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Unpopular opinion 

Regarding Cities of Sigmar and non-human miniatures, I would like GW to slowly retire them in AoS and move them to The Old World. They better fit that style and stand out from AoS-borne factions like Fyreslayer, Kharadron Overlords, Sylvaneth or DoK.

All of AoS faction are build around a strong theme and CoS currently have none. I would like Stormcasts to remain the super humans of AoS and for the cities I see the role of zealots/crusaders/inquisition to make them unique.

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17 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

if they thing I'm going to pay out for those plastic leaping kitty monstrosities they call thirsters then they can go swivel... I'd rather take a dump into my hands and clap.  The plastic thirster is truly awful... truly..

Amen! That Blood Thirster is such a disappointment compared to the other three Greater Daemons. Every time I consider Blades of Khorne, I look at it and go "nope".

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7 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Amen! That Blood Thirster is such a disappointment compared to the other three Greater Daemons. Every time I consider Blades of Khorne, I look at it and go "nope".

I was tempted a few times to buy one, yet I consider them to be too cliche. I would like to see something along the lines of The Glottkin, Glutos Orscollion and Katakros. A mortal champion surrounded by his entourage.

Edited by Aeryenn
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57 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Unpopular opinion 

100% agree. And I don't even need updated Fantasy units. I'm fine if they fit, but it's not necessary.

Elfs with pistols and Scythes? As good as old pikes and bows!

Edited by Beliman
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25 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:


Can't help but think those two will be getting miniatures one day. I didn't knew they were so popular as to warrant a WH+ episode, which is a great news, AoS needs more popular heroes. 

I would be into it. I think more characters could stand to cross the Black Library to AoS barrier. One criticism of AoS is still that people have no characters they care about or that the stories of AoS are not personal enough.

Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would be into it. I think more characters could stand to cross the Black Library to AoS barrier. One criticism of AoS is still that people have not characters they care about or that the stories of AoS are not personal enough.

I think it's moving into this directions more and more. 

With the introduction of Kruleboyz and their leaning into the cunning side of Gorkamorka I'd love to see a Kruleboyz focused story showcasing a young orruks rise to a killaboss. 

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3 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

All of AoS faction are build around a strong theme and CoS currently have none. I would like Stormcasts to remain the super humans of AoS and for the cities I see the role of zealots/crusaders/inquisition to make them unique

It is of course a matter of personal preferences and tastes, but I always found Cities of Sigmar to have a very strong theme: hope (at least, in an Order perspective). The very concept of the diverse set of cultures and lineages uniting, although in large part out of convenience and necessity, represented a vision for the "end game" for Order beyond mere survival.

Because of this, they are an important part of what makes AoS different from "40k but high fantasy". Personally, I find the idea of yet another spin on the "zealots" theme extremely boring so I hope it's not the whole picture of what we're getting.

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8 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

It is of course a matter of personal preferences and tastes, but I always found Cities of Sigmar to have a very strong theme: hope (at least, in an Order perspective). The very concept of the diverse set of cultures and lineages uniting, although in large part out of convenience and necessity, represented a vision for the "end game" for Order beyond mere survival.

Because of this, they are an important part of what makes AoS different from "40k but high fantasy". Personally, I find the idea of yet another spin on the "zealots" theme extremely boring so I hope it's not the whole picture of what we're getting.

I agree with this, but I think that new bespoke miniatures for Cities are a better way to realize that theme than just putting models of 5 different WHFB armies into the same faction. I hope after the new Freeguild (which is already a lot better at showing "these are people of different cultures working together") we also get new city-dwarves and city-elves eventually.

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13 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

It is of course a matter of personal preferences and tastes, but I always found Cities of Sigmar to have a very strong theme: hope (at least, in an Order perspective). The very concept of the diverse set of cultures and lineages uniting, although in large part out of convenience and necessity, represented a vision for the "end game" for Order beyond mere survival.

Because of this, they are an important part of what makes AoS different from "40k but high fantasy". Personally, I find the idea of yet another spin on the "zealots" theme extremely boring so I hope it's not the whole picture of what we're getting.

This theme of hope is very relevant and indeed, it is one of the things that sets AoS apart from 40k. But I hope that the zealot side will still be present (I think it's well on its way if you remember the article on the religious component of COS). That's the whole challenge of making this army successful with hope and grimdark at the same time.

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48 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would be into it. I think more characters could stand to cross the Black Library to AoS barrier. One criticism of AoS is still that people have no characters they care about or that the stories of AoS are not personal enough.

That's also because they just keep on focusing on old world characters rather than developing new ones. We have characters that could be super cool if developed, but they are severely underused.

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9 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I agree with this, but I think that new bespoke miniatures for Cities are a better way to realize that theme than just putting models of 5 different WHFB armies into the same faction. I hope after the new Freeguild (which is already a lot better at showing "these are people of different cultures working together") we also get new city-dwarves and city-elves eventually.

I hope we can actually start mixing them in units too. Some Freeguild Duardin, Aelf ironweld, etc. Now it's just humans with humans, duardin with duardin, etc.

Edited by Snarff
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7 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I agree with this, but I think that new bespoke miniatures for Cities are a better way to realize that theme than just putting models of 5 different WHFB armies into the same faction. I hope after the new Freeguild (which is already a lot better at showing "these are people of different cultures working together") we also get new city-dwarves and city-elves eventually


6 minutes ago, Draznak said:

This theme of hope is very relevant and indeed, it is one of the things that sets AoS apart from 40k. But I hope that the zealot side will still be present (I think it's well on its way if you remember the article on the religious component of COS). That's the whole challenge of making this army successful with hope and grimdark at the same time.

Agree with both! New minis are always great (although I still wish the changeover would be better handled with legacy official proxying) and I would have no problems with zealots being one of the many faces of Cities society.

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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

A lot of people want this. I hope we will officially see it at least in Underworlds and Warcry warbands. Outside of that, though, I am not confident it will happen outside of kitbashing.

It‘s probably simply down to practicability… if you have a unit consisting of different species, the minis will be less interchangeable, which in turn will make it seem like a step backwards as there will be lots of doppelgängers and newer GW minis are already less interchangeable and some of the older stuff to make more dynamic poses - so I figure they might only use it for elite units where you are less likely to pick up on it. 

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5 minutes ago, MitGas said:

It‘s probably simply down to practicability… if you have a unit consisting of different species, the minis will be less interchangeable, which in turn will make it seem like a step backwards as there will be lots of doppelgängers and newer GW minis are already less interchangeable and some of the older stuff to make more dynamic poses - so I figure they might only use it for elite units where you are less likely to pick up on it. 

Would be a perfect opportunity for warcry I'd imagine. A mixed questing infantry squad with option for standard load out like the kroot farstalkers would be the bee's knees. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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16 minutes ago, Snarff said:

That's also because they just keep on focusing on old world characters rather than developing new ones. We have characters that could be super cool if developed, but they are severely underused.

And we need more unique characters with rules and miniatures. I mean, we play a miniature game after all!

I know that some people want to play with their dudes, but let's be honest, with 1 artefact and maybe 1 more enhancement, it doesn't feel that I play with my dudes, unless my Admiral has a lor of secret brothers...! Maybe clones?

(Note: That's my weekly rant about customization)

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I hope CoS can be a full range refresh with potential new mixed race units instead of using fantasy models as a placeholder or catch-all. For me, Phoenix guard, will always be High Elf Phoenix guard, regardless of Aelves or not. 

I'd rather new units to be developed for AoS to be used there, while the Old World stuff can be used for TOW. 

Edited by Tervindar
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18 minutes ago, Beliman said:

And we need more unique characters with rules and miniatures. I mean, we play a miniature game after all!

I know that some people want to play with their dudes, but let's be honest, with 1 artefact and maybe 1 more enhancement, it doesn't feel that I play with my dudes, unless my Admiral has a lor of secret brothers...! Maybe clones?

(Note: That's my weekly rant about customization)

I actually think we have quite a few of them (depending on the army of course), but they are just criminally underutilized in lore. Kharadron for example have Brokk who has been doing nothing since about 1e/2e, Idoneth have Volturnos who only really did something during Broken Realms, Sylvaneth have the Lady of the Vines who was absent since the realmgate wars, etc.

There are a ton of kits now which can build both unnamed and named heroes, but the named heroes don't really matter since their rules are usually not great and their characters do nothing in lore, are just invented for the kit and then left to rot, often in favour of old world characters or other completely new characters.

Brokk for example did nothing during broken realms, Grombrindal basically did everything that Brokk could have done. At least Drekki seems to be unique, but it remains to be seen how much he will actually contribute. As much as I like Gotrek as a character in the Mortal Realms, his story and GWs unwillingness to properly integrate him into Fyreslayers meant that the Fyreslayers lore was on near complete hold due to him being the Avatar of Grimnir. Sigvald largely stole Glutos' thunder. Gordrakk got his thunder stolen by Kragnos and has been largely in the background since. Skragrott hasn't had anything to do himself beside going along with Kragnos. King Brodd just has not done much as far as I know. And that's just a few of the examples.

And that's not even to mention characters like Maleneth who would be perfect candidates to get a model, but are completely overlooked. Large events are also basically only happening around Cities of Sigmar and the Eightpoints, while there are many more locations than just those.

I love the AoS lore, but it could really do with some more focus on the things that make it AoS and developing those.

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10 hours ago, Chikout said:

Just finished watching the Callis and Toll episode of Hammer and Bolter. I enjoyed it but the story felt a bit rushed. It definitely feels like it should have been a series. There are lots of questions that are set up in the episode but aren't answered. I hope they do more with this in the future whether it's in novels or a multi episode TV show. 

Yeah, I liked that one a lot.  I've only read one C&T short story, so I assumed a lot of the background had been covered in other stories.  But I would love to see them show up as returning characters.  Hammer & Bolter goes all over, but maybe we see them once or twice a year as an ongoing or recurring Hammer and Bolter episode.  

I wouldn't say no to their own series, though. :)

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13 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I actually think we have quite a few of them (depending on the army of course), but they are just criminally underutilized in lore. Kharadron for example have Brokk who has been doing nothing since about 1e/2e, Idoneth have Volturnos who only really did something during Broken Realms, Sylvaneth have the Lady of the Vines who was absent since the realmgate wars, etc.

Completely agree.

And as you said, KOs have 1 named character that could do something, but I need a lot more. And even if KOs are one of the armies with the most named characters with miniatures (Brokk, Jakkob, Bjorgen, Dagnai, Drekki, Drak (?) and maybe another one that I don't remember), all of them are just... AFK.

But let's look at other armies: Idoneth with Volturnos and Lotann... two charactes with models for an entire civilization. Even if they have more named characters in Black Library books (and pretty sure White Dwarf), we only have 2 models to play with. What about Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, Boonesplitterz, Gloomspite gitz, kruleboyz, etc...? most of them have one or two characters with 5 lines of background (or worst).

I mean, if you, like me, loves Fantasy (the genre), I expect to see a lot of names, and I want to know more of them, follow them on theri adventures, understand them, and of course, play with them.

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5 minutes ago, EntMan said:

If we have both Fireslayers and KOs, both of whom are specifically notably different form the other dwarves, then surely we need the 'other dwarves' that they are different from! 

We have those in cities so far. I do think we need expansions first for FS and KO before we get another Duardin faction, just like Idoneth needs one before we get even more Aelves. FS and KO are both integral parts of the lore and really need some presence and impact.

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24 minutes ago, Ferban said:

Yeah, I liked that one a lot.  I've only read one C&T short story, so I assumed a lot of the background had been covered in other stories.  But I would love to see them show up as returning characters.  Hammer & Bolter goes all over, but maybe we see them once or twice a year as an ongoing or recurring Hammer and Bolter episode.  

I wouldn't say no to their own series, though. :)

Aside from Callis and Toll, the other characters are all new. I really wanted to know what was going on with the ex lover and her abilities. I wonder if Nick Horth was involved with this hopefully after writing some of the new campaign books. He wrote broken realms Morathi which has some of the best narrative of any Warhammer campaign book I've read. 

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