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The journey of one RPG podcaster and Warhammer Fantasy Battle Rage-Quiter as he builds he Nurgle horde for Age of Sigmar and reconnects with the hobby that has brought him so much joy and pain.

Entries in this blog

Maggoth Lord Selction

I colored outside the lines a little bit with my commitment to buy only one model per paycheck. What can I say? I found a great deal on eBay and "saved" a few bucks? Anyway, no one cares about that. A Maggoth Lord is a big investment and I really only have theories about how each one plays. I put together a survey so you can weigh in which Lord is the best. Two categories, one filth, one hobby. Let me know what you think.



Fields Muddy with the Blood of the Undead

On Sunday I got together with my gaming buddies @Sunchaser and @Malicth at Odyssey Games in Scottsdale, AZ and we got in some games. Sunchaser was tired of beating up my Rotbringers so he split off and faced this dude George who was there and had some Stormcast Eternals. George hadn't played for a few months but was looking to get back in and had a very cool looking army that was coming right along in terms of painting. I faced off against Casey, David (who wrecked my face previously with h



Sylvaneth and Duardin Foil the Path of Rot (Again)

I was able to get a nice weeknight game in with my buddy @Sunchaser yesterday at Odyssey Games in Scottsdale, AZ. I still am holding at about 1000 points, having failed to assemble my Chaos Warshrine this week while editing my tablerop RPG podcast, Full Metal RPG. There were an odd number of players so @Sunchaser (Sylvaneth) got funneled into another 3 player battle royale with me (MoN Chaos) and Sam, (Duardin). We were battling for control of an artefact in the center of the board and



Slashing My Own Hamstrings

This weekend I got in my weekly game with @Sunchaser at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix, AZ. I showed up with the same mixed Nurgle list I played last time. We had agreed that we wanted to try a Battleplan from the SCGT 2016 Tournament Pack and we set that game up. I can't remember what the Battleplan was called, but it's the first one in there and it's like, you have to control altars in order to move a storm. Anyway, to control an altar requires a Hero or Monster and so @Sunchaser (who plays



Rotbringers - The Road to Fully Painted/100% Converted

Here are some pics of the Nurgle Rotbringers army in it's earliest days. These were taken 072616. As of right now my Army consists of: - Lord of Plagues - Chaos Sorcerer Lord - Great Unclean One - 12 Chaos Warriors w/ MoN - 17 Plaguebearers - 1 Chaos Chariot - 5 Chaos Knights w/ MoN My goal is to have a 2000 point army, 100% converted and fully painted by this time next year. I was hoping to have the first 1000 points done by January of '17 but becaus



Chaos Treachery in the Realm of Life

This weekend @Sunchaser and I met up with our new gaming buddy Dave at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix AZ. There were three of us and we wanted to get in a game so we played a multiplayer mission from the new General's Handbook. I have to say, it was the finest 3+ player experience I have ever had. The mission was really well thought out and super fun to play. @Sunchaserbrought his Sylvaneth and Dave brought his filthy Skaven horde. The battle was on for control of the battlefield and while the firs



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