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11 minutes ago, Flippy said:

That was certainly true for WHFB, a clear influence of earlier fantasy works. But it feels different in AoS; I don’t think that the Orruks hold any particular enmity towards Duardin (or Aelves, on that matter) of any sort. They are hools - Eightpoints? Excelsis? Who cares!

I said that also because i'm just waiting impatiently for a dual box KO vs Grotbag scuttlers, let's bring the Karak eight peaks championship to the skies (throw in even a Skryre armada because it would feel wrong without them).
Still greenskins have an "infinite potential" that imho Aos is still not using at his fullest....hoping that the end of this edition will help those Boyz to get some new models and ideas.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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I just realized something about COS release.

Like Seraphons, we know they're going to have an army set (from Chapter Valrak, confirmed by @Whitefang) . And like the lizards (or any army that got this treatment), there should normally be 2 months between army set and full army release. But if COS comes out in fall (official), let's say november, we should therefore have the army set in... september ! With the official announcement at Nova Open reveals. Of course, GW will have already revealed some new minis in previous months.

Reminds me of a brand new army release last year... hmm... repeat Leagues of Votann ? (First announcement at the beginning of april, next at WarFest, then gradually in june and july, army set revealed at Nova Open, released in september and final and complete release at the beginning of november)

I may be getting too far ahead, but I bet we've got the COS roadmap : i can't wait for April 29 even more ! 

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I just can't stop thinking about Whitefang's "soon" with regards to the updated Stormcast :O! I guess 4th edition is not that far off, but could we be looking at a mid-edition wave of releases, like the days of old? Maybe alongside Cities of Sigmar?

It seems that the revised Thunderstrike have been a resounding success. Another dump of models to strengthen their foothold in the homes of many would make sense, especially as the Dominion stuff felt a little less focused and more occupied with providing "one of each" role. 


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37 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I just realized something about COS release.

Like Seraphons, we know they're going to have an army set (from Chapter Valrak, confirmed by @Whitefang) . And like the lizards (or any army that got this treatment), there should normally be 2 months between army set and full army release. But if COS comes out in fall (official), let's say november, we should therefore have the army set in... september ! With the official announcement at Nova Open reveals. Of course, GW will have already revealed some new minis in previous months.

Reminds me of a brand new army release last year... hmm... repeat Leagues of Votann ? (First announcement at the beginning of april, next at WarFest, then gradually in june and july, army set revealed at Nova Open, released in september and final and complete release at the beginning of november)

I may be getting too far ahead, but I bet we've got the COS roadmap : i can't wait for April 29 even more ! 

Next reveal at Warhammer Fest and then a biweekly article series during Summer seems likely.
Heck, even LoV were shown on the then current 40k roadmap as an Autumn release 😛

I know it's way too early to speculate on army box contents, but I might as well do something with my hype.
So, based off the Votann/Imperial Guard launch sets, I propose:

-Freeguild Leader
-Warrior Priest/Collegiate Mage
-20 Freeguild Guard (the ones we've seen already)
-3-5 Ogors
+Bombard (if on the smaller side)/a 5 man cavalry unit?

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

I just realized something about COS release.

Like Seraphons, we know they're going to have an army set (from Chapter Valrak, confirmed by @Whitefang) . And like the lizards (or any army that got this treatment), there should normally be 2 months between army set and full army release. But if COS comes out in fall (official), let's say november, we should therefore have the army set in... september ! With the official announcement at Nova Open reveals. Of course, GW will have already revealed some new minis in previous months.

Reminds me of a brand new army release last year... hmm... repeat Leagues of Votann ? (First announcement at the beginning of april, next at WarFest, then gradually in june and july, army set revealed at Nova Open, released in september and final and complete release at the beginning of november)

I may be getting too far ahead, but I bet we've got the COS roadmap : i can't wait for April 29 even more ! 

I think cities will be out before November, I'm guessing September which leaves room for flesh eaters in the winter and the start of the run up to 4th edition. 

I'm also still hopeful of TOW in November as the big release before Xmas. 

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3 hours ago, Lucentia said:

I've collected ogors since WHFB, I've probably painted about five gnoblars total, if I wanted to collect runty little goblins, I would've played goblins!

EXACTLY. I also feel lorewise they arent really that needed anymore. Ogors arent dumb brutes they work as Blacksmiths in Grungnis workshop and help build settlements for Sigmar. The use of the Gnoblar as the 'tinkerer' has outstayed its welcome for me. Kick them off to Gloomspite to help the Gitmob!!

2 hours ago, Draznak said:

I just realized something about COS release.

Like Seraphons, we know they're going to have an army set (from Chapter Valrak, confirmed by @Whitefang) . And like the lizards (or any army that got this treatment), there should normally be 2 months between army set and full army release. But if COS comes out in fall (official), let's say november, we should therefore have the army set in... september ! With the official announcement at Nova Open reveals. Of course, GW will have already revealed some new minis in previous months.

Reminds me of a brand new army release last year... hmm... repeat Leagues of Votann ? (First announcement at the beginning of april, next at WarFest, then gradually in june and july, army set revealed at Nova Open, released in september and final and complete release at the beginning of november)

I may be getting too far ahead, but I bet we've got the COS roadmap : i can't wait for April 29 even more ! 

You might be on to something here mate!! We had the teaser on April 1st for LOV so maybe we will get something akin to that as well?

1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

Next reveal at Warhammer Fest and then a biweekly article series during Summer seems likely.
Heck, even LoV were shown on the then current 40k roadmap as an Autumn release 😛

I know it's way too early to speculate on army box contents, but I might as well do something with my hype.
So, based off the Votann/Imperial Guard launch sets, I propose:

-Freeguild Leader
-Warrior Priest/Collegiate Mage
-20 Freeguild Guard (the ones we've seen already)
-3-5 Ogors
+Bombard (if on the smaller side)/a 5 man cavalry unit?

Oh my Sigmar this sounds incredible.

1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:



Down to the rivets in the bones and all. Good spot mate!! It always felt like a Wave 2 of Kruelboyz was coming sooner or later!!

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15 hours ago, Nos said:

GD used to be the highlight of my hobby calendar but its become quite dull to me really because they're always just a parade for the same people providing ever more polished iterations of the same thing. One of the joys of the old Golden Demons was that there were so many different styles and takes, many of which were particularly notable because they *wernt* an 'Eavy Metal Replica. The Slayer Sword Winner each year nearly always had a different aesthetic or take on it's subject to those it beat. GD used to be this amazing synergy where the Art of GW and its models almost became one and the same thing. Now, while the painting quality from a technical perspective is frankly light years more advanced, it's essence and connection to me to that world seems much more disparate. I don't see these models and find them evocative, I see models which shout "Look at how *painted* I am".

I think it was a comment on one of Vince Venturella's videos which always stuck with me, that something which would win at a scale model competition wouldn't place at a Golden Daemon, but by the same token something which would win a Golden Daemon these days wouldn't place at a scale model competition.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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9 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

I just can't stop thinking about Whitefang's "soon" with regards to the updated Stormcast :O! I guess 4th edition is not that far off, but could we be looking at a mid-edition wave of releases, like the days of old? Maybe alongside Cities of Sigmar?

It seems that the revised Thunderstrike have been a resounding success. Another dump of models to strengthen their foothold in the homes of many would make sense, especially as the Dominion stuff felt a little less focused and more occupied with providing "one of each" role. 


Wouldn't surprise me. 

A lot of Stormcast and Space Marine stuff mirror each other in terms of how GW releases models.

There was a plan to release a 2nd 9th edition codex for space marines earlier in the edition. That got scrapped and the models were simply put out in Strike Force Agastus, and other boxes were put out for the various chapters.

If we extrapolate that, then sometime in the Fall we or Winter we could see a similar thing happen with Stormcast, where they come out with another wave of models.

I'm not a huge fan of the idea, mostly because it pushes this idea that Stormcast must be the Space Marine equivalent to AoS to support the rest of the range. I'd much rather have the sales spread out across factions, which I think they are moreso in AoS than in 40k, but time will tell. 

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1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

Wouldn't surprise me. 

A lot of Stormcast and Space Marine stuff mirror each other in terms of how GW releases models.

There was a plan to release a 2nd 9th edition codex for space marines earlier in the edition. That got scrapped and the models were simply put out in Strike Force Agastus, and other boxes were put out for the various chapters.

If we extrapolate that, then sometime in the Fall we or Winter we could see a similar thing happen with Stormcast, where they come out with another wave of models.

I'm not a huge fan of the idea, mostly because it pushes this idea that Stormcast must be the Space Marine equivalent to AoS to support the rest of the range. I'd much rather have the sales spread out across factions, which I think they are moreso in AoS than in 40k, but time will tell. 

Is there proof of a planned 2nd space marine codex that was scrapped? 

I think it's underestimated how much work, time and money goes into releases and I doubt there is anything simple about releasing a product in any way other than how it was intended. 

1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

Every new Stormcast wave is a spit in the face of Fyreslayer, Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Ogor, Skaven and FeC players.

It's not like space marines tho, who have had multiple releases since the start of 9th edition. Stormcast haven't had a wave since the launch of 3d edition.


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3 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Is there proof of a planned 2nd space marine codex that was scrapped? 

I think it's underestimated how much work, time and money goes into releases and I doubt there is anything simple about releasing a product in any way other than how it was intended. 

It's not like space marines tho, who have had multiple releases since the start of 9th edition. Stormcast haven't had a wave since the launch of 3d edition.


What about dragons?

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4 minutes ago, Gotz said:

Stormcast and Kruleboyz were released within the first months of the edition (as happened with 9th ed 40K)

I wouldn't count that as a second wave of releases

Alright, that's fair enough.
I thought it was longer between the releases, but you're right.

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1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

Is there proof of a planned 2nd space marine codex that was scrapped? 

I think it's underestimated how much work, time and money goes into releases and I doubt there is anything simple about releasing a product in any way other than how it was intended. 

It's not like space marines tho, who have had multiple releases since the start of 9th edition. Stormcast haven't had a wave since the launch of 3d edition.


GW have definitely ditched releases in the past even after we’ve known about them, remember Cursed City and how it basically disappeared for over a year. So it’s not unreasonable to suggest there was a second Marine codex that was ditched and that some of the models for it were released earlier this year. But you’re right that people underestimate how much work and money goes into releases and how resistant most companies would be to pulling it.

But it does happen


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3 minutes ago, EonChao said:

GW have definitely ditched releases in the past even after we’ve known about them, remember Cursed City and how it basically disappeared for over a year. So it’s not unreasonable to suggest there was a second Marine codex that was ditched and that some of the models for it were released earlier this year. But you’re right that people underestimate how much work and money goes into releases and how resistant most companies would be to pulling it.

I'd say it's a stretch to say GW ditched Cursed City. Everything seems to point to supply chain issues meaning they simply couldn't produce enough to meet demand. It would have been clear very soon after the original lot had sold out that it was worth making more, given the ludicrous prices it was selling for on eBay and the stink on social media about it disappearing, yet GW took a year to announce it coming back, which to me suggests they didn't want to say anything until they had sorted out whatever supply chain issues they had.

Chris Peach mentioned on one of the Painting Phase podcasts that the final prototypes of the Desolators have been in the studio, painted, since 2018 (the implication being that this was far longer than normal). So I could see them being part of a delayed release. But it could also be a case of the sales team but being convinced they'd sell well, so delaying them for more profitable releases. Who knows.

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13 hours ago, Flippy said:

But it feels different in AoS; I don’t think that the Orruks hold any particular enmity towards Duardin (or Aelves, on that matter) of any sort

There are even Orruks living in Free Cities. That's to me another reason why Kruleboyz just don't seem to fit the Warclans. You've got 2 factions of Orruks looking to hunt big monster or fight real good, and then you've got the new faction getting all the focus that wants to be cruel and torture, which is quite a big thematic shift for armies together in one book.

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9 minutes ago, Snarff said:

There are even Orruks living in Free Cities. That's to me another reason why Kruleboyz just don't seem to fit the Warclans. You've got 2 factions of Orruks looking to hunt big monster or fight real good, and then you've got the new faction getting all the focus that wants to be cruel and torture, which is quite a big thematic shift for armies together in one book.

I agree that Orruk Warclans is getting spread too thin at the moment. Lack of synergy within the book also doesnt help.

Also Gitmob needs to leave Gloomspite asap for the same reasons. So Gloompspite can focus more on Spiderfang.

Edited by Gitzdee
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Just now, Gitzdee said:

I agree that Orruk Warclans is getting spread too thin at the moment. Lack of synergy within the book also doesnt help.

I still feel like they should never have been merged in the first place. If Aelves can have 4 different distinct and unique armies (5 if you count CoS), why can't Orruks have more than one?

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I still feel like they should never have been merged in the first place. If Aelves can have 4 different distinct and unique armies (5 if you count CoS), why can't Orruks have more than one?

Completely agree.

I want to believe that GW has switched from one-shot micro-armies to full range armies. I want to see a 2nd wave (with a new 3rd, 4th, etc... some time later) of Kharadrons, Ironjawz, DoK, Idoneth, FEC, OBR, Kruleboyz and Fyreslayers.

Edited by Beliman
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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I still feel like they should never have been merged in the first place. If Aelves can have 4 different distinct and unique armies (5 if you count CoS), why can't Orruks have more than one?

KB would be better on their own, mixing all three together looks kind of weird on the tabletop without a lot of modelling work. At least IJ and BS have the same physical look and same original design style so they could be made to look like they would be from the same army. 

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10 hours ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

Said it before and will say it again.

It should be Ogors and Halflings, not Gnoblars.

Feral halflings. Who have their enemies for second breakfast.


Lorewise in the whfb lore Ogres and Halflings were created at the same time by Old ones and they should have been united to help against chaos(both races are more resistant to his corruption),for some reason they got "different zones" and the symbiotic lifestyle never happened (one Ogre tribes had still some halflings as substitute to Gnoblars and they "were more sophisticated" in tech and manners iirc).

I'd love some return to that idea in Aos.

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