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I am very curious as to their rules and book in general now ,to get a gist of how the army will actually operate. Definitely nothing to be disappointed about though, not having Teclis makes heaps of sense, and I honestly expect us to see Tyrion and Teclis released together, they're more of a unit in AoS than ever before.

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I mean if there are multiple build options for several kits I wouldn't be at all disheartened.  If you consider what some of the other factions have even the newer released armies deepkin are a big range. Sylvaneth, daughters of khaine and the chaos armies only actually had a few new kits. Khorne for example who are the other poster boys haven't had any new kits for Aos beyond the starter sets and multi part version. 

The closest release for comparison would be the kharadron overlords as they were a full faction new release. If I remember rightly they have 12 units in their entire army. So idoneth stand above them.


Also if you envision what you might need for a 2k list you could easily be looking at multiple eidolons and turtles as well as your foot troops. So hobby wise and game wise I think there is plenty to get along with. That said I still want a giant kraken.

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8 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

Allegedly having the deepmare rider (hero?) as your main General makes eels batleline. 

Unless the foot heroes have awesome command abilities then he will probably be the general in most armies. Given the eidolon doesn't have a command ability there doesn't seem to be a great reason to take him as general. We will almost certainly see a battlion which focuses on the akhelian sea monster units too.

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Dont having Teclis will not make me to not buy this models, I like them a lot and it's the first army I will buy without star collecting packs and I'm sure I will buy all the units in both options. Said that, I just love Alarielle, and I had Wood Elves on Fantasy 15 years ago but a friend started Sylvaneth buying Drycha and Alarielle first (no battlelines, no nothing...) so I dont want more sylvaneth and was hoping to have a great model with the idoneth as Teclis is his mentor.... seems I'll have to wait one year to the angelical Aelfs to have that huge model.

 Someone said Teclis and Tyrion will go as a same miniature, I hope they dont but if its done I hope they could go on idoneth and Angelical ones. So the idoneth is the only aelf faction without father now

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Idoneth are specifically a failed experiment, they fled rather than face the searing light and madness induced by Tyrion searching for what went wrong with their inception.


Not having a lead god makes more sense with that background than having one

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It also allows them to write their own narrative with the Idoneth. We don't know the characters much at all yet, but they're intriguing. I would say however, if you weren't a fan of the darker side of fantasies elves, the Idoneth aren't for you.

Edited by Soulsmith
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Personally I love the background, it had the potential to be too Little Mermaid but the terror and desperation of having to flee the unrelenting light of their creator to the depths it could never pierce, the soul starvation and moral degradation their need to take souls must cause whilst never been “just cos we’re evil” is a rich starting point 

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1 hour ago, Melcavuk said:

Personally I love the background, it had the potential to be too Little Mermaid but the terror and desperation of having to flee the unrelenting light of their creator to the depths it could never pierce, the soul starvation and moral degradation their need to take souls must cause whilst never been “just cos we’re evil” is a rich starting point 

I totally agree. I am a big fan of the tragedy of the Eldar in 40k, and the different ways their civilisations went. I'm glad games workshop are considering something similar in aos, with the idoneth forming a less sadistic, more modern drukhari.

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2 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

Idoneth are specifically a failed experiment, they fled rather than face the searing light and madness induced by Tyrion searching for what went wrong with their inception.

Perhaps  Teclis also found what went wrong?

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I see two different sharks. The one on the right and the one on the left have a different boltthrower than the two sharks on the middle. Plus the one on the right has a spear on the hand if Im not blind. I cant see difference between turtles. The rest is known.

PD: White dwarf lied

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3 minutes ago, Skinnyboy said:

How so?

White Dwarf said 14 units. So if sharks has 2 options we have 15 total. But thinking maybe sharks have in the same sheet both weapons and theres not one unit appart. But for this maybe the eel riders were the same, or the blind guys... so I dont know how they will put this

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6 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

White Dwarf said 14 units. So if sharks has 2 options we have 15 total. But thinking maybe sharks have in the same sheet both weapons and theres not one unit appart. But for this maybe the eel riders were the same, or the blind guys... so I dont know how they will put this

Yeah, I would imagine that the sharks, eels, elodion have a single warscroll but options for equipment. Melee thralls and bow thralls I could see being seperate warscrolls. So from the list previously posted we'd be at 12 with 2 unknowns

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1 hour ago, Gecktron said:


Just now from the German AoS FaceBook Page.

Translation Picture: "The Idoneth Deepkin; They came from the Depth of the Sea"
And the text next to it: "[…] How many different units can YOU spot?"

I can see a second version of shark weapons on the far right, which we hadn't seen before.

And waaay in the back left, there's a unit of the sword weilding thralls, but they have pole arms and standards, so that's the second version of them. I think we got a glimpse of a standard bearer in the video, but there are other weapons in there, like halberds or something.

Further to the right in the very back there is a unit of the bow thralls, and I can't see what they are carrying, but it is *definitely* not bows. My guess is dual weilding small one handed melee weapons like knives. So that's the second version of them.

Frustratingly, no alternative turtle build yet, though I am confident that there is at least one other config for it. Probably will be revealed when they show us decent pics of those new, blurry alts.

Also, it just occurred to me that we've seen 2 different character models riding the deepmare, but neither of them look like the guy on the cover of the battletome; the helmets are *dramatically* different. So there may be 3 rider options for that.

Edited by Rou Dantes
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24 minutes ago, Rou Dantes said:

I can see a second version of shark weapons on the far right, which we hadn't seen before.

And waaay in the back left, there's a unit of the sword weilding thralls, but they have pole arms and standards, so that's the second version of them. I think we got a glimpse of a standard bearer in the video, but there are other weapons in there, like halberds or something.

Further to the right in the very back there is a unit of the bow thralls, and I can't see what they are carrying, but it is *definitely* not bows. My guess is dual weilding small one handed melee weapons like knives. So that's the second version of them.


The front unit has sword and halberds. So mixed weapon unit, not 2 options. That unit right at the back is armed the same.

Both units of bow armed warriors have models with knives and bows, so again i think thats the opition.

The poses on these do look noticeably different though so i dont think its a one-box-2 builds thing.


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So what's interesting to me, is I believe we were told that we haven't seen the entire Idoneth Deepkin range at the Adepticon reveals. Except every picture we've seen so far has basically not shown us anything new. This including the fact that apparently the White Dwarf only mentions 14 warscrolls makes me wonder if they mis-reported this at Adepticon.

The other thing is that not a single picture has been shown with Mistweaver Saih or Tenebrael Shard, 2 models that already exist. So I think it's almost confirmed that neither of them will be a part of the Idoneth Deepkin. There would be no reason not to show either of them with the Deepkin if they were going to be a part of this range.

Overall, the battletome can't come soon enough! Looking forward to some of the early reviews popping up in the next few weeks, as this is an army I'm definitely considering as my first 'AoS' army (And by that, I mean army with a new range of models).

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3 hours ago, someone2040 said:

So what's interesting to me, is I believe we were told that we haven't seen the entire Idoneth Deepkin range at the Adepticon reveals. Except every picture we've seen so far has basically not shown us anything new. This including the fact that apparently the White Dwarf only mentions 14 warscrolls makes me wonder if they mis-reported this at Adepticon.

The other thing is that not a single picture has been shown with Mistweaver Saih or Tenebrael Shard, 2 models that already exist. So I think it's almost confirmed that neither of them will be a part of the Idoneth Deepkin. There would be no reason not to show either of them with the Deepkin if they were going to be a part of this range.

Overall, the battletome can't come soon enough! Looking forward to some of the early reviews popping up in the next few weeks, as this is an army I'm definitely considering as my first 'AoS' army (And by that, I mean army with a new range of models).

Perhaps they are waiting to make an even larger surprise, doubtful as it may be. Could help explain why no pre-order info on miniatures yet?

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Pre order will be announced on Sunday or Saturday as always, then Monday-Friday they will preview Battletome leading to pre-order on Saturday. 

Also I think that some people hyped information about how big this range is too much. I've watched GW post Adepticon reveal stream and sure they talked that it isn't whole range but then they specifically talked about alternative builds. 

And we have seen alternative builds for Avatar and Deepmare Raider. There are alternative builds for turtle as well and maybe infantry have different weapon loadouts. 

But there aren't any huge reveal as ID range is already huge for 100% new army - 14-15 units. 

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This all is precisely why GW leads the industry. They are constantly surprising us with fluff, minis, and gaming concepts I don't think anybody in this community anticipated. We had Cthulhu, fishman, and more pedestrian guesses, but nothing like this. As those in marketing know, 'new' catches attention, and 'new' sells. Consider me hooked.

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43 minutes ago, MacDuff said:

This all is precisely why GW leads the industry. They are constantly surprising us with fluff, minis, and gaming concepts I don't think anybody in this community anticipated. We had Cthulhu, fishman, and more pedestrian guesses, but nothing like this. As those in marketing know, 'new' catches attention, and 'new' sells. Consider me hooked.

I guess this is the first time when the "alternative models" have been released much before even rumours of the army by GW:


Although I agree that the GW version is about zillion times better.

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