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But, man, not having the horrible looking night runners going is bad. I would have prefered them receiving the sweet mercy of expiry-death to give all skaven players mental peace.

Edited by Gaz Taylor
removed swearing
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Well, I'm done with AoS. If I have to choose between "Those old sculpts that made you interested in Warhammer? We're bringing them back!" and "Those not at all old sculpts that made you interested in AoS? They're gone now!", I know what I'm picking.

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Just now, sandlemad said:

Separately, ogres have only received a handful of new minis since AoS started. Two characters, two terrain pieces and a Warcry unit.

I don’t think it’s actually super likely that they’ll be squatted and/or rolled into TOW… but I’m a lot less confident than I was yesterday.

Ogres aren't a 'Core' TOW army for the foreseeable (at least until they do a 'Eastern' expansion) unlike Beastmen, so I think the odds of them getting an AoSification with new sculpts is pretty good... but I was also confident Beasts of Chaos would be sticking around and I was obviously wrong about that, so I don't know what to believe anymore. 

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9 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Why not? It seems perfectly reasonable to quit a game that just cut your favourite faction.

Because acting out of anger is a show of immaturity and lack of self control.

Your army is getting cut from the game, which is a sad news. Can you do anything about it ? No, because you have no control over GW. Can you control how to respond to it ? Yes, you can control to not be aggressive, angry, and throw curse words on forums like some of you have done in this thread, because it 1/does nothing and 2/shows how little self control you have.

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I really hope AoS4 launch goes incredibly well financially. If there's truly so much infighting within GW about TOW and AoS, I hope AoS does really well and gets a ton more resources allocated to it. Otherwise we might see more armies disappearing sooner rather than later.

It feels like even GW doesn't want the two systems to peacefully coexist (not to mention the animosity from a set of WFB/TWW players that already exists towards AoS), they're just driving an even deeper wedge between the communities by this obsessive separation of games.

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I'm going to start by saying we're 9 years into this game. Its too late to be removing entire army ranges like this, and its a sign of bad planning. I know old world and AoS were splitting things up but still, not acceptable. You should've cut them 3 years ago with the rest of the AoS 2 stuff, or not given them an AoS 1 book at all.

I was actually talking to my brother on saturday about potential squatting, and I put the list like "Bonesplitterz, dispossessed, Spiderfang, Dark Elves, Beasts" (in that order). And I mentioned how I noticed beasts things were all being taken by StD lately, weird monsters from the warcry stuff like raptoryxs, and sphiranx, and the new darkoath thing, minotaur in ogroids, etc. The only thing BoC really still had was the brayherd and thunderscorn stuff. I'm a incredibly shocked dispossessed didn't make it to the list but BoC did.
This is two painted armies I own getting binned, and in my opinion, beasts of chaos was easily the most interesting battletome of 3rd edition.


5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

GSG always get more than the normal faction treatment each edition. They're the spoiled privileged kids of Destruction (as these littke brats should), I wouldn't worry about the future of GSG. Except Spiderfang because the army is fundamentaly a gross racial stereotype.

I think this confirms a spiderfang update. Otherwise spider riders and the arachnarok would've been on the list. Also not to get too into the weeds, but I disagree that spiderfang are a bad racial stereotype. Pretty much the only thing on the models you could point to as evidence is the feathers. Literally everything else is pretty in line for any paleolithic society.
Introduction to the Middle Paleolithic

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3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

On the other hand, just like back in 2015, I can't begrudge anybody for being extremely upset the army they spent hundreds/thousands of pounds buying, building, painting and playing with is thrown in the proverbial bin.

And just like back in 2015, some will give up, others will shrug and still play an older edition / another game system using their cherishly kept miniatures like nothing happened with same minded players and a couple will sadly burn their army in a fit of rage.

Personnally, my Anima Tactics miniatures look really great in Warcry as count-as Cities of Sigmar warband. I call it "the Final Fantasies" (Anima Tactics was a skirmish fantasy game that is totally Final Fantasy / anime inspired) :P

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My heartfelt sorrows to all those affected by the culling of the ranges, always sucks to see hard work and money get snubbed by business decisions like this, it is never pleasant and understandable to be angry at. 

With Bonesplittaz leaving the Orruk Warclanz range, do people think we might see an un-soup (Not sure what the opposite of a soup is?) of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz?

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4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Separately, ogres have only received a handful of new minis since AoS started. Two characters, two terrain pieces and a Warcry unit. More than BoC but not by a huge amount, and less than the Sacrosanct chamber release.

I don’t think it’s actually super likely that they’ll be squatted and/or rolled into TOW… but I’m a lot less confident than I was yesterday.

Ogors, and dark elves, are safe because they're not receiving old world support in terms of rules. The ogor rules are the equivalent of legends rules there.
Dark elves might get squatted with malerion releasing replacements though.

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1 minute ago, Scáthborn said:

My heartfelt sorrows to all those affected by the culling of the ranges, always sucks to see hard work and money get snubbed by business decisions like this, it is never pleasant and understandable to be angry at. 

With Bonesplittaz leaving the Orruk Warclanz range, do people think we might see an un-soup (Not sure what the opposite of a soup is?) of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz?

The opposite of soup is a sandwich. 

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...wondered why the post count spiked in here.

@The Red King feel you bro, this sucks big time.

I get why some ranges / models are being pulled (as they will get updates), but anyone genuinely thinking BoC and Bonesplitterz will be AoSified at this point is delusional. Even for the new lines or 1st -2nd edition stormcast, must be a huge kick in the teeth.

Am I right in thinking that all these Warcry models will now no longer be in production (I care less about them being in AoS or not). Because if that's the case, then that is really throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and would hurt two systems instead of one.

In either case, not much for me on the forum now. 


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5 minutes ago, EntMan said:


I'm surprised at the Branchwraith being removed. It's been for sale without rules for ages and I'd assumed it was waiting for transfer over to Wood Elves.

But it was still on sale for Warcry

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Ogres aren't a 'Core' TOW army for the foreseeable (at least until they do a 'Eastern' expansion) unlike Beastmen, so I think the odds of them getting an AoSification with new sculpts is pretty good... but I was also confident Beasts of Chaos would be sticking around and I was obviously wrong about that, so I don't know what to believe anymore. 

I'd love to see beastmen reimagined for AoS rather than sent to slaughtered. Look how Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Fyrslayers and Kharadrons exist whilst also having an Old World counterpart. Maybe in 3 years time we will see a return of the Beasts of Chaos, but not how they once were, like with a accursed cultist/spawndom flair across the range, rather than goat with axe.

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1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:

Ogors, and dark elves, are safe because they're not receiving old world support in terms of rules.

Until they are !

On long term, be sure they will be replaced in turn. Malerion's shadow army will be the new pointy eared taste of dark !

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Ogres aren't a 'Core' TOW army for the foreseeable (at least until they do a 'Eastern' expansion) unlike Beastmen, so I think the odds of them getting an AoSification with new sculpts is pretty good... but I was also confident Beasts of Chaos would be sticking around and I was obviously wrong about that, so I don't know what to believe anymore. 

They also said they're expanding the scope of TOW, whatever that may mean. I'm slowly getting worried about what that means for AoS, since I have absolutely no interest at all in TOW.

I wouldn't be surprised at this point if in the future they get moved if other AoS factions sell better or TOW does well. They really haven't gotten that much in terms of things that can be used in mainline AoS. Just 2 heroes, a Warcry warband and 2 terrain pieces (one warcry terrain piece) (and technically 2 UW warbands).

It would suck, but I can't see any army as fully safe anymore now.

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Just now, Sarouan said:

Until they are !

On long term, be sure they will be replaced in turn. Malerion's shadow army will be the new pointy eared taste of dark !

I have been hearing wishlist rumours for Malerion for the past 8 years or so. I'll believe it when I see them.

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4 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

The opposite of soup is a sandwich. 

That is what I thought too, but saying that Kruleboyz and Ironjawz might be sandwhich still sounds the same as being souped.

2 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Until they are !

On long term, be sure they will be replaced in turn. Malerion's shadow army will be the new pointy eared taste of dark !

What a glorious day that will be... Soontm ,I'm sure.

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31 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Wow... just .... wow....

I guess GW just wants to kill of my whole collection. First Gitmob and generic Orcs, now all my Bonesplitterz and the Scuttleboss. This really makes me wonder if i want to continue this hobby. Even Hedrakkas got removed and that is a newish kit.

This really feels like i am getting punished for playing non order or marine factions time and time again. Its fun to get Kruleboyz and Kragnos, but by now i only have Gordrakk and u unit of brutes left thats legal after 2025. Really GW? Why? My whole 2000 point whfb army is invalidated and it had cost me years to build and paint the it all and added to that while AoS was already a thing. Mh army got split up and moved to different books. And now i get my models removed as the cherry on top?

Whats to stop you from just using any of those as just the closest "legal" equivalent when the time comes?

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Look, can I just say something to the room in general, please?

Some of us are OK to laugh it off. Some others, are genuinely upset. It's not for the former to decide for the latter on what they're allowed or not allowed to be upset about. 

If you're cool with the changes, if you're not that bothered, that's great. Good for you. But may we please have understanding for people, who do get emotionally involved in this hobby and feel genuinely affected by this quite dramatic change?

Especially in those first moments, when emotions are high and the hurt feels raw? Pretty please?

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12 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Community engagement for AoS relies on trust. I believe a lot of players have bought into AoS armies on the assumption that anything with a battletome will have long-term support. That's not unreasonsble.

It isn't unreasonable, but it is an assumption made on our part.  GW has given us a year's warning of when these warscrolls/models will be gone which is a lot more than many companies would in the same situation.  That's only competitive play too - the article does say that Legends will be updated and balanced for the duration of 4th edition.

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