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5 minutes ago, boots468 said:

From the trailer, seems more likely then that the next battletome will actually be pure Moonclan rather than Moonclan-focused grots (like last tome was Beasts of Chaos, rather than Brayherd even though main focus was on the goat boys).

If GW are moving away from the Grand Alliance books, would then need to fold Spiderfang and Gitmob into generic Greenskinz book (or a subset in a new Ironjawz tome, though their thing has generally been "biggest orruks only").

Judging by the new article, I think for destruction future tomes there would  probably be Gutbusters, Spiderfang, and maybe Firebelly as a completely new army 

TBH i am not sure if GW have any plans for Greenskinz or Gitmob

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47 minutes ago, novakai said:

Judging by the new article, I think for destruction future tomes there would  probably be Gutbusters, Spiderfang, and maybe Firebelly as a completely new army 

TBH i am not sure if GW have any plans for Greenskinz or Gitmob

Greenskinz and Gitmob will get combined faction stuff in White Dwarf 4 years from now.

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2 hours ago, PJetski said:

If they don't fold Spiderfag into the Moonclan battletome then we should expect a Spiderfang army release at some point in the future. Probably 2020.

lol.  2020 is really wishful. They will probably only release a few new tomes this year (if they are redoing some old ones).  If we don't get a new faction this year we will next year.  

90% sure:
Moonclan, STD, Slaneesh, New faction

Maybe soon (big factions that need tomes):
Skaven, Free Peoples, Gutbusters, Aelves, Disposessed

Awesome new grot faction that is mentioned in AoS fluff:
Grotbag scuttlers

Existing grot Factions with only 3 models:

It's now or never for Spiderfang, I fear. 

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Personally I doubt Spiderfang will ever get their own battletome. Similarly I doubt there will ever be more than one 'Grot' faction with an updated tome and models. I'm basing this on an economic assumption that there is only enough demand to warrant Moonclan.

Think about it - how many people do you know who want to collect a grot army? It's a niche fantasy race in a niche hobby.

Edited by 123lac
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They've committed to 2 factions of orcs, 3 factions of dwarves, 4 factions of daemons, and probably 4 factions of aelves by the time it's over. I dont think more than 1 goblin faction is out of the question.  But with only 2 plastic kits, is it worth building on spiderfang, or would you rather start over in this new setting with something more exciting?

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4 hours ago, sorokyl said:

They've committed to 2 factions of orcs, 3 factions of dwarves, 4 factions of daemons, and probably 4 factions of aelves by the time it's over. I dont think more than 1 goblin faction is out of the question.  But with only 2 plastic kits, is it worth building on spiderfang, or would you rather start over in this new setting with something more exciting?

Are you sure they've committed to disposessed and the various old 'aelf' factions from WHFB?

I see GW as being in an akward position with AoS where on one hand they're releasing these new and exciting armies like Idoneth and KO that are inspired by the new setting, but on the other they're constrained by having to 'support' old WHFB stuff that should have probably been killed off like Tomb Kings and Bretonnia.

At the end of the day I wouldn't hold out hope that they'll do anything to these old model lines besides give them some token warscroll battalions and allegiance abilities in each new edition of the general's handbook. 

An exception to this, I believe, would be Skaven who are both featuring in important parts of the new lore and have a totally unique model line and aesthetic.

Edited by 123lac
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14 minutes ago, 123lac said:

Are you sure they've committed to disposessed and the various old 'aelf' factions from WHFB?

I see GW as being in an akward position with AoS where on one hand they're releasing these new and exciting armies like Idoneth and KO that are inspired by the new setting, but on the other they're constrained by having to 'support' old WHFB stuff that should have probably been killed off like Tomb Kings and Bretonnia.

At the end of the day I wouldn't hold out hope that they'll do anything to these old model lines besides give them some token warscroll battalions and allegiance abilities in each new edition of the general's handbook. 

An exception to this, I believe, would be Skaven who are both featuring in important parts of the new lore and have a totally unique model line and aesthetic.

Killing off Tomb Kings and Bretonnia was dumb and just upset the fanbase. They should have just incoporated the models into larger factions, like Bretonnia into Free Peoples.

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1 hour ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

Killing off Tomb Kings and Bretonnia was dumb and just upset the fanbase. They should have just incoporated the models into larger factions, like Bretonnia into Free Peoples.

Yeah tomb kings were a perfect faction.

They are unique on their own, and  would have been a perfect fit for a death rattle only army.

sadly Gw didn’t see the opportunity.

same with brettonnia, the only faction which can really field a force of knights riding horses in more then just 1variant.

also they look so much better than the existing low live known as poster-things riding dragons.

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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1 hour ago, 123lac said:

Are you sure they've committed to disposessed and the various old 'aelf' factions from WHFB?

I see GW as being in an akward position with AoS where on one hand they're releasing these new and exciting armies like Idoneth and KO that are inspired by the new setting, but on the other they're constrained by having to 'support' old WHFB stuff that should have probably been killed off like Tomb Kings and Bretonnia.

At the end of the day I wouldn't hold out hope that they'll do anything to these old model lines besides give them some token warscroll battalions and allegiance abilities in each new edition of the general's handbook. 

An exception to this, I believe, would be Skaven who are both featuring in important parts of the new lore and have a totally unique model line and aesthetic.

We are into the 3rd year of AoS and people still wanna play some "old" armies.  Myself included. (High Elves)

Doesnt mean i didnt buy DoK or wont buy new "good" elfs.  Oh i will, but to incorporate with my own.


I think Beasts of Chaos was a good example of revamped armie.  No new models with the exception of the Totem and spells and a book, and voila, beastmen fans are happy. I now see players around me buying this models line.

If GW does this same level of comitment to Elves, Dispossesed, Skaven, Ogres, Goblins and so on, i dont see why it wouldnt sell models/books.

Skaven have amazing models from all sizes.   Aelves have a ton of  centerpieces (Dragon, Phoenix, Skycutter, Hydra, Black Dragon) and units. Dispossesed would need a bit of work and free peoples could use some love.

All in all i think give those older fans a book so they can actually play would be a smart move by gw, specially considering they wouldnt need a lot of models to make it happen.


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15 hours ago, sorokyl said:

You have to remember that minis are not designed based on competitive play gaps  / warscroll gaps/ etc. 
They design the coolest minis they can and the rules team has to work with it.   
These suggestions sound like they're trying to turn Ironjawz into a reboot of fantasy orks which is kind of uninspired and I hope they don't do that. 

Ironjawz already are a reboot of fantasy orks, just bigger and meaner. Might aswell fill out the range :)

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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Yeah tomb kings were a perfect faction

They really were. The 6th ed. book was an amazing balance of unique gameplay, uniqueness, and near perfect game balance.

The Cruddice hardcover of 8th was trash, but at least it was pretty.

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22 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

They really were. The 6th ed. book was an amazing balance of unique gameplay, uniqueness, and near perfect game balance.

The Cruddice hardcover of 8th was trash, but at least it was pretty.

It‘s strange enough that some TK units still appear in Stories concerning the Shyish desert.

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Indeed, TK has appeared multiple times from Archaon fighting a warsphinx to a fluff blurb of a Crimson Dynasty using undead chariots to defeat a rampaging Gutbuster army in Shyish.

However in Malign Portents you get a more medieval sounding Tomb kings army with purple dragon heraldry and gold chainmail clad Wight kings leading armored halberdiers with undead siege engines while on the Bret call-out side we have a Order of the Sons of Breton in Ghyran (spear of shadows), the kingdom of volpone in Aqshy with it's knight army defending a sacred river along with stuff like the Three Duchies or the honorable Sir Roggen and the Knights of the Furrow who worship the Lady of Leaves(Alarielle).

They're in the lore but at the same time they're just frames for the setting as without their World-that-Was history all you have is generic ancient tomb skeletons and feudal knights whose model lines were heavily loaded down with metal and resin with only a handful of good plastic.

So I definitely don't blame them for using the opportunity to clean house while keeping some footnotes around for players to use in the lore at least. It's better in my view to overhaul the armies anyway so they can actually stand out in the new setting like they did with so many others.

Turn Tomb Kings into Crypt Empires as entire civilizations of ancient soldiers, mages and primordial skeleton beasts rise up from the Age of Myth and make an Orders of the Realms as the numerous knightly orders from Azyr to Shyish sally out and defend civilization with lance, faith and fantastical beasts.

Also hoping for a Spider Grot battletome, I think the lore they've gotten has been pretty neat and could be expanded on further. They should get the DoK treatment and get more of those spider hybrids from Silver Tower as infantry.


Also, new Audio drama just dropped today. The humble Wanderer hero Prince Maesa journeys to Ghur to hunt down a Mourngul.

The free audio extract is very nice. :D


Edited by Baron Klatz
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10 hours ago, 123lac said:

Think about it - how many people do you know who want to collect a grot army? It's a niche fantasy race in a niche hobby.

I don't think I'm overreaching or talking out of turn when I say that literally everyone I know in the entire world loves grots and are clamoring for multiple grot battletomes! 

Edited by Carnelian
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50 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

I don't think I'm overreaching or talking out of turn when I say that literally everyone I know in the entire world loves grots and are clamoring for multiple grot battletomes! 

They are one of my favorite army’s in the game.

Although nothing can beat the faction known as the undervermin (skaven).

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1 hour ago, Iskander said:

Soooooo the winter-themed banner on https://www.warhammer-community.com/ is changing!  The Stormcast snowman is now a goblin snowman!  There's mushrooms growing everywhere!  There're spooky critters in the tree!

Maybe that means nothing... but maybe there's a bad moon rising.

There's definitely enough obvious teases out there to safely get hyped about Moonclan.

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1 hour ago, Iskander said:

Soooooo the winter-themed banner on https://www.warhammer-community.com/ is changing!  The Stormcast snowman is now a goblin snowman!  There's mushrooms growing everywhere!  There're spooky critters in the tree!

Maybe that means nothing... but maybe there's a bad moon rising.

That is a quality bit of narrative art. Wish they did more like that. It does look like its ripped right outta warcraft, but personally I'm fine with that. 


I hope we get a free guild tome that follows the aesthetic of that house and landscape. I'm so hyped for grots but they need human lands to plunder. Its defiantly time to see civilisation return! 

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25 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

That is a quality bit of narrative art. Wish they did more like that. It does look like its ripped right outta warcraft, but personally I'm fine with that. 


I hope we get a free guild tome that follows the aesthetic of that house and landscape. I'm so hyped for grots but they need human lands to plunder. Its defiantly time to see civilisation return! 

And don’t forget the skaven race.

against who should the nightgobbos fight for the bear-things burrows if not against our beloved raties ?

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6 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Also hoping for a Spider Grot battletome, I think the lore they've gotten has been pretty neat and could be expanded on further. They should get the DoK treatment and get more of those spider hybrids from Silver Tower as infantry.


There's an import difference here. While DoK and Spiderfang both had "3 kits" to start, 1 of the spiderfang kits is resin. The other 2 kits make 2 warscrolls total.   The 3 DoK kits are all plastic make NINE warscrolls. So it only took 3 more kits (5 more warscrolls) to make a full army.    I think from GW perspective three things being considered:  What is the total investment we have in this / how much existing work do we have to start from (how many models/warscrolls) And does the existing stuff fit in our vision for AoS (or can it fit).    From spiderfang perspective, you're only starting with 2 kits, so it's a big leap to a full range.   From the perspective of say, Greenskinz, you've got a lot of models, but they are older / havent aged as well, and don't fit the AoS aesthetic (too generic / not enough flavor). 

Grot scuttlings have obvious moonclan design features, so the only way they are getting to sigmar is if moonclan and spiderfang are in the same tome. 

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If dispossessed don’t get something eventually I will cry. If they happen to get the revamp I’m hoping for I will buy the collectors edition battle tome, a regular battletome and any accessories they add along their release. I know I’m just one person but I have a deep love for my dwarfs. Also as others have said doesn’t detract from me wanting/owning some of the new AoS only factions. I think it would be good idea anyway to have some more grounded factions that people who aren’t entirely convinced on the over the top setting can get into. 

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I have hopes for them getting a tome, they certainly feature in the recent novellas and audio dramas enough (Red Hours even has some duardin background drama and when he was cursing he said "Ulthur" among the other ancestor gods names so there may be a new duardin god too), so there's a good chance as far as that's concerned.

Thing is they're always mixed in with the rest of civilization be it building the fortresses on the commands of Lord-ordinators or to hold lands taken by the Freeguild.

You do get independent clans though like the one that impeded Neave Blacktalon by catching her quarry first and putting it on trial.

So there's pretty big odds in both directions of them getting a independent tome or mixed together with other races in a Free cities tome.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

If dispossessed don’t get something eventually I will cry. If they happen to get the revamp I’m hoping for I will buy the collectors edition battle tome, a regular battletome and any accessories they add along their release. I know I’m just one person but I have a deep love for my dwarfs. Also as others have said doesn’t detract from me wanting/owning some of the new AoS only factions. I think it would be good idea anyway to have some more grounded factions that people who aren’t entirely convinced on the over the top setting can get into. 

A Dispossessed book (even a mixed one) or a Start Collecting box are must-buys for me. It's in the hobby budget for the new year--a nice Duardin-shaped hole!

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