rotten from Maggotkin invaders, Azyrian moons that either celestial baronies on them or contain their own Shadow daemons hidden from Sigmar’s light and the Silver moons of Shyish that Nagash cleansed of all life to ghost moons like Lunaghast that battle Da Bad Moon:


All these amazing cosmic bodies need to be explored much more.(hopefully one day either a Seraphon or Kharadron update with new void-faring ships will do the job of getting a close up view of these places)


Also cool to see the Order of Azyr agent with cats. They’re very important in the Realms.

”All cats are able to perceive ethereal or otherworldly beings, which is especially valued in the Free Cities of the Realm of Shyish such as Glymmsforge,”

“Realm of Shyish: Small, black cats are native to Shyish and few of the living bother them as besides dealing with vermin, they can detect unseen things and hence many a haunting shade or alleyghast has been revealed by the warning hiss of a cat. A cat is even a part of the city of Glymmsforge’s amethyst-and-sable heraldry in recognition of their importance to the city defences.”

Despite the folktales, cats have no king. Only a queen……. Did you know that there were once many gods? Some… escaped. They slipped between the cracks in the realms, where even the Ruinous Powers dare not go. One of those gods was the mother of all cats. The first ones, at least. She left her children in every realm. Some were big, some small. Some weren’t really cats at all. But all gods leave a little of themselves behind, when they go. An echo, a whisper.”

-Soul Wars

Edited by Baron Klatz
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My hot take is that Be’lekor get shadow demons sometime in the future since he has been active in Ulgu since AoS started and was the one who hire Skaven assassin in BR and everything in Harrowdeep is actually related to him.

also base in the 40K rumor there is suppose to be a daemon update and the shadow demon in AoS are rainstorm daemons in 40K or at least that my theory.

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16 minutes ago, novakai said:

My hot take is that Be’lekor get shadow demons sometime in the future since he has been active in Ulgu since AoS started and was the one who hire Skaven assassin in BR and everything in Harrowdeep is actually related to him.

also base in the 40K rumor there is suppose to be a daemon update and the shadow demon in AoS are rainstorm daemons in 40K or at least that my theory.

This would fit with Be'lakor's history. He was known as the Shadowlord back in Mordheim and basically created a giant aura of darkness emanating from him.

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I don't have it in front of me right now but the Lumineth tome has a snippet on a Zenith envoy being captured by shadow demons who work for Malerion. The Zenith mage manages to escape but decides to keep the demons' attack a secret, in order to not put a dent into diplomatic relationships between Malerion and the Lumineth. 

Edited by Maogrim
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If it’s a Chaos warband of Eshin & Shadow daemons(who at this time work for Belakor instead of Malerion their usual shadow god) it also supports my theory of possibly seeing Clans Shrykt emerge from their Gnaw-hole in Aqshy and being far more warped and daemonic to play heavily on the new and stronger connection between Skaven and their place in the Chaos Pantheon with daemonic Skaven to back up the greater daemon verminlords.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, Sabotage! said:

I have a suspicion those are dogs, not cats, and that almost is certainly a witch hunter in that picture.

Maybe the Starter should be Witch Hunters vs. Eshin Skaven and the new season could be called Mordheim: City of the Damned.

I'll admit as a lifelong cat owner my eyes have a bias on identifying those shapes as cats immediately, but on top of the excerpt @Baron Klatz posted being a mechanical reason, it'd be a simple way of creating a Witch Hunter for AOS that isn't entirely a throwback to Old World. 

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