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6 minutes ago, xking said:

They should have planned earlier than, They had over a year. 

I been told it takes 2.5 years for a big model release to be design and happen.

getting one obligatory hero is really common, it sucks but I am not sure what so supprising about that when that what majority of armies get every edition

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21 minutes ago, xking said:

They should have planned earlier than, They had over a year. 

But nurgle doesn't need a big release. They need a book. A big release doesn't always have to come with a book

That said sorcerer is the least exciting model they could release.  For $30 you can get the underworlds sorcerer with 2 extra blightkings.  The old rotbtinger sorcerer is fine. You can use the chaos sorcerer Lord or the glottkin sorcerer or many other things. Not hard to kitbash a staff onto a blightking. 


 Festus, Harbinger, or Epidemius made much more sense unless they're just planning to drop those. 






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Warcry warbands are amazing!

Nurgle could have gotten a bit more, maybe Pestigors and brand new Festus model, but I suppose this is the way it will go.

We now know the leak is true, thus 40K side is known to us. Looking forward to World Eaters, I hope they do Emperor Children in the same way the did Thousand Sons and Death Guard.


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7 hours ago, Lurynsar said:

Age of Sigmar sales as a whole are increasing. Not Dominion. Dominion reached market cap basically upon release. They produced more than they needed. My post was simply an explanation of likely why they did. 

They 100% have too many boxes of Dominion especially when many of the options themselves appear in the new starters too at a lower price point. 

Warehouse space is the reason to liquidate it I believe. The game is fine; Dominion wasn’t a flop, just a miss. Huge difference financially for a company. We can hope they learn from it, but given GWs desire to push Stormcast as Space Marines it’ll likely happen again. It’s refreshing how many different factions I see in a league or event for AoS, so while GW may continue to miss on these particular boxsets, the health and meta of AoS seems in a good place overall with the rather slow, and disappointing rollout of 3.0. So I feel it can only get better. Health of the game is strong basically. 

As to “better than they’ve ever seen” you have to realize how niche GW has actually been until the last half decade and more so the last two years. Indomitus sold more boxes in an hour than Dark Imperium (the previous starter) did in almost 4 years. The best selling box of WFB (6th edition Starter) sold less than 20% than the AoS 2.0 Starter (Soul Wars). This is mostly because of a growth thing. There was almost no chance Dominion was an actual flop. The sheer number of players who buy these things on release would likely propel this box to the top 3 boxes of AoS ever sold even if it was pure garbage. Games Workshop is just simply very popular right now. GW pushed harder than they should on this box. But it should not worry anyone about the game. Discount it. Clear up warehouse space. Move on. It’s exactly what stores do too. I’ve found smaller LGS stores who discounted Indomitus because they had them sitting around after a year. It’s simple economics at this point. 

I think probably we just disagree (flop versus miss is a VERY fine distinction, you can see how at scale those approach the exact same thing?), and I have to admit I doubt some of the "insider" knowledge (though I know you don't use that phrase). 

I did want to add this one thing- consider your last sentence.  Of course Indomitus is discounted locally by now, but it never was by GW.  

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Darkoath are cool, everything you could want in Frazetta-style muscle barbarians,  Blackpowder’s cool, everything you could want in an ogre pirate and honestly surprisingly un-cheesy, and Dungeon Bowl’s a ludicrously fun idea.

Have to agree that the Nurgle sorcerer is a disappointment. It’s fine, not a terrible mini, but it lacks character compared to basically any other kit you could use as a sorcerer stand-in or indeed basically any other Nurgle mini. It’s just sort of there, with an awkward undynamic pose.

That GW are just doing a single hero mini update to Maggotkin is no surprise - though they really could have done with a new mortal unit to add their tiny range - but this feels like a half-hearted shrug.

Edited by sandlemad
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36 minutes ago, xking said:

They should have planned earlier than, They had over a year. 

Games Workshop's studio works around 1.5-3 years in advance depending on the project. They also only have so many staff and so much production capacity (both things they are trying to increase). Before 9th ed 40K most armies would just get their army book releases and that was it. With 9th ed 40k and 3rd ed AoS GW seem to be moving to a process of releasing something alongside every codex. For 40K it was only the Marine supplements that didn't all get something new (and arguably they got plenty between them in general releases). Every other codex got at least 1 hero. If the same will be true for AoS I'm all for it, especially if it lets them phase out older resin figures like this did. It's better than nothing and hopefully means plenty of larger releases for factions like Skaven, Mawtribes or Beasts of Chaos are in the works

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5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Darkoath are cool, everything you could want in Frazetta-style muscle barbarians,  Blackpowder’s cool, everything you could want in an ogre pirate and honestly surprisingly un-cheesy, and Dungeon Bowl’s a ludicrously fun idea.

Have to agree that the Nurgle sorcerer is a disappointment. It’s fine, not a terrible mini, but it lacks character compared basically any other kit you could use as a sorcerer stand-in’or indeed basically every other Nurgle mini. It’s just sort of there, with an awkward undynamic pose.

That GW are just doing a single hero mini update to Maggotkin is no surprise - though they really could have done with a new mortal unit to add their tiny range - but this feels like a half-hearted shrug.

The lack of character was because they forgot to add a sassy nurgling on the base.

Edited by novakai
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Okay, Ogor pirate, cool. And he has a monkey and a parrot, and that's really great. But can someone tell me where his hat is? Seriously, I don't know if anyone else noticed...but the hat is missing. He is supposed to wear a hat, the most glorious hat but...but...it's not there. The hat is not there...

And just one singular hero model for Maggotkin is pretty disappointing. 

Warcry Warbands are fine. Not particularly exciting, but quite fine. 

Edited by Maogrim
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Nurgle deserves pestigors at least. Don't get me wrong Nurgle was actually my guess and they do deserve it being so old, but it does deflate me just a bit to know BoC aren't on the docket. My hope is that the world eaters release will also include some khorne stuff that makes it to AoS so I can at least supplement the demon side of my Skulfray. Maybe get some good conversion pieces and heaven forbid a khorngor (itll never happen, I know tzaangor in thousand sons were a special case).

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1 hour ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:



I'm getting massive Soundwave vibes from this Warband with all of Blackpowders minions!!

Wasnt able to watch the stream but am happy for Nurgle to be getting their Tome and the new Sorceror is a great model.

Warcry wise I prefer the Barbarians to the Spider Cult but all the minis looks amazing and that Terrain is bloody awesome. The Barbarians give me massive Conan vibes.

But Blackbeard...****** does he looks incredible. A truly imposing Ogor Maneater. I cant wait to paint him up and have him lead my Mawtribes as a Tyrant. It also makes me incredibly excited for the future of the Mawtribes as a whole for 3.0.

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Dungeon Bowl made my day. It just looks so fun.

The ogre pirate looks so awesome that it's bitterswet: All the ogres released since AoS is a thing look great, and yet their range is so...let's say I'm not a fan.

All those conan an he-mans are cool too, even if they seem too classical for AoS.

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From the article:

"The various plagues and contagions have more impact, and the troops are just as hard to put down. Even more so if you bring along their most powerful daemon, the so-called Loci of Fecundity."

I've never heard of the Loci of Fecundity, but they're implying that you can field it in the new tome. Think it's just a new named warscroll variant of an existing model, just new lore, or maybe a new model?

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11 minutes ago, TheShogun said:

From the article:

"The various plagues and contagions have more impact, and the troops are just as hard to put down. Even more so if you bring along their most powerful daemon, the so-called Loci of Fecundity."

I've never heard of the Loci of Fecundity, but they're implying that you can field it in the new tome. Think it's just a new named warscroll variant of an existing model, just new lore, or maybe a new model?

Its probably a new alliegence ability like the locus of diversion for slaanesh that gets empowered by greater daemons.

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17 minutes ago, TheShogun said:

From the article:

"The various plagues and contagions have more impact, and the troops are just as hard to put down. Even more so if you bring along their most powerful daemon, the so-called Loci of Fecundity."

I've never heard of the Loci of Fecundity, but they're implying that you can field it in the new tome. Think it's just a new named warscroll variant of an existing model, just new lore, or maybe a new model?

Most of the daemons of other factions have a loci ability attached to them. I assume this is just referring to their GUO having a new ability.

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Im glad that the warcry box doesnt bring a new core book and that it does leave enough design space imo for more spiderfang in the future. I dont think ill be getting the box though. The terrain is a bit much chaos themed for my taste as i dont own anything chaos. The pirate looks awesome but i was hoping for a second ogor and not a reskin imo of the last one they made but i think ill still buy this one. It looks fun to play with. Was hoping for a surprise reveal this time but most things i guess were already known in some way shape or form. This reveal wasnt for me i guess but im glad for others that are hyped :).

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