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Stroll through my garden of miniature photos and battle reports in the realms of Age of Sigmar.

Entries in this blog

Assault on the Plague Gate

Had a great narrative game the other night which I thought I'd share. We normally play with points, but was in the mood for an epic smash up which (I feel) works better with narrative play.   Scenario The attacker (go left to right in below picture) has to move as many units as possible through the Plague Gate (a baleful realm gate). At the conclusion of the match, the attacker would roll a dice and if the result was less than or equal to the number of units that got through



Completing the Silver Tower (no spoilers)

Well... just completed the painting side of things, yet to throw a dice in anger though. I have a strong paint-before-play ethic (influenced by my gaming group). Good fun to paint, excellent models and got to work on several different techniques that I wouldn't normally. The only down side, which would make me strongly reconsider purchasing future Warhammer Quest products, is that I've spent 2 months painting 50+ models and don't have a playable army. I'll see how much playability I ge



The Battle of Rottswill Pond

Sensing a small fissure in the Realm of Life is leaking more than just bileous filth, the Hammers of Sigmar are dispatched to seal the odorous hole in reality known as Rottswill Pond. Only to find the Glottkin and their Filth-Host standing in the way. The battle lines are drawn, with the Stormcast being tasked with destroying the small but vile puddle in the bottom right corner. Ethrac Glott summons Daemonic allies hold the Rotbringer flank, as the two forces draw closer.



Do you choose the gore or does the gore choose you?

I have been engaging in some vigorous brushing over the last few weeks and once I got my hair just right I banged out a few mini's too, ha! I love Khorne and have had both a 40k and WFB Khorne army in the past, but they were always basically unplayable in mono-god lists so I strayed, but when Gorechosen game out I couldn't resist! After getting the free WD Slaughter priest I hit the eBay and picked up the remaining 3 models I needed to make the full 8 Gorechosen of Khorne. These g



Welcome to the Garden

Hi All This is my first entry in my blog. The intention is to present photos of my miniatures and battle reports showcasing our group's Age of Sigmar games in Christchurch, New Zealand. I will post pictures of my Nurgle Rotbringers and small Stormcast Eternal in due course, but first up is Morbidex and his Nurgling horde taking on some clean and shiny Hammers of Sigmar The battle begins, but Morbidex finds himself ambushed some Paladins with pointy looking spears, he survives



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