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4 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

Have we run out of time for an end of edition new army?

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1 minute ago, EntMan said:

Have we run out of time for an end of edition new army?

Doesnt seem very likely to me. FEC hasnt been released yet. We also have to wait for another Dawnbringer book and potentially another one. I think they will start talking about 4th shortly after to generate hype.

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Mm, I'm not anticipating a surprise faction launch at this point, if there are still (probably) at least 2 dawnbringers books to release, potentially more, they'll want to space those releases out, plus the FEC stuff.  And then they'll likely want to commit 2-3 months towards the pre-release build up for AoS 4th, slow rules snippets and faction focus articles and etc.  

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7 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Mm, I'm not anticipating a surprise faction launch at this point, if there are still (probably) at least 2 dawnbringers books to release, potentially more, they'll want to space those releases out, plus the FEC stuff.  And then they'll likely want to commit 2-3 months towards the pre-release build up for AoS 4th, slow rules snippets and faction focus articles and etc.  

I'm not anticipating a surprise army drop either, but what I will say is, if there were any plans for one it will have to come out before 4E no matter what it does to the schedule. It's why almost every new edition release has a crunch beforehand, all those new unit boxes, battletomes etc that were designed for one edition are not going to get "delayed" into the next edition, they will be pushed out instead.

That said, again, there doesn't seem to be anything pointing to chorfs or some other new army coming out in the next few months.


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19 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

They are in the same label as Dark Elves, Lizardmen, etc... and pretty sure that you will be able to play with them. 

It feels like a fallacy to me.

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11 minutes ago, Beliman said:

They are in the same label as Dark Elves, Lizardmen, etc... and pretty sure that you will be able to play with them. 

It feels like a fallacy to me.

They aren't one of the main factions taking part in the main narrative though

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7 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

They aren't one of the main factions taking part in the main narrative though

That's why it sounds a fallacy to me.

Not being part of The Old World or the main campaign going on, doesn't mean that you will have an update army for AoS.

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I'm absolutely sure Chaos Dwarfs will come in AOS4, maybe not in 2024, but soonish : we have, like Kharadron Overlords since the first AOS rulebook in 2015, too many hints in the background and models like Warcry or Hobgrots.

Regarding Beasts of Chaos, they do 100% belong in TOW (both the WFB setting and the current TOW narrative), that's for sure.

For AOS, the God-ification would be an elegant solution (PESTIGORS, GW), instead of pure squatting (well I also think Bonespliterz are prime candidates to go back to TOW but with COS, GW showed the squatting could be quite erratic, with then squatted kits reappearing in TOW).

But with pure AOS models (Endless Spells, Faction Scenery, Underworlds*, new Heroes, Warcry appearances, etc.) being released for BoC, I don't see them squatted anyway. 

* Like Gitmob and Bonespliterz you could say ...

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I wonder why you are thinking it will be a couple of years before TOW will get new Beastmen mini's. We have no idea what their plans are. It's rumoured that each 6 months two core factions get an Arcane Journal + mini's. This summer it seems to be dwarfs vs O&G, than Empire Civil war or maybe Wood Elves vs Beastmen and so on. Who knows, but at latest all core factions will have their Bretonnian / TK update in less than two years. Maybe they will do a HH releases schedule between the big updates, which also includes regular single resin mini releases. We have no idea. But saying that it will takes years for new Beastmen for TOW seems just guessing and more like telling yourself in the mirror that TOW doesn't exist and that AoS is the only GW fantasy game. ;). That ship has sailed.

We have 4 possible boxes pending. Elf vs Chaos, Orcos vs Duardin, Empire vs Empire and Woodies vs Beats. If we get their supposed schedule of 6 months between boxes, the latest one would have to wait 2 years indeed. I guess that's where it is coming from.

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1 hour ago, mawhis117 said:

The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

After the Grimdark Live rumours got Chaos Dwarfs in 3.0 wrong, I'm too bruised to allow such hope into my blackened heart. 


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1 hour ago, mawhis117 said:

The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

This, obviously, COULD be true.

But on the other hand, if I were GW I wouldn't be planning too far ahead for TOW. It's a big gamble. God knows if that game is still around in five years time. So I'm really not sure they would have already made plans beyond what's been already anounced.

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

Have we run out of time for an end of edition new army?

In theory no, we have 5 months to squeeze a large release into and that’s more than enough time to do so, especially considering FEC should be out before the end of February and we’ve at most only two Dawnbringer books left. But we don’t have any rumours of it, and 40K has a packed spring with rumours of both Dark Angels and T’au getting substantial releases that could easily fill up those months.

At the moment it’s better just to be pleasantly surprised if we do get something 

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+++MOD HAT ON+++

Thats about all I can take with the bickering. Its starting to get nasty. We dont tolerate that here so cut it out.

There are other threads dedicated to TOW so take those discussions there and out of the Rumour Thread. 

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I think its pretty likely there was a new army planned originally since we haven't actually gotten a new one this edition, while Kruleboyz could basically count as one they are still a subfaction after all. Other than that we got many big faction wide refreshes but no new faction. And while AoS has quite a few factions already there is still space for a few more.

So I think its likely that there was a new one planned but due to all the delays it would likely be pushed too close/into 4th so they just completely moved it into 4th.

Edited by Matrindur
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4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Spiderfang needs a reboot. I think It is more good for you if you expect a revamp of the unit design and expect only Arachnaroks as the mounts.

This is just speculation, right? I want to make clear, because the way that @The Brotherhood of Necros asked you it seemed like they consider you to have a source.

And I remember the last time I asked if something you said was speculation or a tease, you replied "both, always both."

(That was that Dawnbringers faction releases would be rounded out to thirteen via: Khorne, StD, OBR, CoS, DoK and Skaven.)


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3 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

Dragging myself out of lurking to pop in and say how hyped I am that Chaos Dwarfs are even in the discussion at all! They've been my favorite army since I discovered them! I still have fond memories of mutilating the entire Battle for Skull Pass box as a teen in an attempt to ape some of the conversions I saw on the Chaos Dwarfs Online forum

Got some Azgorh infantry, Hobgrots, and Horns of Hashut lined up in anticipation: I've been holding off on tracking down any warmachines in hopes that the CD's full blown AoS army (the first full plastic army the faction has ever had btw) has some real cool new stuff.

The Horns sort of ballooned into a whole themed S2D army in the meantime, lol

Really hoping its true that they're going to appear in AoS: I'd much rather see them causing problems across multiple realms instead of living in the margins of the Old World

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4 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

Please be true.

It wiuld make senses as they had an outpost in Ulgu and probably 4th edition will see that realm in focus imho.

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