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9 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:


(Okay it's Gorgors but still)




9 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

TROLLL!!!!!!! @KingBrodd @EntMan @MitGas! It's a troll with a capital T-R-O-L-L!!!Screenshot2023-08-30at8_23_37PM.png.5df71ecc4099cadd42076096594f7681.png


9 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:




9 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Oh wow. Even as somebody who loved the old Black Orcs/Ardboys, I'm really surprised how great these are.



Ironjawz range finally feels complete. These models are gorgeous and possibly my favourite Orruk minis yet!!

9 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Glad they're playing on the 'gluttony' theme of excess some more.


To quote the stream, "they hate each other."

Beautiful minis especially the one in the centre.

9 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Squid with Idoneth.


First the Duinclaw the Crab and now a Squid!!


By none this has to be the best AOS preview in years. I cannot believe how damn epic those Gorgers are. Who wouldve had Gorgers as the Ogor Warcry Warband? Nobody!! I think this bodes well for an Ogor refresh next edition.

Oh and Im definitely buying that Trogg box!!

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I bloody love that it's basically an Uruk-hai helmet. I'd also like to see these with big flaming skulls on the end of the chains to get that WAAAAAGH energy madness feel.

The range is awesome. I also can't wait to do a full cavalry list of Maw Gruntas leading Gore-Gruntas (was this confirmed in stream?) with some allied Snarlfangs for a Warcraft Steppe horde style army. 

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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

One thing that makes me wonder if Bonesplittaz might actually be in it for the long haul is how prominently they featured in the lore during Broken Realms and the existence of the Underworlds warband:


As far as I know, no (sub-)faction that has received new models post AoS launch has ever been completely removed.

We did get these guys, and then the drastic change we saw yesterday. I’m still not sure how much of WHU is trying out styles or something else.


Edited by Souleater
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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

One thing that makes me wonder if Bonesplittaz might actually be in it for the long haul is how prominently they featured in the lore during Broken Realms and the existence of the Underworlds warband:


As far as I know, no (sub-)faction that has received new models post AoS launch has ever been completely removed.

That's fair, but I would point at the Kruleboyz Monsta-Killazs warband beginning to move in on some of the hides-and-bones visual design territory of Bonespittaz, and now the Ragers entering the 'shirtless orc' arena and the Wrekkaz stepping into the 'powered up by spiritual energy' side of the Bonesplittaz themes as well.

I think we'll see Bonesplittaz either getting shuffled off permanently or getting a really fundamental redesign, since I don't think otherwise they'd start blurring the edges with the other orruk subfactions in this way.

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Despite the ubiquitous boring space marine updates I think we've been blessed with stuff for the mortal realms and finally some units to make era of the beast a reality.

So glad to see IJ 2nd wave, long may the second waves continue!

I'm blown away by the gorgers, never had any interest in them as models but also how they fit within the faction. Now though you can see what happens when they're malnourished and mad and the thought of ogors this way is kinda scary!  This is Ogors first non hero model isn't it as well? Interesting to see these plus what's been called the second generation ogors of the cities really diversifying this race. Hope to see more for them going forward now big time!

The underworld warbands are solid.

Can't wait to get my hands on  the wildercorps as well. Hopefully not too long I'm still waiting on sons of velmorn!


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10 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:




10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Oh wow. Even as somebody who loved the old Black Orcs/Ardboys, I'm really surprised how great these are.



Oh no, now I want to add an Ironjawz contingent to my small Warclans army to go with/against my Cities.

But should they be yellow? Greywater is yellow, my Kruleboyz are yellow, my Gitz are black with yellow, maybe I should finally consider another main colour...

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I just cant get over how good the Gorgers look. They finally look lore appropriate as starved Ogors. They look like Ogors!!

Honestly they are, to me, the best glow up model GW has done yet.

Just look at these two for comparison!!

I am beyond hyped for what the future holds for the Mawtribes.



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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

I just cant get over how good the Gorgers look. They finally look lore appropriate as starved Ogors. They look like Ogors!!

Honestly they are, to me, the best glow up model GW has done yet.

Just look at these two for comparison!!

I am beyond hyped for what the future holds for the Mawtribes.



exactly it is FEC meets Ogre...and thats how I feel they should be

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3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I just cant get over how good the Gorgers look. They finally look lore appropriate as starved Ogors. They look like Ogors!!

Honestly they are, to me, the best glow up model GW has done yet.

Just look at these two for comparison!!

I am beyond hyped for what the future holds for the Mawtribes.



The old Gorger was a model that I clearly remember looking at in 2008 or so and thinking "Wow, this guy sure looks old and ugly." It only took them 15 years to replace him, but at least it was worth it.

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Great night for destruction players!
No idea what I'm gonna paint first.

The real biggest win is every ardboy in the unit having a shield, so we no longer need to pick out individual models to assign wounds to and roll 6+ ward saves on, or need to position all the shield ones where they can be removed first while not breaking coherency.

Also our first codex supplement, and its free, so Ironjawz are getting some rules love.
If only kruleboyz could get one to fix their rules too.

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10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

"We have the Fay Enchantress at home"



Joking aside, I do like it. Love the embroidery. 

For some time now they really manage to make amazing female faces, this is just the latest example. Not my kind of mini but lovely nonetheless.

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New Brute on Pig - Check

low armor Brute berserkers - CHeck

Waagh energy infused Brutes - Check

A new buffing/casting unit (blacksmith) - CHeck. 

OK, it looks like Christmas came early for me this year. Many of my Ironjaw dreams came true. 


And Congrats to the Ogor Players, hopefully those Gorgers will eventually get their own box. 


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4 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

New Brute on Pig - Check

low armor Brute berserkers - CHeck

Waagh energy infused Brutes - Check

A new buffing/casting unit (blacksmith) - CHeck. 

OK, it looks like Christmas came early for me this year. Many of my Ironjaw dreams came true. 


And Congrats to the Ogor Players, hopefully those Gorgers will eventually get their own box. 


Well deserved! 👌

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Stunning new kits for the most part!!

What size base are those gorgers on? They look huge! Also are they just reggy ogors that have gone mad? Like they don't grow or anything like that? I'm not familiar with their lore. This could be a good indication of future ogor size if so. Those skulls look tiny compared to the models. 

Ironjawz..  just amazing. 

Annnnd Trugg.... oi, this is a huge disappointment for me. Was very excited but they just went with my least favorite trogg design route and made it worse. 😔 I'm sure some like it but this is just a busy mess to me. And the head/face is just too silly. Just my opinion. Damn.... Imagine if they'd of used the mirebrute design and turned that up to 11!!🤩 Super let down by this. 😒😔

Overall though it was a great preview. As always big props to the artists!!!!! (Except that Trugg designer 😝😄)



Edited by Vasshpit
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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I just cant get over how good the Gorgers look. They finally look lore appropriate as starved Ogors. They look like Ogors!!

Honestly they are, to me, the best glow up model GW has done yet.

Just look at these two for comparison!!

I am beyond hyped for what the future holds for the Mawtribes.



Such a glow up the fact that I use an icy scheme means these will double as Yhettees. I am beyond excited, just wondering if I can trade my Space Marines from Leviathan and the ones from the Starter set with Necrons for the Cities box and then double up with the Warcry set?

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

What size base are those gorgers on? They look huge! Also are they just reggy ogors that have gone mad? Like they don't grow or anything like that? I'm not familiar with their lore. This could be a good indication of future ogor size if so. Those skulls look tiny compared to the models. 

More or less just ogres that have been cursed not to be able to enjoy food or sate their hunger but in practice they do seem to mutate and degenerate, getting long lanky arms, distendable jaws and so forth. In WHFB, it was in part because they were often exposed to warpstone in the caverns and tunnels under the mountains but there isn’t really anything about that in AoS. So yeah, bigger and weirder but no real reason why.

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7 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Stunning new kits for the most part!!

What size base are those gorgers on? They look huge! Also are they just reggy ogors that have gone mad? Like they don't grow or anything like that? I'm not familiar with their lore. This could be a good indication of future ogor size if so. Those skulls look tiny compared to the models. 

Ironjawz..  just amazing. 

Annnnd Trugg.... oi, this is a huge disappointment for me. Was very excited but they just went with my least favorite trogg design route and made it worse. 😔 I'm sure some like it but this is just a busy mess to me. And the head/face is just too silly. Just my opinion. Damn.... Imagine if they'd of used the mirebrute design and turned that up to 11!!🤩 Super let down by this. 😒😔

Overall though it was a great preview. As always big props to the artists!!!!! (Except that Trugg designer 😝😄)



The lore has the Gorgers have an insatiable appetite, even for an Ogor, except they gain no sustenance or taste anything they eat and the moment they finish eating its like they never had a meal to begin with. Its maddening.

1 minute ago, Neverchosen said:

Such a glow up the fact that I use an icy scheme means these will double as Yhettees. I am beyond excited, just wondering if I can trade my Space Marines from Leviathan and the Starter set with Necrons for the Cities box and then double up with the Warcry set?

Excellent idea there mate!!

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54 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I just cant get over how good the Gorgers look. They finally look lore appropriate as starved Ogors. They look like Ogors!!

Honestly they are, to me, the best glow up model GW has done yet.

Just look at these two for comparison!!

I am beyond hyped for what the future holds for the Mawtribes.



The kroxigor glow up would like to have a word with you… 😃

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