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  1. Oh, wow, these absolutely work for me, open-face helmets, wings, and all! Additionally, I love that these models have crackling lightning-eyes, I think it really makes the models identifiably Stormcast rather than a classic armored knight. In fact, it's how I paint most of my SCE, so I'm quite chuffed to see the studio painting team using it! 😄
  2. Add me to the chorus of people really excited for 4th Edition both in rules & models! On another topic, I've been painting some Sacrosanct SCE while I've got the interest and I'd forgotten how poorly suited to speedpaints they are with the all of big flat cloth surfaces. I have to admit the sculpts from Dominion, Leviathan, & the upcoming Skaven all seem pretty well-suited to Contrast in comparison. I know some people dislike the amount of modeled detail on modern GW miniatures, but I do think it's an intentional choice to go along well with these paints and it does make sense to me.
  3. Seconded! I already was psyched to combine them with the new Cities minis, but these new mortal attendants have sparked many kitbash ideas....🤔
  4. Heartbroken for BoC players, very surprised by the Sacrosanct & Warcry cuts.... I think this is the saddest day for AoS fans since the original faction cull.
  5. Man, I love Thunderstrike armor in the Hallowed Knights colors! Just for fun, I showed a friend who's unfamiliar with AoS the new Liberator & he described it as "Elden Ring/Dark Souls-esque religious knight, maybe conquistador vibes," which is pretty accurate for someone who knows zero SCE lore! It's just one example, of course, but I think the silver armor & streamlined design functions way better than the golden OGcast at advertising the setting & faction.
  6. If the cinematic is previewing units from the big box, I'm actually really hyped to see the new Prosecutors. The spear & shield is so much better than the "energy hammers" of the 1.0 box, all they need now is modern sculpts & decent flying poses!
  7. You're welcome to as many "Sigmar secretly bad" headcanons as you like, but respectfully no, he's not an insecure abusive maniac & this isn't 40K.
  8. After looking at them more, I'm especially in love with these new dryads! The top branches, limbs, and leafy tabards do such a good job of bringing them into line with Tree-Revs without losing their gnarled style. The little growths on these models also look super fun to paint, I guess I could say they've really... grown on me!
  9. Brethren of the Bolt are goofy in the same way the Ogor Warhulk Turret is, and I honestly love it!
  10. Okay, seeing them in full I'm SO on board with this Ghur Sylvaneth deal, the new dryad sculpts are everything I've wanted!
  11. Putting my two realmstone in for Cities, there was a rumor about Warcry flagellants awhile ago wasn't there? The nail on the upper left of the image along with the lightning bolts (EDIT: the chains, too!) reminds me of this RE:
  12. Yeah, definitely not expecting Kurnothi now, but I'm curious if it will be Sylvaneth against OBR? I'd love for a 10-figure tree-revenant squad of some kind, or more bug stuff!
  13. I am once again getting my hopes up for the other Warcry warband to be Kurnothi
  14. The leather straps signal Darkoath to me for sure, nothing like that in Sylvaneth/Kurnothi be or Maggotkin from what I can tell.
  15. Let's try not to begrudge our bird brethren their coverage. I see a weird Xenos race getting so much time in the sun as a good sign for any of us who like weird stuff, since AOS is peak weird stuff! Plus we've got a new edition coming soon, our time will come! (maybe even with kurnothi)
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