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15 hours ago, Noserenda said:

I mean, its entirely possible to have e-rules without a crappy app and subscription model, one of my biggest problems with the current app is it not running on PCs!

Would be neat if they did have an app for windows pcs. Since windows 11 will get the amazon app store later this year (let's see if it's true), I asked if they could put it out on the amazon app store at least.

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2 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

This new Yhetee looks a bit too generic fantasy for me - although this is just fine for Blood Bowl. I hope any new Yhetee for Age of Sigmar keeps the lanky-fast look. (As an aside, I rebased my old unit of Yhetees last month. Reminded me how much charm they have!).


I hope they keep this aesthetic as well and simply update it. I also wouldnt be surprised that if they did they made it a dual kit with an alternate Gorger build!!

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I don't know what everyone is on about that Yhetee is plenty lanky just with more musclemass and some sports gear. I would assume that using that as a template for the design we can assume the AOS ones are going to be a little leaner and not have to wear regulation Blood Bowl protective gear. 

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22 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I don't know what everyone is on about that Yhetee is plenty lanky just with more musclemass and some sports gear. I would assume that using that as a template for the design we can assume the AOS ones are going to be a little leaner and not have to wear regulation Blood Bowl protective gear. 

Mate if we get AOS Yehtees I'll lose my mind. My Ogors live in the forests of Ghur with a trio of Mega Gargant brothers. I'm planning on making my Yehtees be more of a Sasquatch, inspired by Max Brooks Devolution novel looking like a Gigantopithecus. Basically a massive violent Orangtuan.

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This is the Top 8 for the 2022 LVO:

  1. James O’Brien (Stormcast Eternals – Dragons with Gardus)
  2. Jeremy LeFebvre (Cities of Sigmar - Phoenicium with Assassins)
  3. Gavin Grigar (Cities of Sigmar – Living City with Dragons and Fulminators)
  4. Jiwan Noah Singh (Ironjawz - 2 Mawkrushas)
  5. Mrigank Jha (Stormcast Eternals - Annihilators with Raptors)
  6. Russ Tanner (Ogor Mawtribes - Bloodgullet with Yetis)
  7. Nate Tretanelli (Nighthaunt - Emerald Host with Nagash)
  8. Levan Sichinava (Soulblight Gravelords)

Source with some extra things from Discord: https://www.goonhammer.com/lvo-day-2-the-field-narrows/ 

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yes u dont need to be a genious to know meta would totally change with last faq....

despite some haters claiming it would stay the same. was obvious seraphon would go down a lot of with the big nerf on salamanders and the nonsensical nerf on basti, only stegagedon would remain as strong, but it was some notchs weaker.

lumi got hard nefed with the nerf to the allready expensive archers AND nerfed overwatch.

tzench lossing archaon was huge too. etc etc


but behemat didnt get any nerf despite being on top. stormcast got even buffed!! despite having lot of crazy op scrolls, only because sc players in tournament didnt know how to play or noone wanted to do ok to avoid the balance lol

vampires wasnt touched, dok has won more despite the nerf on snakes dont know why.


Some SC scrolls were totally absurded since the beggining and cant understand how GW didnt faqed balanced them like dragons, and even avoided the faq nerf.. raptors deserve a nerf, since they have been spamed for years, and fulminators??? even at 300points would be a bartain, 220 is crazy, they do more than double dmg my eels. for only 25p per example...

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1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:



The 40k battlebox.

7 Sundays more before the Adeption preview and we only know:
- The AoS Battlebox

- A bunch of Combat Patrols

- The Eldar release

- A Kill Team box 

There being actually no news is why they're pitching this week on community having a lot of news and announcements, supposedly.

There kind of has to be, at this point they haven't even properly announced the Kill Team box or Eldar Codex, much less anything at all for AoS except that one box.  They've got max 1.5 weeks worth of stuff without additional news.

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2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



The 40k battlebox.

7 Sundays more before the Adeption preview and we only know:
- The AoS Battlebox

- A bunch of Combat Patrols

- The Eldar release

- A Kill Team box 

One weekend will be black library, with the 2 plastic marines from heresy horus.


But yea, little news. Maybe this will help:


We ushered in a whole host of reveals at LVO, but that was just the start. Next week we’re diving into a sizzling slate of news and announcements,


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17 minutes ago, zamerion said:

One weekend will be black library, with the 2 plastic marines from heresy horus.


But yea, little news. Maybe this will help:



18 minutes ago, madmac said:

There being actually no news is why they're pitching this week on community having a lot of news and announcements, supposedly.

There kind of has to be, at this point they haven't even properly announced the Kill Team box or Eldar Codex, much less anything at all for AoS except that one box.  They've got max 1.5 weeks worth of stuff without additional news.

All my fingers and toes are crossed this means news for AOS. Currently we know absolutely nothing except that Fyreslayers, Idoneth and Nighthaunt are due a new Tome, maybe.

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37 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The sizzling is their sprues being melted down.

Ouch, that is hilariously harsh!

I do hope it is something Fyreslayer related but I feel like it could be Firewarriors, Avatar of Khaine rules preview, or a host of other 40k things that I do not know anything about. 

I also want that Chaos Eldar box so badly but I can't afford to buy into it right now. 😭
Maybe I will be surprised and be in a good place when Ogors or Slaves to Darkness get revisited. Although, it seems like it might just be a plastic butcher for Ogors, and I have enough chaos knights and warriors... so I will probably skip over most of the S2D too unless we get plastic Chosen or a cool new hero.

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"Sizzling" doesn't give me much hope for AoS given the other items on the release schedule. I think it'll be a minute before we hear about Duardin if they are getting a combined book. 

I hope they do have some AoS news besides the BB Yehtee that they are sure to "reveal" tomorrow. 

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The more you think about it the more they almost have to announce anything for AOS. Right now everything has been released that has been shown with the exception of the recently announced DOK vs Nighthaunt box. 

Would be a good time as any to reveal the next Underworlds Warband or Warcry boxed set.

Maybe the Nighthaunt tome cover with IDK and Fyreslayers moved in the schedule to allow for their new units to come!! 

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3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Mate if we get AOS Yehtees I'll lose my mind. My Ogors live in the forests of Ghur with a trio of Mega Gargant brothers. I'm planning on making my Yehtees be more of a Sasquatch, inspired by Max Brooks Devolution novel looking like a Gigantopithecus. Basically a massive violent Orangtuan.

Loved Devolution so those Yehtees would be magnificent. Hope they get an update this summer even more now!

1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:



The 40k battlebox.

7 Sundays more before the Adeption preview and we only know:
- The AoS Battlebox

- A bunch of Combat Patrols

- The Eldar release

- A Kill Team box 

We also will likely get a preview on Black Library day (in mid to late Feb). Last year they just released books and Ventris for that day's preorders but they previewed a whole bunch of AoS related stuff. Lumineth wave 2, Gardus, Krulghast Cruciator, Wight King, Hedkrakka's Madmob, the Castigator/Glaivewraith Underworlds box and the entirety of Cursed City (along with a teaser of Be'lakor) were all previewed on that day.

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12 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

"Sizzling" doesn't give me much hope for AoS given the other items on the release schedule. I think it'll be a minute before we hear about Duardin if they are getting a combined book. 

I hope they do have some AoS news besides the BB Yehtee that they are sure to "reveal" tomorrow. 

Well if nothing else there was no mention of "Path to the Preview" this time, so they might actually be done with Eldar reveals for a bit. Could be another Kill Team mini tomorrow though, or something for the new Necromunda...


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38 minutes ago, madmac said:

Well if nothing else there was no mention of "Path to the Preview" this time, so they might actually be done with Eldar reveals for a bit. Could be another Kill Team mini tomorrow though, or something for the new Necromunda...


I feel like we will see the rest of the Corsiars tomorrow to round out the month but then we might get something for AOS the following Monday. 

All I want are some Chaos Dwarves, Silent People, Kurnothi Aelves, Vampirates, Malerion on a skateboard, Halfling Knights riding ponycorns, and range refreshes for Skaven and Seraphon... is that too much to ask?

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