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Everything posted by Seraphage

  1. What a top notch army. I hope I can be half as good one day man
  2. Oh wow.. I am actually LOVING your suggestions and they do make perfect sense as I read through them. You really got me excited and I hope the release team will make half of your proposals true as it 'll make me the happiest man edit : dwarf. I mean dwarf. There's no man without a beard anyways 😋
  3. Seraphage

    Sylvaneth Dryad test

    This is an a m a z i n g and not usual color scheme. Excellent !
  4. Thanks for the reports @Cblackaus and congrats on the amazing results ! Looking forward into reading more of those from ya !
  5. Oh wow, what an amazing army, you are doing awesome man, keep it up !
  6. I don't even play FEC and the throne makes perfect sense. "Here is what will happen to you as it happened to all our previous enemies. We 'll sit on your damn bones." Pretty straightforward for me
  7. That might as well be one of the most awesome rats I 've seen up to date
  8. @AlmGandix3 hey there ! You are a little too heavy on the warriors. It's a really good unit but not worth to base your army upon ! Use them as chaff in groups of 10 / 20 and then get a nice 10 man unit of hammerers from unforseen punch and of course 20 Irondrakes, one of the best ranged units in game ! I'd swap out the 30 man for sure for damage and then break down to units of 10 some warriors for chaff. Seems like a fun list !
  9. Hey @prochuvi welcome aboard ! Your list is pretty nice but unfortunately as @Furuzzolo pointed out gyrobombers are underwhelming ! I'd suggest swapping them for gyrocopters as they are a tad better but the best choice would be to drop them.. then again.. bombers/copters win the rule of cool by far, so if you're not interested into being as strong as possible, they rock !
  10. Those chaos warriors are amazing, good job bro !
  11. Do you really not have inspiration on machines ? Because the part you have painted looks damn amazing man 😎
  12. @HammerOfSigmar well let us be honest : Heavenswatch was badly made to be honest and needs total rework to be viable. And maybe they will update us soon and thus are waiting for this ! 😎
  13. @Skinnyboy while you are correct about the non comp game thingy, as your opponent made a choice that made no sense in the 2nd round for example, your conclusions are on the spot. 2 Shadowstrike army is indeed totally different than 1, we do end up without any board presence, screens are a big problem and as you said, the 2nd batallion doesn't really worth it cause we lack the man power and the survivability. Not for end game anyway. It is really good and still makes a strong list. Great rep, looking forward for more !
  14. Double Shadow is definitely strong but we end up without any board presence at all and can't score objectives, otherwise it has really big strength *also have no means to go through screens unfortunately *
  15. Haha don't worry you are not bringing anyone down. AoS is too new for everyone to have a battletome - unless the name of your army is literally in the Game Title so they get more updates which unfortunately does make a bit of sense The armies are just too many since they separated them, so I 'm guessing we'll be waiting 1.5-2years more till our own battletome but when the time comes.. oh boy, mighty beards will be conquering everything yet again ! 😎
  16. Loved the post and loved the explanation of each role even more. Started myself 2 years ago and was totally getting smashed all the time *oh well, choosing Seraphon, one of the most complex and unforgiving armies does that I guess * but as yourself, kept learning, trying and changing my list. Really curious to see how it turns out and I am looking forward to analytical battlereports if you feel like it ! Best of luck !
  17. My thoughts exactly beardly fella, that's the spirit !
  18. What do you mean teased us and which awesome miniature is this ? The Dark elf one right ?
  19. What @Furuzzolo and @Dammaz said. Are we slow ? Yes. Do we have mobility ? No. So what CAN we do ? We can have a long range threat in order to make him come to us while we procceed to him. I do the same in the 2000p battles. Never leaving home without 2cannons + gunmaster as allies. That way I don't really mind him not coming close while I proceed. I have 4shots 4+ rerollable, 2+ with -2 rend for d6 damage at 32+4 = 36" threat range. I pretty much outrange the vast majority of things. 3d6 *because that's what usually happens after rerolls unless he has 3+ save in which case he can also save one at 5+" is something no1 can really ignore. Do the same in a smaller scale in 1000p. Take a cannon with ya * remember though : 1000p while fun is not the scale that the game has been made. Unlike 2000p there are indeed armies that just dominate the rest since the points aren't enough to combine enough synergies of "weaker" scrolls that shine through cooperation while other armies have some units that work on their own and thus dominate the rest *example : my 1000p Seraphon can't do anything against a SCE list made of Dracoths. Can't stack enough synergies at 1000p in order to damage their 3+ rerollable (2+ with staunch defender ey) and the magic damage is not enough as well. Besides playing at 1000p though, the most useful thing you can do after a losing a fight is this : think what went wrong strategically and what can be done better next time ! There will be indeed many times that the most updated armies will have an edge over you but this is something that won't be changed through us. What can be changed though, is us understanding our army better and becoming stronger generals !
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