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27 minutes ago, Beliman said:

App updated with Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringer III.
New FAQs too. A bit for Cities of Sigmar, Belthanos can't be summoned by Allarielle anymore and a few tweaks to Dawnbringers book III (enhancements for unique characters and range for Ionus).

Some points raising for CoS and Hurricane FAQed as well.

Marvelous testing work.

Edited by Ejecutor
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These are two different trigger points. A priority roll doesn't determine the priority, so this wording here suggests that:
1. You roll for priority
2. You give orders
3. The winner of the roll-off establishes priority


1. Priority is determined without a dice roll-off

2. Orders are given


Don't have the book on me so can't check whether the battletome means giving the orders out after the roll-off or establishing the priority.

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

To be honest, they have Sylvaneth (I know, not hte same) and TOW will bring at least a few heroes and units. Let's hope for the best!

I'm kicking myself for not getting some Wild Riders when I had the chance.

I'm pretty confident they'll reappear eventually in the old world, but no idea how long I'll have to wait.

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6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

and TOW will bring at least a few heroes and units. Let's hope for the best!

Which is really ironic because Wood Elves are one of the factions which is (lore- and fighting style-wise) the least adapted to rank and flank style. They are going back to square bases just to then need exceptions for skirmish formation :D

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56 minutes ago, EntMan said:

The Wanderers have finally wandered off 😥

I‘m sorry for laughing but that was kinda funny too. 

i figure it‘s only a matter of time before Sylvaneth get updated Wanderers. If they all look as good as „Cool“athis, it will most likely be a decent trade… until then, people should just let wanderer fans proxy their models. They‘ll also be usable in TOW. Still kinda sucks but it looks like there will be a silver lining at least

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13 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Belthanos's warscroll is just in the Dawnbringers section of the app, not in the Sylvaneth battletome area.

But he is usable as a fully fledged unit in a regular Sylvaneth army, right?

Yep! I'm curious to see the new Sylvaneth's army of renown on the tables. Not sure how they would look on the table.

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14 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I‘m sorry for laughing but that was kinda funny too. 

i figure it‘s only a matter of time before Sylvaneth get updated Wanderers. If they all look as good as „Cool“athis, it will most likely be a decent trade… until then, people should just let wanderer fans proxy their models. They‘ll also be usable in TOW. Still kinda sucks but it looks like there will be a silver lining at least

Yep there's some background I'm book 3 which is great news for kurnoth and kurnothi fans and I can see future sylvaneth releases moving from trees to the bestial aelves side. 

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19 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I‘m sorry for laughing but that was kinda funny too. 

i figure it‘s only a matter of time before Sylvaneth get updated Wanderers. If they all look as good as „Cool“athis, it will most likely be a decent trade… until then, people should just let wanderer fans proxy their models. They‘ll also be usable in TOW. Still kinda sucks but it looks like there will be a silver lining at least

I am not so confident about having new wanderers. As part of Silvaneth, if they release something similar in concept, I doubt it would be similar in terms of aesthetics. And for CoS that role is already coped by the Wildercorpses.

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50 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I think it's the golden demon, the mascot of the painting competition, so presumably organisers would give those cards as awards for best painted warbands, etc.  

They've been doing golden demon special art cards in Underworlds for many years... I have a couple in my collection from 2019! :D

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"Have these models given you your own ideas for a Legions Imperialis army? With a massive range of miniatures to choose from – from artillery and speeders to super-heavy tanks and terrain – it’ll pay to have some in mind before pre-orders start… very, very soon."

Looks like Sunday may actually be the Imperialis announce, next Sunday at the latest.

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