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12 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I think, it is pretty clear at that, even If I wouldn’t have minded waiting for a good range update.

but there is literally no other chaos faction that even hints towards a mischief unlike the skaven.

Even if we consider the word mischief for well having done something mischievous the rats would be the only faction really fitting that description.

as for order, it is either going to be lumineth or sylvaneth, what else could there be.

cities and seraphons very likely won’t be getting a tome, thx to their update in the white dwarf, ko, are dwarfs, and not even the real sturdy dwarfs we know and love, and we are already getting a naked dwarf battletome, so they are very unlikely to get one either, and with stormcast already having theirs, we are basically left with well the already mentioned factions.


ever vigilants of the ever queen ? sylvaneth is a safe bet !

Battlebox could contain only new miniatures as the recent Eldritch omens box for 40K (at a crazy price :) )

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52 minutes ago, novakai said:

I am guessing everyone is assuming it just another FOMO box for the summer tomes?

Judging by their presentation of it as two tomes coming together, it would make sense to be another FOMO box. 

1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Skaven vs. anything feels kinda right, if I may add that comment. 
Even a skaven vs. skaven box release would feel just like a natural perfect fit.


Yes, skaven vs their greatest enemy, other skaven! No other faction represented a greater threat to them.

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17 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Judging by their presentation of it as two tomes coming together, it would make sense to be another FOMO box

I’m guessing so too.

but hey if they are going to put 20 metal skryre acolytes and lots and lots of metal skryre weapon teamsc while selling the whole vs. boxset for 100-200bugs, any

 skavenplayer would call that a great deal, even if they wouldn’t buy it, because those models look so awful

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34 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I’m guessing so too.

but hey if they are going to put 20 metal skryre acolytes and lots and lots of metal skryre weapon teamsc while selling the whole vs. boxset for 100-200bugs, any

 skavenplayer would call that a great deal, even if they wouldn’t buy it, because those models look so awful

Sadly I doubt it will have a good amount of new sculpts. They generally make one big new release per semester and Eldar seems to be the big release on this one. A new foot hero is a given, but I wouldn't expect more than a new unit/models for a existing unit if we are lucky.

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29 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Sadly I doubt it will have a good amount of new sculpts. They generally make one big new release per semester and Eldar seems to be the big release on this one. A new foot hero is a given, but I wouldn't expect more than a new unit/models for a existing unit if we are lucky.

There have been two to three big model waves per year for AoS alone since the start of second edition fairly consistently. If Skaven come out in summer and there is no big AoS release until then, it's totally possible that the Skaven release could be pretty sizable.

Even if it's not, I think there is a chance of at least new Eshin models or something like that.

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49 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Sadly I doubt it will have a good amount of new sculpts. They generally make one big new release per semester and Eldar seems to be the big release on this one. A new foot hero is a given, but I wouldn't expect more than a new unit/models for a existing unit if we are lucky.

Yes, now if they are putting in the old sculpted skryre acolytes and 20 of them, we might be able to call it a boxset with the greatest value.

after all, if I’m not mistaken 20 acolytes currently cost 400dollars, 

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22 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

There have been two to three big model waves per year for AoS alone since the start of second edition fairly consistently. If Skaven come out in summer and there is no big AoS release until then, it's totally possible that the Skaven release could be pretty sizable.

Even if it's not, I think there is a chance of at least new Eshin models or something like that.

I sure hope they end getting one of the big releases this year, as the skaven range really need a update!

I just think is a little early to know. We still don't know if Nighthaunt or DoK will be getting more models or just what is in the box and Nighthaunt have a good amount of rumor enginees that seems to belong to their models aesthetic.

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13 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Random lore tidbit, but the Harrowdeep book confirms Halflings are a thing in the Mortal Realms. I know most people guessed so by Glutos' chef, but I remember some people still being sceptical. 

Cast down the false prophet of the Bleached Fang, embrace the (n)Everchosen of Wishlisting, the Word Bearer of Halflings, @Neverchosen

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All we can draw from Tome Celestial is the army wont get a book in the next 3-6 months. Its a good thing rather than the awful imbalances 40k is dealing with right now but the release schedule is mayhem right now and gets vaguer as things get further out, they might already have a handful of Tome + Hero releases done and ready to go pretty much just waiting for a fit in the production schedule, or if a more involved revamp gets stuck in the Suez canal, stolen by Covid empowered monkeys or whatever :D 

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23 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

The "Ever vigilant" part made me immediately thinkg of Cities of Sigmar or Duardin.

To be realistic however: It's going to be Lumineth wave XY....

I’m not certain that lumineth will be getting much, should they be released in summer.

after all most of the new stuff is basically reserved for 40k from the looks of it.

but personally, I’d be extremely afraid of a new battletome update for the lumineth at this point.

what will they do when a good chunk of rules get removed from their scrolls😂

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43 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

It's the Logister Chamber. Sneaky of GW to release it via comic strip.

Haha, I was about to comment on that. The Logister Chamber was made back in the Age of Intrigue(2017 after the Seeds of Hope campaign re-established cities in the Realms) for pretty much that goal.

Would be great for an edition starter that focuses on the Realm of Metal. Ordinator engineers, new mobile artillery & Stormcast flying vessels to navigate the mercurial realm’s shifting lands and sub-realms while trying to help it’s central realmgates recover and aid the Dispossessed’s efforts of building massive railway systems across the continents(mentioned in the Corebook) to help with the trade situation so Kharadron don’t get a monopoly on it with their vast air power.

(Also just love the comic, great art!)

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35 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

not a rumour but a wishlist but fun nonetheless


Newly found Dawnbringer city and Clan Eshin has snuck in (always been there) and tried to proper make them look like mugs, leads to street level brawls between militia/warbands and sneaky bois, yeah, I'd like that very much. 

Edited by Black_Templar_Lad
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12 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Newly found Dawnbringer city and Clan Eshin has snuck in (always been there) and tried to proper make them look like mugs, leads to street level brawls between militia/warbands and sneaky bois, yeah, I'd like that very much. 

Those are some awesome predictions.

hope they come true.

although even a clan eshin  warcry box would be fantastic 

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I’d honestly prefer Warcry to become more wide-ranging like UnderWorlds is than to try and become one location(The Eight-Points itself is already an entire dimension on itself). The scenarios they made so you could do Warcry in Ulfenkarn after a Vyrkos’ treasure, the battle scenario in the Realm of Light to simulate the Teclis campaign there against Ossiarchs and even the fall of Anvilgard was really neat.

So I’d say put it on a Dawner’s Megalith that got charged with too much god energy and now flying around on it’s own with the city on the orbiting land mass having to survive, fight off intrepid warbands trying to take over from the parts of realms it collided with and the city leaders regretting naming their city WarKrye. 

Edit: (Would make fun warband teaser heralds too. “Attention citizens of WarKrye! We are now entering Hyshian Aetherspace and approaching a vast mountain. Prepare yourselves for boarders from Zenith Temple Zephyr-skimmer airships & the “noble” ghoul courts of that mountain!”)

But that said I expect the 3 year cycle to not hold this time with Red Harvest only a few months out and still so much in the Catacombs we’ve not touched yet with all those other icons. :P 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I know we all constantly speculate about which armies get an update/refresh, but its possible that the summer release is a brand new army. Looking back over the last few years, the largest releases have been for big shiny new armies like Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, & Lumineth realmlords. There have been some sizeable updates as well (Slannesh, Gloomspite, Kruelboyz, Stormcast, etc) all represent large editions or complete reworks to existing armies. 

Soulblight I feel is an oddity, with a much larger update than expected. I still feel many of the units in that launch were intended for the Cursed City line, but got pushed into the Soulblight release due to production timing issues. 

I'd like to see some of the older forces get updated as well, but I think we're due for a brand new army at some point in 2022. It makes sense from a business perspective to keep expanding the brand, while quietly semi-retiring the older  model lines. 

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5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Those are some awesome predictions.

hope they come true.

although even a clan eshin  warcry box would be fantastic 

A Dawnbringer crusade presented as a new city tied into a new codex for Cities of Sigmar would be awesome. Gain a whole new city, and at the same time be able to release some updated human Fanatics and Freeguild units that could be used across all the Cities armies. 


I'm betting on Dwarves though. All that Grungi/White dwarf lore out there, I'm expecting something to happen with the dwarves. OR possibly chaos dwarves. Either way, something beardy.. 

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9 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

You realize all we have to do is say the word "halflings" about 25 more times in this thread, based on nothing at all, and we will all convince ourselves that they are a real thing, right? (ref: darkoath, vampirates, etc.)



if they're halflings we have to say it 50 times

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