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31 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

Could someone translate those rules on the warscroll ? 

I don't know that much french but from what I can see it says something about the damage characteristic of one weapon and d3 and charge, so maybe his weapon changes his damage characteristic similar to how a blood knight does it from a 2 to a D3, and it also says something about reroll 1s to hit. The second ability talks about rerolls to wound I think for friendly Idoneth at 9" or less. The last ability gives you the ability to choose an enemy hero with 8 or less wounds and he gets -1 to hit in the next combat phase (the hero has to be at 3" or less from your model).

EDIT: sorry, I reread that and it says he rerolls 1s to hit and adds 1 to his damage characteristic on the Spear weapon. The second part with the D3 thing I can't make out.

EDIT 2: I think it says he can run and charge? and then the damage of the spear is d3 if you do that. But don't quote me on that, my french is not that good :P

Edited by smucreo
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Did not think alternative Mathlann would look so different and non highelven compared to the first version, but I agree with Chikout, it looks just as stunning.

I also think the other version of the Seaunicorn rider is much better. Think it is no SC then, which is nice, everyone should get their own custom Seaunicorn rider.

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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Adding one damage to the stormshoal would be pretty good. 2d6 attacks with 2 damage and a 3 inch range would be great against hordes.

yeah thanks @smucreo for trying at translation. 

If that guy can run and charge he's quite decent, 12W 3+ Bravery 10 is nice but it all depends if an army has any extra protection. Also he isn't centerpiece model and isn't getting worse with wounds suffered. So far quite good (but good be great - abilities,spells, maybe itmes but I guess he won't be main guy or quite bad without any extra protection he will be easier to kill than TLA and TLAs die like flies in current meta) 

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29 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

Ok I got another translation 

1 is ability - re-roll 1 to hit and +1 Damage on the Spear when you charge, heals D3wounds after charging and can charge even after retreat, 

2 ability - re-roll of 1 to wounds for ID within 9'' 


Yup that's it.

And the last one is at every combat phase, you can choose a hero with a wound characteristic lesser than 3 and at less than 3" of the model. This hero and -1 to hit for this combat phase.

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22 hours ago, Turgol said:

-Malekith is still aiming for dominion over all others. He is fouling Sigmar into thinking him an ally and actually apparently using the Gladiatorum to steal energy or something else from him. Interestingly, he says Tyrion also despises Sigmar for “what he did with Teclis kingly gift”. Not sure what that refers to

I think this might be a hint to the identity of the Celestant-Prime. All we know is that the Prime contains the soul of an ancient king, and I always had a feeling it might not turn out to be somebody obvious (i.e, Karl Franz.) If Tyrion granted Sigmar the soul of an ancient elven king - Finubar, maybe - then he might be pretty pissed off that Sigmar chose to turn him into a weapon. This would fit with the line that follows this, too:


‘They will secure their interests in Hysh with wearying efficiency, and do little else. The Luminous One has no love for Sigmar. Not since that barbarian fool wasted Teclis’ kingly gift on his own short-sighted agenda.’


Edited by CJPT
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46 minutes ago, Ghark said:

And the last one is at every combat phase, you can choose a hero with a wound characteristic lesser than 3 and at less than 3" of the model. This hero and -1 to hit for this combat phase.

I think it's 8 for the Wound Characteristic. No heroes has less than 3 Wounds by the way ;-)

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The avatar’s armor is painted up in the default de scheme. So it’s official the de are being ported into fantasy. I think this is the first time I’ve seen a 40k army ported into AoS. Lore wise I’m sure they are vastly different, but rules and look wise they seem similar. 

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11 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

The avatar’s armor is painted up in the default de scheme. So it’s official the de are being ported into fantasy. I think this is the first time I’ve seen a 40k army ported into AoS. Lore wise I’m sure they are vastly different, but rules and look wise they seem similar. 

Aren't the Dark Eldar just Dark Elves ported into 40k? I am pretty sure they used the Dark Eldar colour scheme first.

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4 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

The avatar’s armor is painted up in the default de scheme. So it’s official the de are being ported into fantasy. I think this is the first time I’ve seen a 40k army ported into AoS. Lore wise I’m sure they are vastly different, but rules and look wise they seem similar. 

Well, they seem to be fighting an Imperial Fists force that somehow looks like armoured orks...;) It's very close to the default DE scheme - maybe a slightly lighter shade of turquoise than Vect's lot? - but it's one that works very well on armour with lots of edges and fits the aquatic style.


The avatar seems to be a different build  to the one from the trailer, not just variant parts. Got a hook/scythe thing (a 'Crulhook') instead of the pearl-sceptre the other one has, which appears to come through in the warscroll, where this one is an 'Avatar of Mathlann: Aspect of the Storm'. Presumably the other build will be a different aspect with different rules.


My French is rusty but the text say some stuff about 'the spirits of the ancestors of the Idoneth being invoked' and about the Avatar being an 'idealised incarnation of that lost god'. So regardless of if the Idoneth worship or draw upon Mathlann, this appears to confirm that he's either dead of disappeared, like Khaine.

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1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

My French is rusty but the text say some stuff about 'the spirits of the ancestors of the Idoneth being invoked' and about the Avatar being an 'idealised incarnation of that lost god'. So regardless of if the Idoneth worship or draw upon Mathlann, this appears to confirm that he's either dead of disappeared, like Khaine.

Yes that's what the text means.

 I think all the old Elve gods (inc. Mathlann) are very dead, but unlike Khaine (because of Morathi), their old powers can be drawn upon, given times, rituals and sufficient worship.

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I would argue it is coincidence, it is the most stereotypical "under the sea" colour palette, it was to be expected. I wouldn't go bandying around ideas like porting dark eldar, as in the Idoneth thread in general, it is dismissive of the creative talent in making this range.

That said, I love Drukhari, so it's neither here nor there. This month is going to be great!

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