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I wonder how this is all going to balance out. They do have a lot of shields and necromancy to represent some ward saves. Guess we have to wait and see. Exploding 6s on a ranged unit always has me a bit worried.

Edit: it does seem like the loss of coalitions and/or allies might be the result of better internal balancing within the tome itself.

Edited by Gitzdee
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8 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Loss of coalition rules and the dwarven nerfings. They really don't like mixed armies do they?

Yeah that's sad, it wil invalidate many people's armies and (imho) take away a part of the identity of the book. I was hoping that they would just nerf Coalition units (no access to the city keyword), because it was a balancing problem, but still allow flexibility in army construction.

Speaking of army identity, another small disappointment is that  most/all new Cities of Sigmar armies will be 100% humans because no one would suggest new/newish players to pick up the non-human models which could be just gone at the next cull.

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Where did you find all those rules?


edit: ok got it, overlooked post about that.

It looks like they want to slowly get rid of non human armies. Basically all the new goodies are for humans only. And mixed armies don’t look very viable.

Edited by YoghurtKobold
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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I wonder how this is all going to balance out. They do have a lot of shields and necromancy to represent some ward saves. Guess we have to wait and see. Exploding 6s on a ranged unit always has me a bit worried.

Edit: it does seem like the loss of coalitions and/or allies might be the result of better internal balancing within the tome itself.

I can see A brick of 30 fusiliers being the new hotness/nightmare on the tabletop.

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Wow those alternate colour schemes might have won me over, especially the Living City, Lethis, Vindicarum and Misthaven schemes. Living City in particular would go well with my sylvaneth and hallowed knights but I also really like the purple and black of Lethis.

I was determined to only get the Flesheaters harbingers box and maybe some of the destruction kits that comes with Dawnbringers part 2 but I'm actually considering the CoS army set now as well. 

Damn these plastic temptations...


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1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I've not had a chance to read the leaks yet, are coalition rules completely gone? As in it's just allies now? So you can no longer take Stormcast without breaking into ally points? How bizarre if so.

Correct, sadly

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Srsly, they did not listen at all when people wanted mixed armies. At this point I‘d be happier if they‘d removed 3/4 of the aelf and duardin units simply to not have as many Battletome-Corpses and produce less waste (printed paper for the tome and the cards).

Usueful units:

- Hydra

- Dark Elf Chariots

- Sorceress on foot + Black Guard

- Maybe Corsairs as the CoS Zombies (wtf?)


Outstanding WTF this is beyond bad Warscrolls:

- Dark Shards, Bleak Swords, Dreadspears

- Everything hitting and wounding on 4+ with no rend and synergy (What the actual hell, WHY do you waste paper printing this?)*

- Assassin: Nice try, but he won’t do anything (yet costs 100 pts)

- Duardin: Way too slow and expensive 

- Sorceress on Black Dragon

- Battlemage on Griffon: He was bad, he remains bad and they changed nothing to address that. 250 points for a instant-death 1-cast wizard, what?


I hate when they want to force-feed us their new product by making all surrounding units boring and bad - I‘ll convert my old empire now, I‘m sick of this ignorance. Rules should be primarily fun and encapsulated by the Lore and what units represent with some sort of coherency, they should not be abused as marketing tool.


*Rolling tons of dice for NOTHING to happen is just the worst.

Edited by JackStreicher
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As much as i think they designed a great looking army. I just cant unsee that they simply destroyed everything that made CoS unique. I understand people wanted a human army, but not at the cost of the whole tomes identity. I really would like to know GW thoughts on this.

Edit: i do hope this changes somewhat when they rework the other races in CoS.

Edited by Gitzdee
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I'm the only one that don't like CoS order battletrait?

I mean, all Order abilities feel like commands, but for whatever reason, they are treated as something else that you need to remember when they trigger.

Is there any logic behind that design? Why not mirror Ossiarch Bonereapers for a living faction?

I'm fine with mini-games as a faction battle trait, but I don't get why an army that is all about ward bubbles, fortified-moviment shenanigans, racial keywords and buffed commands has a memory mechanic that triggers some Commands that are not Commands.

Edited by Beliman
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I'm  the other side of the stick, as new CoS player I'm very happy that I can play with just humans (even more, juat new models) without the feeling of losing something for ignoring old models.


I hope the next wave is just a Human army, with the dark elves goint to Malerion and Dispossesed to unified duardin book/new duardin faction.

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Just now, Ragest said:

I'm  the other side of the stick, as new CoS player I'm very happy that I can play with just humans (even more, juat new models) without the feeling of losing something for ignoring old models.


I hope the next wave is just a Human army, with the dark elves goint to Malerion and Dispossesed to unified duardin book/new duardin faction.

Also, list building got way easier without having to read through 10 completely different sets of allegiance abilities, artefacts and command traits.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

I'm the only one that don't like CoS order battletrait?

I mean, all Order abilities feel like commands, but for whatever reason, they are treated as something else that you need to remember when they trigger.

Is there any logic behind that design? Why not mirror Ossiarch Bonerepeara for a living faction?

I'm fine with mini-games as a faction battle trait, but I don't get why an army that is all about ward bubbles, fortified-moviment shenanigans, racial keywords and buffed commands has a memory mechanic that triggers some Commands that are not Commands.

My guess is somebody peaked at what they were doing with Legions Imperialis - hidden Orders - thought "that's really cool, we should use that!" and desperately wanted to cram it into CoS, no matter how janky. Probably to also make CoS feel different to how OBR work. 

Conceptually I quite like it, but in practice it feels like it's going to be somewhat cumbersome to manage.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Sono l'unico a cui non piace il battletrait dell'ordine di CoS?

Voglio dire, tutte le abilità dell'Ordine sembrano comandi, ma per qualsiasi motivo vengono trattate come qualcos'altro che devi ricordare quando si innescano.

C'è una logica dietro quel design? Perché non rispecchiare Ossiarch Bonerepeara per una fazione vivente?

Sto bene con i minigiochi come tratto di battaglia di fazione, ma non capisco perché un esercito che è tutto basato su bolle di protezione, shenanigans di movimento fortificato, parole chiave razziali e comandi potenziati abbia una meccanica di memoria che attiva alcuni comandi che sono non Comandi.

Perhaps testing for a mechanic that will be used with a future edition of AoS

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I have been thinking about the multiracial concept of Cities since that Community article telling what units stay in the battletome and what would going to The Old World.

With the whole battletome revealed, my suspicions are becoming true: IMHO, regular duardins and aelves will dissapear in next editions from Cities of Sigmar battletome BUT they will stay in the lore.

What I mean with this? Two things:

- Duardins and aelves will be usable as proxies of the human units, and this can already be noted in units like the new Warforger Alchemist which it has similarities with the Runelord. Cities is a faction that welcomes all kind of conversions, and GW knows this.
- Duardins and aelves will have their own armies (or already have), like Wanderers to Kurnothi, "dark" aelves to "umbraneth", or duardins to any plan that GW has reserved to Grugni.

In any case will be happy and angry people about these possibilities.

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5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Also, list building got way easier without having to read through 10 completely different sets of allegiance abilities, artefacts and command traits.

They should have just ripped out all the old units rather than give us this watered down nonsense which is obviously designed to only have us wanting the new kits. Getting your stuff Legends hurts but having your army being treated like they barely exist, effectively getting 'soft squatted', in their own newly released book is worse. Especially since the direction of CoS is written on the wall.

All it is going to do is sucker unsuspecting new players into buying kits which will get squatted next book.


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