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2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@The Lost Sigmarite I didn't say there are eleven warbands this season but that there were eleven released in total the first season. 

Ah ok, my bad, guess I misinterpreted. Still🤞for Destruction in this season too.

3 minutes ago, willange said:

Rumor Engine means Malerion Elves confirmed for 4th edition starter!! :D

I wish I was a fly in the GW offices so I could see all the plans GW has for the future of AoS ! 

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5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

40k's bringing back the ability for (some) characters to join units.

How would people feel about this becoming a thing in AoS4? Particularly with how often the topic of 'Hero sniping' comes up.


Hero sniping is a necessary evil imo. There are a ton of super powerful utility heroes that the game just needs to have answers for. The Squigboss is a good example.

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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

40k's bringing back the ability for (some) characters to join units.

How would people feel about this becoming a thing in AoS4? Particularly with how often the topic of 'Hero sniping' comes up.


I don't think it's a bad idea for AoS. 3rd edition has reined in the worst excesses of buff stacking through one command per unit and the cap on hit, wound and save stacking. Could definitely make things a bit more simple, but it depends on the implementation. I already don't love the 40k system that is described in this article, with characters only able to join certain units. So maybe just leaving things as they are is fine.

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27 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

40k's bringing back the ability for (some) characters to join units.

How would people feel about this becoming a thing in AoS4? Particularly with how often the topic of 'Hero sniping' comes up.


I've always liked this idea. Hero sniping to me is a very feels bad thing in most games. Usually your heroes define how your army functions and they also give you some really epic moments in games. 

You can still have "sniper" style units that can allocate wounds to hero models in units with ranged attacks and also have units similar to the Lord of Hubris that can challenge out heroes in the combat phase. 

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I kinda like the idea for AOS.  I'm not a huge fan of constantly measuring (for moves, charges, and pile-ins) to make sure my units stay in various bubbles.  If it just applied to the given unit always, it would be a nice quality of life upgrade.  I also think it would dis-incentivize castle builds since there will be fewer auras.  Which is probably good?  I know Warhammer seems the most fun when you have lots of units clashing all over the board.  Less fun when there's just one death-star blob. 

The article also hints that some shooting or other abilities may be able to target leaders even within a unit.  So I'll defer final judgment until we see what that looks like.  

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8 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

You can still have "sniper" style units that can allocate wounds to hero models in units with ranged attacks

+1 this. ☝️

Example here could be the beastskewer killbow from kruleboyz. it would help give utility to lackluster units and help to see these wonderful sculpts on the boards more. 

I really like the way OPR does "adding heros to units" so if Geedubs does any similar going forward I'm so down. 


Edit: If this is what we're seeing moving forward it makes sense for them to have been dropping all these single hero model releases. 

Very excited to add a killaboss to a unit of gutrippaz or a wight king to a double reinforced deathrattle warriors mob!!🤘

Edited by Vasshpit
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I actually like how it sounds that each Leader can only join certain units. That will have a massive impact on how the game is played. It's half of what puts me off games of 40k. Just too much extra added to units. The dearhstar is still valid. Great for tournaments I'm sure but hate not knowing what to do in games to combat it. Just want to read a dataslate and know my enemy 

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4 minutes ago, CDM said:

I actually like how it sounds that each Leader can only join certain units. That will have a massive impact on how the game is played. It's half of what puts me off games of 40k. Just too much extra added to units. The dearhstar is still valid. Great for tournaments I'm sure but hate not knowing what to do in games to combat it. Just want to read a dataslate and know my enemy 

This is probably more to encourage unit diversity than anything else.
Like if space marine Lieutenant A is better than space marine lieutenant B you just run A all the time, but if A can only go with unit 1, but B can go with unit 2 you might play lieutenant B.
in AoS that would work for something like stormcast and khorne, but doesn't make sense for armies that are hero or unit light like warclans.

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An interesting detail in the latest article on Lion El'Jonson, and one that echoes GW's absurd policy of secrecy towards the studio's design teams : 'Seb' and 'Dom' worked on Lion. It's not even a surname anymore, just a diminutive. Soon a code name, that will be even better...


Why GW, are you so obsessed with secrecy about who makes your products ? It's ridiculous.

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I think the leader thing is cool, and works great for 40k. However, in AoS it might not work as well.

First off, there are heroes that don't "match" units but are closely associated with them--would a Vampire Lord join a unit of Grave Guard? That would be weird to me. I know it happened in WFB, but I like the freedom to have the Vampire Lord be more independent from its disposable minions.

Second, as noted, the power of support heroes means some degree of vulnerability should be the case for them. Unless we get a full battletome reset like 40k (and I pray that we do not), this wouldn't work out well.

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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Remember @Vasshpit 's comment that there is 11 warbands in this season, just like the last one. So far we have had 7 warbands (6 boxed, 1 standalone) + 2 new boxed warbands incoming, that makes 9 so there is space for 2 more warbands before the season ends. I could see a Slaanesh warband being released standalone, or in a 5th, final box set after Nightmare Quest ; a bit how Catacombs closed season 1. Same logic could be applied to the rumoured Destruction warband.

Slaneesh Vs Ogor Mawtribes.

7 Mortal Slaneesh Warriors with a few Slaangors or other beasties.

6 Ogor Maneaters decked out with gear from various Realms.

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2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Slaneesh Vs Ogor Mawtribes.

7 Mortal Slaneesh Warriors with a few Slaangors or other beasties.

6 Ogor Maneaters decked out with gear from various Realms.

My dream was new Maneaters vs a new Centigors dual kit (which could be built as a classic Undivided sort, or a HoS variant). Alas, 'twas too sweet a dream.

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19 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

First off, there are heroes that don't "match" units but are closely associated with them--would a Vampire Lord join a unit of Grave Guard? That would be weird to me. I know it happened in WFB, but I like the freedom to have the Vampire Lord be more independent from its disposable minions.

I agree that in thematically mixed/inconsistent armies like SBGL this would feel bad and look weird. However, I can see it be really cool in the more thematically coherent armies (Stormcast, Idoneth, Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth etc.) where rules like this could really give something to underused heroes. It'd also make some more focused lists even more possible.

I personally wouldn't be against it, though it remains to be seen if it wouldn't bring other issues. Aura bubbles are not a mechanic I'm a big fan of myself.

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A Vampire Lord leading some Grave Guard (or even standard skeletons) feels fine to me?  Commanding their undead minions towards the enemy, etc.  But personal preference, I suppose.

I think a similar sort of rule could potentially be applied to AoS, however, I don't believe 40k has the same 6 hero limit that AoS lists do, so some additional tweaking or changes to how lists are constructed might have to go alongside it to make it an actually worthwhile mechanic, I could see the introduction of a weaker class of hero that attaches to a unit and provides buffs solely to that unit, that sort of thing.

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