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Blog Comments posted by Goodwin

  1. Oh, I do like the idea of Dryads growing up out of the base for her!

    I'm leaning towards "Blighted Tundra," or "Toxic Swamp," (on Warhammer TV), I may just do both since they should look similar.  I'm not sure how often my DoT and Rotbringers will be on the same battlefield but I like the idea of the unified bases.

    Since your painting already looks good it may be better to let the miniatures look fancy instead of the bases.  I'm not a fan of my painting so I try to trick people into thinking I'm swell with my bases.  Don't tell anyone!


  2. I generally stay away from anything Order - but damn these guys look good.  I really like the shield, and I especially like the idea of converting your Stormcast allies so they look like they've been given gifts or blessings or whatever.  The painting looks good and the idea is awesome.

    Hard to say what the Aelfs are going to look like but that Visarch totally looks passable for AoS.

    Basing is always tricky for me too.  I always need to make grand things and totally end up spinning my wheels.  I've done cobblestone cork for Nurgle Mortals (now torn apart due to square bases!), then went onto cork/sand rocky terrain for BCR.  When I finally get back to Nurgle or Tzeentch Mortals I'm doing one of Warhammer TVs basing methods and keeping ****** simple!

    I'm not sure if I would do all of the weapons for the SC in the same colour as the Syl.  They are still Sigmar's pets.  On the other hand, I do love that wood shield.  Tying the basing together may be enough.  Its what I'm thinking of doing for Chaos (all... like 6-8 Factions that I own), everyone will be in the Swamp of Nurgle basing theme, but with some flairs for that faction (Tzeentch stuff may be... uh, bluer?, Skaven may be... uh, drowning?).  So something like that may be good if Sylvaneth is your main squeeze?  Still, maybe the odd champion's weapons could begin to take on that blueish tint to it?

    What did you have in mind for the bases?  A simple method or something fancy?  I think I'm DONE using glue and sand.  Texture paints all the way from now on!

    I'll try to check back... but I'm horrible at remembering to do so! :D

    Goodluck out there!


    P.S. Those SC with Scythes do look bad ass.

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  3. Super jealous.  I haven't even started painted Tzaangor yet as I can't figure out a way to make it look as pretty as yours and the book's!

    Even the basing looks cool.  Disc looks neat, what didn't you like about it?  I'm a big fan of the skin though - which for now is the hardest part for me to figure out.

    Hope to see more!

  4. That's a tough decision and one that I'll eventually come up against too.  I picked up a few warmachines and Ironsworn back in 8th edition.  I'd like to use them in AoS but the warscrolls seem so lackluster.

    Can you use your Hellcannon as a counts-as Dreadquake Mortar?  I'm not sure which is better, I think I saw the Hellcannon was FAQd to not be Mortal Wounds but I think that was in their weird Facebook FAQ and not in an official document?

    I'd think it may be easier to run a Hellcannon as a Dreadquake then to run your entire army as a Slaves to Darkness.  Maybe!?

    Goodluck either way!  They look much pretty as well.

  5. I was really interested in this formation too.

    However, as far as I've seen the Bloodscorch Bulltribe formation only gives them the Khorne Keyword, not the Mortal Keyword as well.  All of the Bloodbound Command Abilities that I can find require Khorne Mortal as keywords.  So, I don't think you can actually use them to affect the Bullgor or Ghorgons.  A lot of the Chaos stuff is finicky about its Keywords, things affect Khorne Daemons and things like that, but not Khorne Mortals.  I'm sure we can agree the Bullgor are probably "mortal" but without the Keyword, I dont think it would be actually proper.

    Though if your gaming folks are fine with you counting it as Khorne Mortal then that's swell.

    If I'm wrong, do let me know! 

    Its not going to stop me from making some Khorne Bullgor, but not sure I'll make the push for a whole Bloodscorch tribe.

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