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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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3 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Saw these photos on Facebook the other day, he's a lot smaller than the plastic giant but not too far off the older giant model which is returning to the range soon (likely on the 50mm base option for giants). Could put him on a tactical rock if you want to match the height of the older giant more closely but it's not a big difference IMO...



How tall in inches is the GW giant? I have a random Rakdos figure from wizkids that I think is a bit too big for a demon prince but might make a great chaos giant alongside my skullfray.

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Victory for the Dark Elves. He rolled really badly for the first half.

Very funny game: The Assassin threw both poisoned knifes at the Cursed Khemri Shrine finishing it off - causing a powerful explosion which almost killed one Tomb Scorpion but blew up 2 Witches. While the Assassin and the Supreme Sorceress behind him weren’t affected.

Turn 3 or 4: The Darkshards saw an opening and fired at the Hierophant (hitting on 5s), 18 shots, 8 hits, 3 wounds with 6 and two regular wounds - killing him once and for all.

Turn 5 my Dreadlord (all Black Guard fell, doing very little in a prolonged combat) charged and killed the giant. TIMBER! The giant fell onto him causing 6 hits and 5 wounds - I saved all but one (He was in trouble right there xD)

The Dreadspears held a rear charge of his main block and an charging Tomb scorpion, fell back in good order. Continued the next Combat phase with a draw, fled twice, yet my champ survived!


The Witches were utterly brutal. 3 attacks per witch + the rend -1 banner made them slice and dice even ushabti.

If I can find some time I might write up a highlights-bsttle-report 















































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11 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Saw these photos on Facebook the other day, he's a lot smaller than the plastic giant but not too far off the older giant model which is returning to the range soon (likely on the 50mm base option for giants). Could put him on a tactical rock if you want to match the height of the older giant more closely but it's not a big difference IMO...



This is great, thanks. Not having seen the Crusher in real life it was hard to judge his size, though I had suspected he might to short for the giant as I do remember the plastic one being rather lanky and tall. Great to know that he is almost as tall as the old metal one, so if that one dose make a comeback then maybe with a little tactical terrainage I could include a Crusher just for the look.

Failing that the suggestion as unit filler might be something to think about.



9 hours ago, The Red King said:

They make great minotaur.

They do, I just don’t yet know how raking allies woks and if Warriors can take Beastman units, so was looking for units in the WoC list that they could fit as from a rules standpoint.  

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Re: earlier discussions about Frenzy, the recent FAQ's notes about being allowed to attempt yo reform after wiping out & overrunning a unit makes feenzy a good bit better.  Still as much a detriment as a buff, imo, but not as bad as I was making out before.

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5 hours ago, Sception said:

earlier discussions about Frenzy, the recent FAQ's notes about being allowed to attempt yo reform after wiping out & overrunning

Good to know! I didn’t know that and spent a turn getting into position after overrunning the crumbling undead!


I‘ll post some unit close-ups later :)

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Loving seeing everyone's impressions of battle reports and pictures of their games and armies.

I've not been so excited to play again.

Making progress on the first miniatures and I've not done something for myself in such a long time. Can't wait to start sharing pictures and hope to get gaming again!

Finally got my books yesterday and just had a massive grin on my face reading all the lore and the old artwork, some of which I've never seen! What a blast.

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49 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

They look so cool!! Great start to a army! 

Thanks!  It's been a major flurry of work over the last several days, taking up all my available hobby time and then some.  They're not even ready for priming yet, I still need to apply texture paint first, and I might go for a round of paint stripping on the skeletons with bows.  Then again, that celestra that's on them isn't too far removed from the vallejo grey primer I plan to use as an undercoat for the skeletons going foward, so maybe it's fine to just leave them as is.

In the mean time, though, I'm way ahead of the local gaming group at this point - My room mate's still choosing his army, others have only just gotten their initial pre-release orders - so this lot's probably going back on the shelf for a few weeks to give people time to catch up.  That also gives me time to finish some other painting projects that were supposed to be done before the big old world push.


I do again have to recommend the txarli factory bases & unit trays, which I picked up from coveted forge.  They're very nice.  One minor nitpick - the magnet slots on the 60x100 bases were mishapen (looks like somebody resized a 50x50 to the new proportions but forgot to go back and tidy up the magnet slots back to 5mm circles), but it's really no big deal, the depth is still right and superglue holds the magnets in fine even if the slots aren't snug.


Also, the metal bowshabti are great.  Just, so, so, soooo much better than the resin they used to be in.  Obviously I wish we got new plastic ushabti instead, but until that day comes these are very nice, and I'm absolutely on the email waiting list to get more when they're back in stock.

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

While watching the Royal Rumble I put some more Druchii together. 

5 shades, 5 harpies and a sorceress. 

Also got my first night goblin unit painted, will get some pics soon. 





Great idea using them as shades! I will steal that xD

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Bretonnia rules Question:

It appears that it’s allowed now to join a Grail Vow Hero to a Questing Vow and or a Knight’s Vow unit - A Questing Vow hero to a Knight‘s Vow unit as well

in short: Higher Vows can join lower Vow units. This is very cool! (iirc this didn’t work back in the old Bretonnia Army Book)

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33 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Great idea using them as shades! I will steal that xD

Funny thing, I used the Shadowstalkers I had lying around (bought them to use as allies for my SCE but then lost that possibility) to make Wardancers and a Spellsinger/Spellweaver for my Wood Elves


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15 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I really would like to know what's the reasoning behind the prices on those old MTO minis:

Saturday Pre-orders – Made to Order in the World of Legend - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

Some seem pretty cheap for today's standard, some flagrant crazy.... it would be so nice to know the rules behind the prices...

I haven't looked into it that carefully, but might it be the cheaper ones are simply old stock that GW are trying to shift, and the more expensive ones are ones they expect to need to recast?

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2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I haven't looked into it that carefully, but might it be the cheaper ones are simply old stock that GW are trying to shift, and the more expensive ones are ones they expect to need to recast?

Pretty sure they are all new recasts. Old metal models were melted down, they didn't keep a stockpile. 

Remembering back to my days as a GW staff member when you could organise to go into the mail order room and fill a box and pay by weight (£20 per kg). Managed to get some unreleased models that way. 

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