Welcome to the Garden
Hi All
This is my first entry in my blog.
The intention is to present photos of my miniatures and battle reports showcasing our group's Age of Sigmar games in Christchurch, New Zealand.
I will post pictures of my Nurgle Rotbringers and small Stormcast Eternal in due course, but first up is Morbidex and his Nurgling horde taking on some clean and shiny Hammers of Sigmar
The battle begins, but Morbidex finds himself ambushed some Paladins with pointy looking spears, he survives after some Blightkings intevene.
Nurgling Cam
Morbidex slams into the Stormcast battleline, only to be felled by the Lord Celestant's shooty hammer cloak thingy.
The battle reaches an exciting conclusion, or would have, if there wasn't 4 Retributors looming just out of shot!
In review, I bought a fun "see what happen if I take lots of Nurglings" knife to a Stormcast gunfight, however, an enjoyable game and fun evening.
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