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12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Yes! I am all in for AoS to have i.e as StD warriors murderous weapon which can be represented with swords, axes, hammers and maces. All perfect. But giving a unit with big shields the same stats as the same unit but than without big shields but two hammers is a huge immersion breaker for me. Absurd choice. I find flavour, immersion more important than balance. This is to simplified for me and I am saying this while I am more a hobbyist than a player. Absurd direction.

It was probably a mid path between removing all the options and leaving them. This way people won't complain that much and in the next iteration they can remove without problem everything apart from the hammer and shield.

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It was probably a mid path between removing all the options and leaving them. This way people won't complain that much and in the next iteration they can remove without problem everything apart from the hammer and shield.

True, I wasn't thinking about the old kit, not that anyone actually built them with double weapons but this way they can handwave backward compatibility without  bothering to stat out weapon options.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Why ?

I don't know, but all armies should have their own diferent gameplays without using any "outside" models.

Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with Campaign books with unique armies, and a Big Waaagh is perfectly fine in that perspective. But I prefer when they are personal projects instead of an excuse to unlock a basic gameplay style.

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44 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Just to note but most GW stores do this when they have to send stock back either because it’s going to be repackaged, web store only or in this case discontinued.

I do see why you can think about it leaving a sour taste but this is something that happens regularly. My local GW would update its Facebook to let people know you have a last chance to get it in store. I’ve found it’s a good way to get some limited edition stuff if you’re after it

They also do this in general when stock is being rotated whether it is stock leaving the range for good or just stuff that you can still get online and they need space for the constant new stuff coming in. I'm sure Vanguard stuff, since its now going to be some of the oldest stuff, is just being moved out to make shelf room for the 4th edition stuff coming in.

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29 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

40K army building rules. You can only have 3 of any datasheet, or 6 if it has the Battleline keyword. Something that has done a lot of harm to narrative focused collection. Want a Catachan Jungle Fighters army? Tough because you can only take six squads, which limits the army size considerably.

No price too high for the eradication of spam lists.

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Just now, Flippy said:

No price too high for the eradication of spam lists.

The rule of 3/6 seems kinda wild that it's even necessary to me tbh, I think I'd go insane if I painted like 6 units of reinforced gutrippaz, let alone more than that. I guess tourney players are just built different though

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Hot take I know but I think people are reading too much into this. 

We know that recently GW have started building shields into the save characteristic. Vindinctors have a save of 3+ and Vanquishors (the ones with the big swords and no shields) have a save of 4+ We know that the Stormcast book has too much bloat. We also know that rules are written after miniatures are made. 

I can easily imagine a scenario where designers thought "ok it's a Stormcast so the save is 4+ but there's a shield so we bump it to 3+. Oh look the designer added an option of dual hammers. We could make a separate warscroll but the mandate from management is less bloat so let's just make it a cosmetic thing. "

The next day it's time to do the Fyreslayers. 

"When management said less bloat, I'm not sure this is what they meant. Is there any way we can make the Vulkite kit into more warscrolls?"

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Weapon profiles being merged is fantastic and should have been implemented long ago. This isn't a WYSIWG game. Let's not pretend people didn't ALWAYS build whatever the numerical "best" option was.

There was no strategy, no flavor to it. But now, we can build ANYTHING we want without worrying it'll be nerfed into being the worst option in the next update. All of the AOS players I've ever met already do this and just say their unit is using whatever regardless of what the models look like.

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38 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Weapon profiles being merged is fantastic and should have been implemented long ago. This isn't a WYSIWG game. Let's not pretend people didn't ALWAYS build whatever the numerical "best" option was.

There was no strategy, no flavor to it. But now, we can build ANYTHING we want without worrying it'll be nerfed into being the worst option in the next update. All of the AOS players I've ever met already do this and just say their unit is using whatever regardless of what the models look like.

I am completely ok with merging weapons in one or two stat lines. As is done with the sb skeletons and StD warriors. The problem for me is that they went to far with combining the shield with it too. Visually its for me and immersion breaker that a shield is just cosmetic option. It would be less of a problem if all liberators mandotary came with a shield. It is just stupid that the same unit can be equipped with two hammers and nothing changed.

It is now so simplified that I just could paint 5 bases gold and say that is a unit of liberators. It doen't matter anymore.

Absurd choice.

Edited by Tonhel
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33 minutes ago, Mutton said:

This isn't a WYSIWG game.

For sake of devils advocation here does that mean I can just throw some grots on a 40mm and be damned anyone who says they're not liberators?


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2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

For sake of devils advocation here does that mean I can just throw some grots on a 40mm and be damned anyone who says they're not liberators?


Sigmar should reforge a grot as a stormcast just to see what happens tbh

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On 4/5/2024 at 11:41 AM, Nezzhil said:

There is a rumour that Daemons Codex would receive a hero for each god.

Vashtorr included? Or, is it too early for the godhood or any new Soul-Forge representation? ^^'

Edited by Preppikoma
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Are we expecting these will be back maybe remix but back in the new edition?


Like Branchwraith (and dryads), Madcap shaman and Eternity warden can just be slotted in for the faction singular model for the edition

A new Scyla and Valkia (especially her) is possibility especially since they mention and refer to as recent as the current Dawnbringer campaign so their not really forgotten 

Big Boss is the only thing i not sure because im still iffy on what Spiderfang future after Bonsplitterz end

mistweaver honestly though she was dead two edition ago don't know what faction she was in

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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

No single ogor model should be on anything less than a 50mm imo. That CoS warhulk is prime early example representation. Just needs a belly!!!

I really hope this is the case. Ogors need to be scaled up drastically. Something that is 8-10 Feet tall should not have a Fyreslayer come up to their shoulder in height.

The Ogor range refresh has me as excited as I was for Sons of Behemat.

In regards to Ironjawz and Kruelboyz I dont think theyll seperate the Battletome. With Bonesplitterz gone they can fully flesh out Kruelboyz who will no doubt lean more into the Monster Hunter/Trapper angle that was held by the Kruelboyz.

If anything to me this signals that there may yet be a chance for a new Destruction Faction in 5.0. 

We have rumblings of a Drogrukh Faction but personally I want something that is far more different from our Big Ladz and Greenskinz.

Give. Us. Silent. People. The designers can truly go wild as of now we only have one piece of concept art and the knowledge that they are insect like in appearance. They can even have any real world influences they want as I previously posted that Feudal Japan/Samurai aesthetic would look incredible.

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11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I really hope this is the case. Ogors need to be scaled up drastically. Something that is 8-10 Feet tall should not have a Fyreslayer come up to their shoulder in height.

The Ogor range refresh has me as excited as I was for Sons of Behemat.

My only gripe for an ogre refresh is that there's no way GW will keep the level of intercompatibility that exists between the kits right now. Admittedly, it has limited their posing options (which makes sense considering the game they were designed for) but I have been able to make entire units out of spare parts I've had left over and the glut (pun intended) of extra ogre bodies you end up with. I made a Tyrant out of extra bits from the Ironblaster and a unit of Ironguts from left-over Mournfang arms and some Leadbelcher bits.

I'm sure whatever GW cooks up will look better than what we've got, but I'll really miss what feels like an unmatched level of easy customization that we have now.

Or maybe we'll get dropped like BoC in 5e. Who knows :^)

Edited by KriticalKhan
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40 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Are we expecting these will be back maybe remix but back in the new edition?


Like Branchwraith (and dryads), Madcap shaman and Eternity warden can just be slotted in for the faction singular model for the edition

A new Scyla and Valkia (especially her) is possibility especially since they mention and refer to as recent as the current Dawnbringer campaign so their not really forgotten 

Big Boss is the only thing i not sure because im still iffy on what Spiderfang future after Bonsplitterz end

mistweaver honestly though she was dead two edition ago don't know what faction she was in

I would say it is not on GW's priority list.

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23 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

My only gripe for an ogre refresh is that there's no way GW will keep the level of intercompatibility that exists between the kits right now. Admittedly, it has limited their posing options (which makes sense considering the game they were designed for) but I have been able to make entire units out of spare parts I've had left over and the glut (pun intended) of extra ogre bodies you end up with. I made a Tyrant out of extra bits from the Ironblaster and a unit of Ironguts from left-over Mournfang arms and some Leadbelcher bits.

I'm sure whatever GW cooks up will look better than what we've got, but I'll really miss what feels like an unmatched level of easy customization that we have now.

Or maybe we'll get dropped like BoC in 5e. Who knows :^)

The customisation of the Faction is unmatched but that also leaves us with a Faction that is also hindered by the same fact that almost all the parts are quite similar.


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Just now, AquaRegis said:

Must be great buying the Drakoath Box when its out this month knowing that the supplement book will be invalid in 2 months.

You can always go back and play 3rd edition whenever you want. Especially considering is probably the most loved edition so far.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

You can always go back and play 3rd edition whenever you want. Especially considering is probably the most loved edition so far.

Hopefully 4th edition will be solid so we won't need to. 

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

For sake of devils advocation here does that mean I can just throw some grots on a 40mm and be damned anyone who says they're not liberators?


If your opponent is cool with that, I guess you could proxy them but that’s pushing it to about its maximum limit. But WYSIWYG refers more to weapons, where the difference between a Mortek with a Sword and a Mortek with a Spear ultimately isn’t very meaningful besides being less of a pain to form up because swords don’t get caught on the shield of the guy in front of them. 

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6 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

Hopefully 4th edition will be solid so we won't need to. 

I hope so. Even if there are some things that I find a bit weird (the shield thing with the profiles and characteristics), I think that the game is starting to have a really strong and structured core.

There is a lot that we need to know, but just hope for the best!

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