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Horrors, beasts, madmen and daemons!  The forces of Goodwin will cast down the Mortal Realms in the name of Nurgle.

Entries in this blog

Ahhh! A Ghorgon! Ruuun!

Hey hey, The last of my Beastmen monsters! I've been steadily working on a Warherd army until the internet told me the Warherd is kind of bad, so now I don't know what the hell to do.  I'm trying to keep motivated to finish off the last two 3bull bullgor units, but its kind of hard. When I made the army I was like "zomg im gonna win so many games," and now I'm like "I want Beastclaw Raiders." I always pick the wrong team! Anyway, here he is! If you saw my cygor, I w



The Cygor Arrives!

I was going to write up something inspring, but I'm not all that inspired by this guy! I'm pretty sure I like how his skin turned out, but I think that's it.  And even that is a little chalky!  Not my best work I don't think. -.- I've been digging the Warherd stuff up until actually nearly finishing it.  I may just be getting sick of painting Beastmen.  I'm bad for wanting everything I don't already own, nothing I own is ever cool anymore.   This weekend my interest has gone from Flesh



From the deep dark comes...!

Stomping, squirming and fluttering, from the deep dark corners of the oldest forests, madness arrives!     Pretty happy with this guy.  I think I could have done the scales and horns better.  I am happy with the skin and wings though! While I was going to do up the Bloodscorch Bullgors next, I unearthed 10 more Gor.  While the Warherd is a bit out of my reach right now (I'd need one more ghorgon and nine more bullgor), the Brayherd is alive and well. 



The Warhoof Arrives

While Shartok Dragonchewer continues his journey of bringing the Shard of the Herdstone to Beastlord Kaamagruul tribe, reinforcements arrive.  Fooves pound across the plains, and drunken yowls piercing the treeline.  The Sons of the Warhoof arrive - united in devotion to their father and a love of good drink.   Ghorros Warhoof - here to drink, fight, and rut.   The Centigor Herd - Born from regions across the Realm of Life, willing to defend their father with their



WIP Sons of the Warhoof

Hey hey!, Just a quick update with a WIP picture of the Centigor. I've been working on 7 or 8 of these guys (all I could find!) and the Warhoof himself for the painting section of the Season of War.   I'm trying to learn how to highlight properly without just dry brushing everything. Not sure how much I like it, but at least it doesn't look chalky!



The Brayherd Arrives!

The Brayherd was unleashed again today in my quest to cast the stores of my city into the Realm of Chaos. Game 1 saw us take down a force of Ironjawz, Game 2 saw us smashed as we tried to Breakthrough and Ogor blockade! While I was at the shop I snuck off to their Malifaux table and took some glamour shots of those gentlest of Beastmen!   The Ungor, led by the Pigman of the Southern Sootlands The Pigman is still said to be a myth, but those whom live in the Sootlands wou



Goodwin's Stampede

(Pictures below!) Shartor Dragonchewer snorted, sending steam cutting through the evening frost.  They had marched far with their quarry and the air even this far from the Jotenburg was chill and harsh.  Still, they had escape the daemons of blood that had sought the precious Shard of the Herdstone.  First, escaping from the wailing bloodthirsty creatures through an land of haunting ruins continued to trouble the dreams of some of his tribe.  Then, as the daemons closed in, his monstrous tr



The Children of Chaos march for Nurgle!

Greetings! I've never really made a blog like this before so I'm certain I'll break something.  My Beastmen are nearly complete.  I'll soon put up pictures of those that are already finished, however I wanted to get these guys up.   Being the first to defecate on an enemy standard is a mark of pride amongst the Gor-kin.  However, the Pestigor take great pains to ensure only the most prized ****** mark their banners.     My Bestigor are a mix of curren



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