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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

less varied,

Tbf, a lot of the upcoming Thunderstrike releases look like Vanquishers+ With either regular masks or something attached to the top of the mask, or beard masks. And indeed there’s much less helm variety than even AoS1 Stormcast had which included everything from alien-like protector helms, animal helms and dragon helms.


The classic Stormcast had more variety than that between bulky Warrior chamber, sleeker animal helmed Vanguards and the wizard robed & ghost-catching armed Sacrosanct.

This makes sense of course. Grungni made the Thunderstrike in 12 days to counter the encroaching threats unleashed upon the Realms and even the many wraithful NightHaunt forces still lurking about after Nagash’s defeat.

Compare that to the 400 years he had time to make regular Stormcast and you can see why he could embellish the armors like crazy.

But I think they could update many of the old models into more energetic versions. A lot of the Stormcast lines date back to 2013 before they overhauled their production machinery in 2016 that gave them even more impressive sculpts afterward. I’d love the AoS1 units to get a touch up with that new equipment.

Like how amazing Gardus Steelsoul looks.


And with the new detailing they could finally make a lot of stuff look like their art such as the OG Knight-Vexillor who looks waaay more intimidating than his model which was still using older production equipment at the time.


Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I wonder if the slow drip of Cities will start now. Might be too early, though.

I imagine after Warhammerfest.

They’ll probably want to showcase the new Freeguild unit with the rest of the troops and options it’s composed of and maybe tease a new unit/lord to further kindle hype.

Then can begin the drip feed of models, terrain and the Dawncrusaders narrative tome.

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38 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I wonder if the slow drip of Cities will start now. Might be too early, though.

If Cities come out in October/November, WarFest seems to me as soon as possible to begin the progressive reveal of the army. Especially since once Death BTs are out, there won't be any AoS news to show until COS (except the probable Gallet War Season and his incarnate spider).

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On 3/26/2023 at 7:04 PM, Matrindur said:

Cawdor riders & other stuff <- HOLY SH*T
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs
Aranthian Succession

Age of Sigmar
Ossiarch + Hero + Cards? + Dices?
Soulbligh + Hero + Cards? + Dices?
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Seraphon Army Box
Cities Battletome + Humies
Mistery book Summer
Mistery book Autumn
Generals Handbook 2023 S1

Nightmare's Quest - FeC vs SCE
Pyramid kit
Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE

Wyrd Tzeentch vs SCE

Horus Heresy
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator
The F* Vindicator
Campaign book
Legion Arquitor with Spicula
Legion Arquitor with Mortar
Glaive with Volkite carronade
Fellblade with Accelerator Cannon
Falchion with Volcano Cannon
Damocles Command Rhino

Warhammer 40k
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Primaris Lieutenant
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
Boarding Boxes Adeptas, Custodes, Sons
Lion the Lion

 Kill Team 
Votann vs Beastmen

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Adeptus Titanicus
New weapons

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo


List updated. The Cawdor expansion is very old. OMG

Edited by Nezzhil
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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

And Blood Bowl?

I'm guessing it's way too early for more Cities or 40k 10th model reveals.

On the contrary, I think we will be seeing quite a few minis from the 10th ed. launch box over the coming weeks.

Not expecting more Cities until Warhammerfest, although since they don't really have any other AoS news to drop until September-October when CoS are expected to drop (barring a potential FEC release beforehand), I really hope the range refresh has the weight to be able to be stretched out until then.

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4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

But I think they could update many of the old models into more energetic versions. A lot of the Stormcast lines date back to 2013 before they overhauled their production machinery in 2016 that gave them even more impressive sculpts afterward. I’d love the AoS1 units to get a touch up with that new equipment.

You've make me change my mind. It's just that the old SCE models where limited by the way GW handled minis back then. I liked some of it, like the animal helmets of the vanguard chamber, but most of the pre-2016 SCE look too bulky, clunky and static for my taste. And fair to say, most of the models don't live up to those artworks you posted. Imo SCE started to really get into their own when Sacrosanct released. The poses where more dynamic, we got more female SCE and I love the talismans and togas/robes they wear.

Overall, I think a mix of different armor patterns would be great. I would make them less like soulless which was one of the biggest criticisms of Stormcasts at launch. I like me some variety and dynamism. And it would be the occasion to introduce some new ideas too, like new armor patterns, new motives... It would fit the theme, since SCE have a big Greco-Roman vibe to them, and those people used different patterns of armor across the ages, even in the same time periods. Like for example, I never understood how vanguard hunters could be sneaky going around in massive golden plate armor. 

And please GW, a pet dream of mine, please redo the Dracothian Guard with actually dynamic and varied poses. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

If GW wants to replace every pre 3rd Ed SCE with a thunderstrike reboot, I'm down with it.

Can I just say, I would love some thunderstrike prosecutors. And potentially also a thunderstrike celestant prime.

I think the concept is fantastic, but the original models are just too chonk to be flying. 

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2 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Every release we get, puts us one step closer to getting Seraphon. 

Glad the Necromunda stuff is releasing plus that awesome terrain is coming! 

Im so hyped for you mate!!

2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

I imagine after Warhammerfest.

They’ll probably want to showcase the new Freeguild unit with the rest of the troops and options it’s composed of and maybe tease a new unit/lord to further kindle hype.

Then can begin the drip feed of models, terrain and the Dawncrusaders narrative tome.

Warhammerfest this year is going to be absolutely massive. 10th Edition and COS alone are going to be huge reveals!!

1 hour ago, EntMan said:

I'm now looking forward to what they do for 1st of April this year.

New Ogor Maneaters....but for Cities of Sigmar!!

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1. Necromunda almost got me into the game a couple of times. Corpsegrinder Cults were incredible... but were so busted that none of my local groups want me to play them. I'm happy for people that enjoy them, but jeez I can't get excited about anything they release for that game... except the terrain XD

2. Incredible that the WE Combat Patrol still isn't out, especially since they've already confirmed that the Codex is only going to have a 5-month lifespan. A friend of mine on a budget was depending on that combat patrol, and now they don't even know if they're going to get it before the new edition.

3. I'm sure that New Model Monday will return to more Necromunda and Blood Bowl stuff. There's still a good number of rumor engines left to satisfy, even though a TON were resolved at Adepticon. Would be nice if they used the Model Monday as a way to reveal upcoming Space Marine and Tyranid stuff.

4. The wait for Seraphon continues to be painful. I was hoping we'd see the Death battletomes go on preorder, but I guess that'll be another week out. I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about the new Seraphon, and more than anything I really want to see the new color schemes that GW have produced, to get my creative juices flowing!

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I hope some of you guys are joking about replacing stormcast models that are basically still new. When there are other models that have not been updated for far longer or there are armies that barely received anything at all.  

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3 minutes ago, xking said:

I hope some of you guys are joking about replacing stormcast models that are basically still new. When there are other models that have not been updated for far longer or there are armies that barely received anything at all.  

I think it's more like, if GW is going to keep making Stormcast anyway (and they will) they might as update some of the clunkier models instead of bloating the army further with new units they don't need.

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