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A project log for a Forces of Chaos warband. I'm starting off with beasts and monsters, and whatever else catches my eye.

Entries in this blog


Whatever he lacks in actual tabletop effectiveness, Good Ol' Slambo makes up for in nostalgia... It's a great little model, and nice and quick to paint. I went with bone-coloured armour, partly so he wouldn't be associated with any one single patron god, but also because it would really show up the blood spatter. Slambo!



One weekend, five battles

Last weekend, I took a selection of my chaos forces for a round-robin tournament of games. Here's an overview, the links go to the full reports. Half the players were new to Age of Sigmar, so to keep it fun, the 1000pt lists were written as deliberately soft (although tell that to the guy who brought the Mourngul!), and we skipped Allegiance traits and extra abilities/items. I took a selection of what I fancied: Tzaangor for punch, Chaos Warriors for securing objectives, Gor to ov



The Paranoid Ogroid

Time for another character for my chaos army. This one nicely blurs the line between sorcerer and beastman,,, The Ogroid Thaumaturge! Mainstay of The Silver Tower and Tzeentch Arcanites (he wouldn't look bad as the magic support in a Warherd army either...) I was quite happy with the wet blending on his skin, although I could quite happily never have to paint another one of his eldritch sigils. I'm not sure how I feel about his 'looking over the shoulder' pose. It's nice



Three heads are better than one

(actually four heads, if you count the one on the tail) It's the Chimera! He seemed to be a stalwart of 8th Ed Chaos armies, but I haven't seen him about in many battle reports. I think monsters are suffering from lack of synergy - it would be nice to see them buffed by a beastmaster-type, like a Great Bray Shaman or a Bloodstoker. Nonetheless, I'm slowly building a menagerie of chaos beasties, so this puppy gets to join the Cockatrice in the zoo. I was either going



Little Yellow Chaos Warriors

It's mostly been monsters and beasts for my Chaos army so far, but I'm spreading my net into Slaves to Darkness (you can blame the Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness box - I *may* have a Start Collecting! box problem). I'm kick off with a small unit of Chaos Warriors - an old sculpt, but still iconic to me. I went with yellow to keep them unaligned (and once you discount all the patron gods, there isn't much left in the colour palette!) These guys hit the tables this w



And now ... Gorechosen!

For the next instalment, I've taken a break from Tzeentch to finish up my Gorechosen quartet. They're a really solid set of characters, and the game is great bit of mindless fun (I'm wondering how it will compare to the other quick-playing, arena-based, low-model count, Shadespire). They're certainly enough to tempt me into getting some more Bloodbound for them (the Slaughterpriest needs to sacrifice something!). The Exalted Deathbringer has made a few appearances i



Changing up some Tzaangor

Next up for the Tzeentch faction are the Tzaangor. I love the idea of these variant beastmen (it would be great to get some plastic kit Khornegor, Pestigor and ... Slaaneshgor?) and these particular ones are my favourite Tzeentch models. I went for the 'standard' colours of The Cult of The Transient Form - there's lots of colour options, but I think gold+turquoise is pretty Tzeentch. The Silver Tower Tzaangors come in two identical sets of three, but it didn't seem



Bird-headed Magister

It's been a while since I revisited this army, but the release of the Tzeentch battletome has inspired me into adding more units. I liked the mention in the fluff that Tzaangor will brand chaos monsters like Cockatrice and Jabberslythe with their own marks (shame you can't do that in the game) So to get me started: a Tzeentch Magister with his head swapped for a Tzaangor (the severed head that comes with the Darkoath Chieftain)   The hunched posture and the claw-feet work well wit



Battle Report: Stop The Sigmartrain!

The second and final AoS game of the weekend (we moved on to X-Wing after that) continued the story from the Pre-Emptive Strike scenario The newly-arrived Bloodthirster relived Morghur of command (considering he'd made such a mess of stopping the invasion) and gathered all the chaos beasts together to stop the Stormcasts from breaking out of their foothold. There were a lot more Stormcast to content with than the first scenario, and a Celestant-Prime waiting in the heavens (actually th



Battle Report: Pre-Emptive Stormcasts!

A few weeks ago, I sent my Beasts army to fight against a freshly-undercoated Stormcast force. We started off with the Pre-Emptive Strike scenario - a Lord-Relictor leading a vanguard of Prosecutors to secure a Realmgate and bring the rest of the legion through. Before they can get far, the Beasts get their scent and battle is joined! To add a bit more spice we decided that, if the Lord-Relictor's summoning roll ever failed on a '1', it would accidentally bring through a Greater Daemon



This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef

I could use a few more characters in this beastly army. I'm not crazy about the Doombull model, but I did like the idea of a 'monstrous infantry' scale character to push them around. So behold - the Doomboar! It's a Mierce Miniatures model - "Broga, the Wereofor Thegn" to be precise, and it was a dream to paint. If you've not used the company before: the models are resin, generally compatible with Warhammer stuff, and priced at Forge World level (which is why I've only started wit




I wasn't planning on adding any more Gor to this army - but when I saw these 40 on sale at a super-bargain price, I couldn't resist. I normally buy second-hand models to strip/respray them, but these were surprisingly well done. Mostly base coats and a bit of wash, but all neat and well-applied. It just needed some more washing, new round bases and the details added. The last thing was the banner - freehand isn't my strength, and I think my



Who Let The Hogs Out?

For my next unit, I wanted some animal variety in my Beasts army, so that ruled out anything goat-based. Time for the piggies! I wasn't keen on the 'Pumba'-style Razogor, but I love the new plastic orc boar boys. After remounting all my old savage orcs with new steeds, I still had a couple of models left over. Not much in the way of conversion - just a few extra Gor horns and some spikes made from savage orc flint weapons. I added a couple of arrows in this one, jus



And now... Morghur!

The Shadowgrave, Master of Skulls, The Corrupter, Semi-Finalist in Strictly Come Dancing ... he has many titles. I've now finished painting my Morghur conversion (and now I'm really tempted to rumoured Alarielle, since the Wood Elf Queen was his arch-nemesis in the Old World). Unlike the usual blood-spattered snow, I used some Typhus Corrosion to represent the corruption seeping out of him. Another unit coming up soon! (if anyone's wondering how I'm managing to bang them out



Spawn To Be Wild!

I've painted up my three spawn conversions, and ended up styling them along the lines of the ruinous powers: Extra blood for the Khorne Spawn: Extra drool for the Nurgle Spawn And extra ... eyeball? ,,, for the Tzenntch Spawn So here are my trio: Blinkin, Winkin and Nod.



Spawn Free!

WIP report this time - I wanted to add Morghur, Master of Skulls to the brayherd, but I wasn't keen on the metal model. This is what I managed with a few spare bits and some greenstuff: And since the reason to take Morghur is so he can mutate your own troops into Chaos Spawn, I had a go at slapping some of them together too.



Beastmen - it's all in a good Gors

Time to bulk out the Chaos monsters with some expendable infantry. I do like these Gor sculpts - it's nice to have them displayed on rounds, rather than lost in a horde formation.   They look formidable, but I reckon I'll need more of them, with a few brayherd characters, if I want to unlock their potential.



First up - the Cockatrice!

This is the start of a project log for Chaos beasties. I can thank Age of Sigmar for finally getting me started on these - there were always a few Chaos models that caught my eye, but I couldn't commit to a whole army just to paint them (and now I can ... slowly) To begin with, the Cockatrice. I love the sculpt (although it does prove quite squashy on the battlefield)



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