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About this blog

I am writing this in the hope that it will motivate me to continue working on my armies. I am a student currently so its easy to get swept up in all the work, stress and general life. My hope for this is that sharing my work will be the kick in the pants i need to help get through my grey mountain.

Entries in this blog

Shields of Alarielle

I have finished the wooden shields of Alarielle. Pretty pleased with how they have turned out, the green shoulders and blue blades tie them in pretty well with the rest of my army. Up next are my Dracoths, having an internal debate over these, wondering if I should chop off those hammer heads and replace them with Scythes, as well as how to approach painting them. I am thinking of doing them in a similar manner to my Magmadroth, just without the metallic scales, but that may be a bit too mu



First Reinforcements done, more to come.

I have finished the Scythes of Alleriel, very pleased with how they turned out, they're clearly part of the overall army while adding some golden armour to the sea of wooden bodies. They were easy to convert and easy to paint up, the only downside to them is how expensive it would be to add another 5 now that i dont just have the parts lying around. Up next you can see I have blocked in the colours for my Liberators, still have to highlight everything, but you can see the general direction



Sylvaneth done, whats next.

It has been a while, but that is the school life for you. Managed to finally finish off the last of my Sylvaneth, unfortunately this means i have no more excuses and need to begin basing them.  As you can see I had a little AoS painting break, but honestly the Visarch could totally fit in a fantasy elf army.  For what is next for me? well on the the Stormcast allies for my tree people. I will either be converting all of them or painting them to look like they have received gifts from A



Some progress

So a minor painting update, I have been swamped at school and am on my reading week, so I have only managed to get some base colours on my Treelord Ancient. I am thinking of making his claws ghostly to match the other Sylvaneths' weapons as i want his staff to be a vibrant flower.  I am currently on my march break, and while you'd think that would give me more free time to paint, alas I am visiting family and all my paints are back at my apartment. On the upside though, I have finished buil



Sylvaneth so far

So this is what I have painted so far. Basing is obviously to come. I could lie and say i was waiting until i was finished so that it would be unifying, but frankly I have no idea what I want to do for it yet, so bare they stay. I have three Hunters and a Treelord Ancient left to paint, then it is on to my stormcast, test conversion for the paladins has also been included, pretty pleased with how it turned out. CC very welcome along with good basing ideas.



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