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Everything posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. 40k in the new edition for matched play only has a rule that you cannot have more than 3 units from the same datasheet (warscroll) to prevent spam. Some armies also have limits on the numbers of specific HQ models they can have. T'au can only take one Commander keyword model per detachment. I believe the new Space Marine Codex will have a similar limit on some of the Space Marine HQ units. It may be something that gets introduced into AoS at some point.
  2. I have mats from Gamemat.eu and Deep Cut Studios. Various sizes, various types and would have no issues recommending any of them.
  3. Honestly I may just grab this set to paint. Was big into this game for the first two seasons but already playing other games this becomes difficult to justify in the midst of other army collections when you literally have to buy everything every year to stay in it.
  4. I've been able to try really hard to ignore Warcry so far.......... this is getting really, really tough.
  5. I'd love to see a Slaanesh Vs DoK box, would make sense thematically, would allow me to expand my Slaanesh without being too upset about getting some DoK models on the side.
  6. First thought was Necromunda Spyrer but it doesn't have the high tech look I'd expect to see with them.
  7. HoS lost to them in the battle report on WHC. Some of that was down to luck, but they seem able to weather a charge.
  8. I misread the title and thought this was a thread about "How have Gw price rises affected your purchasing hobbits?" I don't play LOTR, so not really effected.
  9. Shalaxi not killing a single hero model due to dice variance, a couple of failed charges too (was 1 inch short of getting Summoned Keeper into the catapult) didn't help either. Summoned fiends killing the hero rather than Shalaxi meant that the left hand objective didn't transfer (duality of death was the battle plan) also worked against Slaanesh. I know that this is the way that games go sometimes, but it could very easily have totally swung into Slaanesh's favour. Katakros stealing a command point every turn (4+ ability) really screwed over Shalaxi and the Kippers though. Not having the ability to fight twice and constantly being at -1 to hit was rough without factoring in the constant -1 to cast from the Nexus in the middle of the field. It does seem that OBR are an army where the output seems greater than the sum of its parts as the heroes and their interactions seem to be what pushes the power level of the army up, which is kind of typical for Death armies in my experience.
  10. Gotrek is brutal, but he's one dude with a 4" move and over 500pts alone. He might be virtually unkillable but I don't see many people chucking away that many points on a single model compared to what you'd have to sacrifice to squeeze him in.
  11. Agreed on the "No More Stormcast" wagon. They have enough representation already. Looks like we're getting Cavalry type models which are pretty exciting. And IDK or DoK warband would be fantastic for me as I'd love to have those as Warbands. But then we could also get a little crazier with some Daemon warbands showing some personality of individual Daemons.
  12. Nets, trident, make yourselves some Retiarii!
  13. I already voted, I went for the Fangs but, for me, there's really nothing in it between the two.
  14. It's stupidly close between Splintered Fang and Corvus for me.
  15. Last two warbands they've shown to War Cry have definitely tickled my pickle.
  16. This is me in a nutshell as well. I've gotten a lot better over the past year, but anything which can help chug out line troops so I can spend time focussing on the character and vehicles models is something I've got interest in.
  17. When the season 2 warbands were revealed I was super-excited about the Sylvaneth one, but, honestly they just don't do it for me models wise like I thought they would. HOWEVER! I never expected to be excited about the Dwarves and I am! They look great and seem like they'll have an interesting playstyle.
  18. I've done exactly that, I had Oath of Conquest, Conquest and Oath of Denial in hand IIRC, I declared the both Denial and Conquest, hoping that this would force his hand and allow me to score both of the Conquests, or at worst, the Denial. I got lucky and got both Conquests.
  19. Personally, I blame everyone and everything, I mean, clearly, it can't be me! I never make mistakes ever and therefore the dice punish me!
  20. Following on from feedback, made some tweaks, what do folks make of this revision? Seems a little light on bodies IMO. +++ New Roster (Age of Sigmar) [1940pts] +++ ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Chaos - Khorne) [1940pts] ++ + Leader + Bloodsecrator : The Brazen Rune Bloodstoker Mighty Lord of Khorne : Mark of the Destroyer, General Slaughterpriest : Killing Frenzy, Hackblade & Wrath-hammer Slaughterpriest : Killing Frenzy, Bloodbathed Axe Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster + Battleline + Blood Warriors : 10 Blood Warriors, 1 Goreglaives, Icon Bearer, Paired Goreaxes Bloodreavers : 20 Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axes Flesh Hounds : 5 Flesh Hounds, Gore Hound + Other + Khorgoraths : Khorgorath Khorgoraths : Khorgorath Khorgoraths : Khorgorath Skullreapers : 5 Skullreapers, Daemonblades + Battalion + Battalion: Gore Pilgrims : Gore Pilgrims
  21. Thank you for the feedback gents. I'm not a tourney gamer so not looking for anything super-tournament-optimised, but also don't want to get walked all over either.
  22. Interested in some feedback on this army please, is it viable? Think I've covered the bases, also, ideas on artifacts to give would be helpful as I've no idea where to start; +++ New Roster (Age of Sigmar) [2000pts] +++ ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Chaos - Khorne) [2000pts] ++ + Leader + Bloodsecrator Bloodstoker Mighty Lord of Khorne ]: General Slaughterpriest : 5. Killing Frenzy, Hackblade & Wrath-hammer Slaughterpriest: 1. Bronzed Flesh, Bloodbathed Axe + Battleline + Blood Warriors : 2x 5 Blood Warriors, Goreaxe and Gorefist Blood Warriors : 2x 5 Blood Warriors, Goreaxe and Gorefist Bloodletters : 2x 10 Bloodletters, Hornblower, Icon Bearer Bloodreavers : 2x 10 Bloodreavers, Hornblowers, Icon Bearers, Meatripper Axes Flesh Hounds : 2x 5 Flesh Hounds, Gore Hounds + Other + Mighty Skullcrushers : 2x 3 Mighty Skullcrushers, Ensorcelled Axe, Hornblowers, Standard Bearers Battalion: Gore Pilgrims : Gore Pilgrims Allegiance: Khorne
  23. Thanks for the LoC/Kairos advice! I've worked out the rest of the list and posting for feedback; +++ New Roster (Age of Sigmar) [1980pts] +++ ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Chaos - Tzeentch) [1980pts] ++ + Leader + Herald of Tzeentch : 6. Tzeentch's Inferno, Ritual Dagger Lord of Change : 1. Bolt of Tzeentch, 3. Magical Supremacy, Baleful Sword, General Ogroid Thaumaturge : 6. Treacherous Bond Tzaangor Shaman : 1. Bolt of Tzeentch + Battleline + Kairic Acolytes : 2x 10 Kairic Acolytes, 20x Cursed Blade and Arcanite Shield Tzaangors : 10 Tzaangors, Brayhorns, Icon Bearers, 6x Savage Blade and Arcanite Shield, 4x Savage Greatblade Tzaangors : 10 Tzaangors, Brayhorns, Icon Bearers, 6x Savage Blade and Arcanite Shield, 4x Savage Greatblade + Other + Blue Horrors of Tzeentch : 10 Blue Horrors Flamers of Tzeentch : 3 Flamers Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch : 2x 3 Tzaangor Enlightened, Disc of Tzeentch + Allegiance + Allegiance: Allegiance: Tzeentch + Game Options + Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost Created with BattleScribe I already own the LoC/Kairos, Herald, the flamers and the Blue Horrors so they're in there to use (I have a start collecting box as well as the LoC and Blue/Brimstone box). I thought the Blues could sit on an objective while the rest of the army advances and does the real work.
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