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11 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I am pretty high on hopium that’s why Frontier announced a delay for their AoS RTS game from Q2 2023 to Q4 2023-Q1 2024 for the new Freeguild stuff even if they serve a similar purpose as the Imperial guard in DoW1  as npc fodder troops holding the line until SCE or allies come in to help.

Same reason Cubicle7 did a big delay on Soulbound from 2019 to instead 2020 so they could put in all the new Malign Portents lore which had dropped a little bit after they got the license.

Big puff of hopium as well but maybe a RTS trailer could be part of the AoS reveals and pad out that big chunk of reveal time? 😅🙏

Wait, there's another Strategy game for AoS in development?? And for this year? That's news to me! Hopefully that will be good. Is there any news on what sort of RTS it will be?


Personally see Stormground as an absolute tragedy of a game. The base of the game imo is great it just needed more budget and dev time.


Hopefully Frontier won't do a classic Frontier and release the game then immediately abandon it either without additional content or after the first content drop. (Battlefleet Gothic 2 and Stormground being the prime examples)

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I dont think you really need too much work to fix the FS, just ditch the helmets and bring back characterful faces with mohawks and you are halfway there, the runes are cool even the weird weapons arent totally awful, (though id love a good dwarven axe option) make em use the same neck join or something and you can reverse engineer the heads even.

Wouldnt say no to more drakes, golems or artillery if they looked good though. 

I just think they took one of the most distinctive units, armies even, from Warhammer and completely failed to grasp why they were popular.

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4 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Is there any news on what sort of RTS it will be?

Nope, besides them having a license to make an RTS for both PC & Consoles everything has been shrouded since the 2020 announcement.

So I’m more than okay with them pushing it back to late this year or even into next year for more development time.

A recent strategy Frontier was behind was “The Great War” that released last month and it’s been pretty decent so hopefully that trend holds up for the Mortal Realms.


Edit: also, man I’m watching a big YouTube compilation of Monster Hunter collaborations with like over a hundred franchises and it’d be such a great way to promote AoS especially since they’re opening up more Warhammer stores in Japan.

Stormcast Eternals armors and their myriad variety of weapons from Liberator hammer & tower shield, lightning grandhammers, celestium greatswords, lancer stormspear & shield, Liberator dual blades, Dracothion gunlance, Terminus longbow, Boltstormer crossbow-gun, Hunting Horn Heraldor trumpet, etc.

Aether-wing search owl

Gryph-hound Palamute 

Kharadron Palico armor

Squig & Fellbat wildlife 

Mutalith Vortex Beast main monster


Edited by Baron Klatz
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8 hours ago, Noserenda said:

I dont think you really need too much work to fix the FS, just ditch the helmets and bring back characterful faces with mohawks and you are halfway there, the runes are cool even the weird weapons arent totally awful, (though id love a good dwarven axe option) make em use the same neck join or something and you can reverse engineer the heads even.

Wouldnt say no to more drakes, golems or artillery if they looked good though. 

I just think they took one of the most distinctive units, armies even, from Warhammer and completely failed to grasp why they were popular.

So almost completely get rid of everything that makes them Fyreslayers. No thanks.

Give Dispossessed some unforged again if people are really so desparate for the old style of slayers, but Fyreslayers should be going more into what makes them unique rather than bringing them closer to the old style of slayers.

They're not all the same Dwarfs anymore, they're three distinct races of Duardin. Let them be that instead of trying to force them to be more similar to the old style just to appease fans of old world dwarfs who are largely a different fanbase to the ones that are actually playing FS or KO.

Edited by Snarff
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If they make a Monster Hunter AoS crossover ill have to quit painting for a while XD. An rts also sounds like something awesome but as much as i love the genre, the last few years havent really given us many good games. Its been a long time since we had command and conquer, war/starcraft or other games from that age. Please dont knock on my door with another cashgrab mobile game please.

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12 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

The two hour block does have me curious. I don't think there's any way they are going to fill it with COS alone, not with 10th edition releasing between now and the COS debut. Maybe COS + Season of War: Gallet or a similar supplement, alongside the rumored Spider Incarnate or similar feature of the narrative supplement? That might be enough for that length of time. However, a one hour preview is usually enough to do many more releases than just a single army, a book, and a new centerpiece, and we have twice that. Q&A will be a bit, but not a full hour most likely, let alone over that. I would guess there's some additional element in there, but I'm really not sure what. My tamest guess is probably FEC?

With such a massive timeslot here are my hopes!!

Cities of Sigmar full reveal. The entire Faction as it will be at launch.

Seasons of War/Narrative Campaign book. Im wondering if theyll sort of combine the two into one if there is a Dawnbringer Crusade campaign book!!

Spider Incarante mini.

Flesh Eater Courts tease/reveal. Hoping for a full reveal!!

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36 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

With such a massive timeslot here are my hopes!!

Cities of Sigmar full reveal. The entire Faction as it will be at launch.

Seasons of War/Narrative Campaign book. Im wondering if theyll sort of combine the two into one if there is a Dawnbringer Crusade campaign book!!

Spider Incarante mini.

Flesh Eater Courts tease/reveal. Hoping for a full reveal!!


New Chaos Familiars!

New horrors from the brilliant mind that made Tzeench for Underworlds!

Valaya dwarves!

Morgrim's ancestor spirits!

Female Fyreslayers!

New Kharadron!

We don't need to pass 150cm/5 foot in relative height for all sorts of awesomeness.

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Maybe a new campaign for the summer for AoS with different factions getting small updates? Hoping Kurnothi might appear and perhaps Grombrindal?

Looking at the list of reveals I'm thinking something will be pop up for me- there is plenty there and I hope there are few teaser videos for stuff beyond full faction reveals. 

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16 minutes ago, silverstu said:

Maybe a new campaign for the summer for AoS with different factions getting small updates? Hoping Kurnothi might appear and perhaps Grombrindal?

Looking at the list of reveals I'm thinking something will be pop up for me- there is plenty there and I hope there are few teaser videos for stuff beyond full faction reveals. 

We should see some aos previews for some stuff that will be available for order over the next 6 to 8 weeks as following on from the seraphon box preorder this week there is nothing concrete release wise for aos apart from the remaining seraphon stuff, which isn't set for release until summer which starts in June.

I'm thinking a new season of war book with new incarnate and I think the other mystery book could be a dawnbringer crusade campaign book with rules for some new factions. Maybe this will open up the narrative and introduce some smaller range updates for existing  factions. 

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It's probably worth tempering expectations for the reveal a bit; although the 1.5 hour slot seems amazing, it's for the reveal + Q&A which means it's still shorter length than the 40k slot, just that is split into 2 separate 1 hour slots for reveal, then Q&A.

I think it's realistic to expect a sizeable reveal for Cities, the seasons of war book + mini(s) and maybe confirmation of what the other mystery book will be / teases for FEC.

Edited by ArcLight
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4 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

It's probably worth tempering expectations for the reveal a bit; although the 2 hour slot seems amazing, it's for the reveal + Q&A which means it's the same length as the 40k slot, just that is split into 2 separate 1 hour slots for reveal, then Q&A.

I think it's realistic to expect a sizeable reveal for Cities, the seasons of war book + mini(s) and maybe confirmation of what the other mystery book will be / teases for FEC.

That makes the most sense to me, too. I am pretty sure we will see more Cities because they have broken that dam at Adepticon and no other faction is scheduled to release before them. Probably not all of Cities, though, since they have to stretch out that release until autumn.

Otherwise, yeah: Spider incarnate box and at some point the next narrative campaign book (which might also come with models like Broken Realms did).

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The full unit of the cities infantry.

Season of war galley with Spider incarnate. 

Spider rider Underworlds warband. (I hate spiders)

Warcry full reveal of leaked units. 


Cities launch box minis. 

Season of war galley with a couple of surprise kits 

Flesh eaters tease.

Underworlds cities unit 3 humans, an Aelf and a Duardin.

Warcry as revealed plus new season tease. 


Full cities reveal,

Partial flesh eaters reveal,

Kurnothi tease,

New season of warcry Malerion Aelves Vs Skaven. 

Underworlds as above. 

Two new types of Troggoth alongside season of war book. Useable in warclans or Gloomspite armies. 








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1 hour ago, silverstu said:

Maybe a new campaign for the summer for AoS with different factions getting small updates? Hoping Kurnothi might appear and perhaps Grombrindal?

Looking at the list of reveals I'm thinking something will be pop up for me- there is plenty there and I hope there are few teaser videos for stuff beyond full faction reveals. 


45 minutes ago, Baz said:

We should see some aos previews for some stuff that will be available for order over the next 6 to 8 weeks as following on from the seraphon box preorder this week there is nothing concrete release wise for aos apart from the remaining seraphon stuff, which isn't set for release until summer which starts in June.

I'm thinking a new season of war book with new incarnate and I think the other mystery book could be a dawnbringer crusade campaign book with rules for some new factions. Maybe this will open up the narrative and introduce some smaller range updates for existing  factions. 

As a Lore lover I would want nothing more than to have Seasons of War Gallet AND a new narrative Campaign coming soon!!

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Maybe we will get lucky and GW will redo all the basic daemons, they really could do with updating the daemonettes/horrors/bloodletters/plague bearers, also if they could make it a dual kit for an exalted versions would be nice to give more variety to 40k daemon troop options. TBH even if they just had 40k killteam updates for an improved sprue.


An other out there option is the 4 chaos gods getting a new old world faction leader with sigvald/vilitch/valkya and the others not being born in that time they need a new series of main champions.

Edited by MothmanDraws
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Oh is it WarhammerFest predictions time? Alright.

  • Cities - I think we'll see what's going in the inevitable Army Set without them actually saying it. That seems to have been the trend with Votann, Guard, Seraphon, etc. So a full unit of whatever the Freeguild Guard replacement is, probably the ranged version (blunderbusses, crossbows), the Captain equivalent and probably a unit of cavalry. Maybe they'll throw a war machine in there too?
  • Seasons of War/Incarnate - Pretty much what everybody is predicting the mystery book to be.
  • Flesh-eater Courts? - They tend to fill the reveals into five ten minute slots, so maybe there'll be something else. It seems a bit early for Flesh-eater Courts, but then again, so were the initial Seraphon reveals so I guess a FEC teaser seems the most sensible bet.
  • Warcry - Nightmare Quest obviously, especially because GW haven't done their usual thing of 'confirming' a leak via WarCom once it's out in the wild. That kind of makes me doubt we'll see anything else for War Cry since they'd usually confirm it and go "tune into WarhammerFest for more Warcry reveals!"
  • Underworlds - The 'Cities' warband has been showing up in art for a while and revealing them alongside the first full units of Cities of Sigmar seems like it would align. Beyond that? I don't know, probably a fifth Daughters of Khaine warband. 
Edited by Clan's Cynic
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There's 1h30 hours of AoS reveals or just 1h reveals and 30 mins of Q&A (most likely imo) ? Either way, it's a lot of time. That's why I stay optimistic about the reveals. With so much time just for us, there's bound to be lots of stuff to show 

Given they like to do a reveal/~10 mins (when they spend too much time, like 15 mins they speed up to catch up to the schedule), it gives us at least 5 reveals to go (provided the stream is 1 hour). Granted, some of those reveals could be sub parts of a bigger reveal. What I could see revealed following that logic is :

- Cities of Sigmar : 3-4 new kits, likely those in the limited edition starter box with "more to be revealed soon"
- Season of War Gallet and spider incarnate
- FEC : annouce of the BT, 1-2 kits revealed with "more to be revealed soon"
- A dev interview about the direction the game is going, and usual blah blah
- Maybe, maybe some random Black Library characters getting models

Not counting specialist games like Warcry or WHU. Those have a separate reveal.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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9 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Is the timetable for the in person show at Warhammerfest or for online shows?

It's the main stage schedule at the venue. So probably the Q&A part will not be streamed... which makes the HH/TOW block worryingly small.

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