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22 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Is there a word that asserts more no than no?😄

When mollog was first shown as our first glimpse into a new trogg, the dankhold, I really liked the design. Not so much the mutation part but the base creature design was on point. 

Then the actual danhold dropped and the subtle changes were just too silly for me especially the facial anatomy. 

Then Trugg drops and just when I thought it couldn't get worse... boy was I wrong. 

Imagine your love of gargants an finally seeing them only to realize it's bottom levels of the abyss nothing like what you hoped for.  

Just my opinion. If I'm you like it I'm happy for you. 

I just feel like it's a below subpar design from the leading mini juggernaut of the wrld. Like, very subpar. 

I'm sketching over the pic to see if I can make it more to my liking. 

Here's what I have so far. I've toned down a bunch of "too busy" bo jangles and am tweaking the facial anatomy. Giving him the foppy ears like mollog. I may still get it if I think I can make it closer to this. 

Still a WIP. 


I know it's minor so far but I really really hate the dankhold head design. 

I have to agree with the weird face anatomy of the Dankholds. The eyes are hard to paint on these models too. The Rockguts and Mirebute are designed a bit better imho. I just think a giant troggoth with a huge beard is a bit weird.

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I absolutely adore Trugg's model. I love how much more fantastical it is than Throgg. The entire reveal was extremely exciting for me, except for the Space Marines (who weren't really a miss, but they're just more space marines) and the Bretonnian lady (I just really don't care about ToW or its aesthetics).

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I LOVE Trugg (just check my nickname 😅) maybe he is my favourite miniature since Dankhold Troggoth. But I understand that certain parts of his design dislikes some people: antlers, his goofy face, the altar on his back... for just saying some.

AoS designs tend to bring love or totally dislike for them, and that´s really good because nobody is indiferent to them. We can talk and discuss about models from totally diferrent points of view. Learning and appreciating details we could overlook.

Edited by Trugg the Troggoth King
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9 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

AoS designs tend to bring love or totally dislike for them, and that´s really good because nobody is indiferent to them. We can talk and discuss about models from totally diferrent points of view. Learning and appreciating details we could overlook.

Well put Sire!

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I think I like Trugg overall it's just the face I don't like quite as much, which might be purely down to how it's painted. I can see myself getting him in the future when he goes up for sale by himself. 

As tempting as it is to get the dawnbringers box I think I'm gonna have enough to paint in the near future between, CoS, Ironjawz and FEC. 

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Is there a word that asserts more no than no?😄

When mollog was first shown as our first glimpse into a new trogg, the dankhold, I really liked the design. Not so much the mutation part but the base creature design was on point. 

Then the actual danhold dropped and the subtle changes were just too silly for me especially the facial anatomy. 

Then Trugg drops and just when I thought it couldn't get worse... boy was I wrong. 

Imagine your love of gargants and finally seeing them only to realize it's bottom levels of the abyss nothing like what you hoped for.  

Just my opinion. If you like it I'm happy for you. 

I just feel like it's a below subpar design from the leading mini juggernaut of the wrld. Like, very subpar. 

I'm sketching over the pic to see if I can make it more to my liking. 

Here's what I have so far. I've toned down a bunch of "too busy" bo jangles and am tweaking the facial anatomy. Giving him the foppy ears like mollog. I may still get it if I think I can make it closer to this. 

Still a WIP. 


I know it's minor so far but I really really hate the dankhold head design. 

I agree with you! The hanging ears and the lower nose position improves the face a lot! 
besides those facial feature, I do like thrugg and I don’t mind the antlers and beard. Just the face, that doesn’t look sinister enough for me. But I have to admit that I don’t know any lore of the troggoth, so idk if troggoth can be described as sinister…

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31 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

I LOVE Trugg (just check my nickname 😅) maybe he is my favourite miniature since Dankhold Troggoth. But I understand that certain parts of his design dislikes some people: antlers, his goofy face, the altar on his back... for just saying some.

AoS designs tend to bring love or totally dislike for them, and that´s really good because nobody is indiferent to them. We can talk and discuss about models from totally diferrent points of view. Learning and appreciating details we could overlook.

I agree with this 100% I hate every single Nurgle model even the nurglings and  the Alarith Stonemage is one of my favourite models in the entire range. One of the joys of AoS is that it has such a wide range of aesthetics, though I get that it can be annoying when GW takes an aesthetic swerve in one direction  when you were hoping they would go a different way. I'm half excited and half nervous about the Kurnothi for this exact reason. 

Edited by Chikout
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7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I get that it can be annoying when GW takes an aesthetic swerve in one direction  when you were hoping they would go a different way. I'm half excited and half nervous about the Kurnothi for this exact reason. 

Got the same thing with Kurnothi. I love them joining AoS. But they could take the faction so many ways its hard to predict how it will turn out. I would love some more actual aelves back in the Sylvaneth range as a subfaction. But i know some people think really different about this. 

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10 hours ago, Sarges said:

But then, of course, to the horror of @MitGas, the spring release will be Lumineth Phoenix Temple with Tyrion.

And one more Fyreslayers foot hero.

I deserve that. Btw somehow I got a job interview by a dude called Sheev Notpalpatine thanks to this forum. He said he was a big fan of my mindless hate for Lumineth and „sees potential“. 👍 I‘ll keep you updated. He wants me to wear some kind of gimp suit for it though, not sure if this is a casting couch thing or an actual job! 🤔

Edited by MitGas
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49 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

I LOVE Trugg (just check my nickname 😅) maybe he is my favourite miniature since Dankhold Troggoth. But I understand that certain parts of his design dislikes some people: antlers, his goofy face, the altar on his back... for just saying some.

AoS designs tend to bring love or totally dislike for them, and that´s really good because nobody is indiferent to them. We can talk and discuss about models from totally diferrent points of view. Learning and appreciating details we could overlook.

OrtotalhateHateHATE… looking at a certain faction that fittingly starts with a big L (and that L doesn‘t stand for love) 😤

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56 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:


AoS designs tend to bring love or totally dislike for them, and that´s really good because nobody is indiferent to them. We can talk and discuss about models from totally diferrent points of view. Learning and appreciating details we could overlook.

This makes me think of a quote.


"If everyone likes your game but no one loves it, it will fail.” Mark Rosewater Lead Designer of Magic the Gathering.

Its talking more about game design, but I think it applies to a lot of stuff. 

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

3 confused so far!!!?? 🤣🤣

I know, I know. I'm different. 🙃

Edit: I do hope when chorfs and goat aelves drop they are everything you fans want.  

Everyone has different tastes. It’s okay to not like the design of something! It would be boring if everyone had the same thoughts.

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40 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Got the same thing with Kurnothi. I love them joining AoS. But they could take the faction so many ways its hard to predict how it will turn out. I would love some more actual aelves back in the Sylvaneth range as a subfaction. But i know some people think really different about this. 

Yeah I'm one! I like Sylvaneth as they are without Aelves. I think it's one of the best things GW did for AoS. Great faction expanding on the spites and treekin of the old world. I like the thought of Kurnothi working with Sylvaneth and it's been said they're a multi race cult in a similar vein to Ynarri (hopefully done better though!). A few kits and am ability to ally in some sylvaneth and I wish wanderers would be great !

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Sylvaneth still feel like an 'Elf' faction to me. Half their units are just elves with wooden legs and their faction leader/God is a normal looking Elf on top of a beetle. 

I think if we got 'Kurnothi' akin to the Cused City model just being glorified Wood Elves/Wanderers with a copyrightable name and antlers (aside from the ones with hooves) they'd not look out of place, especially when the other half of the range is still WHFB Tree Spirits designed to work next to ye olde Wood Elves.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

3 confused so far!!!?? 🤣🤣

I know, I know. I'm different. 🙃

Edit: I do hope when chorfs and goat aelves drop they are everything you fans want.  

Nono, I get your issue with Trugg, i really like that little edit you’ve done, horses for courses and all that. But it just not for me. One particular grievance i have with the model is that both hands are closed, and all the Dankhold hand are closed.


I know this is silly, but I feel Trugg borrows too much inspiration from Hordes Trolls but they do the job a little better, except when it comes to big nose and Ears. But I look at these 2 designs, which are years old, and Think Trugg could have been just a little more special, a little more muscles, and craggs, and scales. If he’s going to replace Throgg as the Troll King, he needs to be a step foward, but I fear he’s a step backwards. That doesn’t take away from his concept, I love the portal, antlers and Fae Woods Feel he has. 



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@Kronos I felt that the ground hand being closed was also not a great choice. Just one more thing for me. 

Excellent point about him replacing Throgg. 

Also if you're the artist and you read this don't take it personally. Your design just did everything but resonate with this troll lover and that's ok. Many like it. Keep on being creative!!

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