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6 hours ago, Kronos said:

Looks like a Tyranid SM box is incoming, strange way to just randomly tease this. New way of hyping from GW?



Silent People vs the Techno Chamber!!!

Honestly, I am excited for tenth I am going to split it with my cousin as our proper foray into 40k.

Morghur still feels to me like the last minute big bad of 3rd Edition. I just feel like we are going to see an epic duel between Kragnos and the God of Chaos Spawns... I still think Yndrasta will clutch the Victory by Tossing an epic Javlin at Morghur and then Kragnos will wreck house with Yndrasta thinking she attacked the wrong beast-god

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@Kaleb Daark Ooh, there was a multipart Khorgoroth? On the topic of Khorne (always nice to hear some gush about their favorites), can you tell me if the stuff from the AoS launch box/Start Collecting contains unique Blood Warrior/Bloodreaver models? I don't get to play enough these days, so at this point I feel more like a collector than anything. And I really hate when great sculpts disappear, like the content from Dark Imperium og Shadowspear. So was wondering if I should pick up the Goreblade Warband before its too late...

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14 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

@Kaleb Daark Ooh, there was a multipart Khorgoroth? On the topic of Khorne (always nice to hear some gush about their favorites), can you tell me if the stuff from the AoS launch box/Start Collecting contains unique Blood Warrior/Bloodreaver models? I don't get to play enough these days, so at this point I feel more like a collector than anything. And I really hate when great sculpts disappear, like the content from Dark Imperium og Shadowspear. So was wondering if I should pick up the Goreblade Warband before its too late...

Thats what I was told, a multipart khorgorath.

Whether that’s still on the cards though god knows, and I do stress that particular one had been doing the rounds for dome years so keep your salt shovel close!

Admittedly, you can take khorgorath in multiples but you cant buy it outside of the box set so its always been very incongruous.

as for the box, that was the models from the original aos box, so you had khorgos Khul / mighty lord if khorne with hound : the monopose khorgorath and the bloodsecrator and mr whippy.  The reavers and blood warriors are the usual.

I can’t imagine that they’d withdraw khul, whippy and the bloodsecrator without some form of replacement or single blisters, so it would be daft to remove that box from sale.

well you’d like to hope not anyway.

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Hopefully Khul and friends get a rerelease - even if those tend to be pretty expensive. But the Warriors and Reavers are the same as their individual releases? Was just wondering if they were monopose and then later redone as MPPK, like Liberators and Retributors.

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1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

Hopefully Khul and friends get a rerelease - even if those tend to be pretty expensive. But the Warriors and Reavers are the same as their individual releases? Was just wondering if they were monopose and then later redone as MPPK, like Liberators and Retributors.

Yep they are different, there’s the starter set monopose ones then the multi part sets for Blood Warriors and Reavers came later.

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18 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Would be nice if they talk about the bases for the Old World. I know there's been a lot of discussion lately if the square bases are getting larger to accommodate the growing size of GW's scale. 

I'm hoping that we will see a Seraphon reveal but I think people are correct in the fact that the rest will wait until Adepticon, which can't come soon enough. 

At this rate we might see the whole Seraphon release in May. *fingers crossed*

GW employee have been talking that FW is getting rid of all its current resin models from its production tab in order to do Old world Resin model full time like many predicted. Basically replacing old HH before it went to the main GW game cycle

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29 minutes ago, novakai said:

GW employee have been talking that FW is getting rid of all its current resin models from its production tab in order to do Old world full time like many predicted. Basically replacing old HH before it went to the main GW game cycle

We see this happening in real-time. FW just removed a bunch of Krieg tanks and have been replacing the 30k tanks with plastic steadily but surely. 

From what I understand, Forgeworld will basically only maintain the legion-specific stuff for 30k, as well as any special characters in resin, and a handful of upgrade packs, but anything that's 'generic' (that any legion can take) will eventually be moved to plastic.

What that means for the Mechanicum, Solar Auxilia, several of the Knights, and other stuff like various Tau suits, Badab War characters, and other stuff... anyone's guess. 

One thing to think about is that GW has been printing out FREE models for a few months now. The model of the month that you go in to a GW store to grab, literally for free (while supplies last, etc) used to be a kit that they would open up, have the employees at the stores build, and then put in little boxes.

Now, they dedicate a whole mold to making them. The Jakhal, Cadian Guardsman, Jade Obelisk and Rotmire Creed models, and one other I can't remember, have been on sprues that they put in generic boxes, package in the stores, and then give out FOR FREE.

If GW are willing to do that as a promotional thing, then literally anything could be made into plastic. 

Edited by RileyArlic
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On 3/12/2023 at 6:51 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

We need the Adepticon right now! The number of unreleased items is very low!


Cawdor riders
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)
Aranthian Succession

Age of Sigmar
Blades of Khorne, Vanguard, new Priest
Slaanesh, Vanguard, new Hero

Spring Death Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

Nightmare's Quest


Horus Heresy
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
Despoilers upgrade kit
Contemptor Dreadnought
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator
The F* Vindicator

Warhammer 40k
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Azrael, Dark Angel, Brutalis Dreadnought, Desolation Squad, Vashtorr
Primaris Lieutenant
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
Arks of Omen: Tau + Snikrot, Tau Hero 
Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Aeldari, Drukhari, Orks, Tau, Adeptas, Custodes, Sons

 Kill Team 

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Adeptus Titanicus
New weapons

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo


Edited by Nezzhil
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48 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

We need the Adepticon right now! The number of unreleased items is very low!

  Hide contents

Cawdor riders
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)

Age of Sigmar
Blades of Khorne, Vanguard, new Priest
Slaanesh, Vanguard, new Hero

Spring Death Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

Nightmare's Quest


Horus Heresy
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
Despoilers upgrade kit
Contemptor Dreadnought
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator
The F* Vindicator

Warhammer 40k
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Azrael, Dark Angel, Brutalis Dreadnought, Desolation Squad, Vashtorr
Primaris Lieutenant
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
Arks of Omen: Tau + Snikrot, Tau Hero 
Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Aeldari, Drukhari, Orks, Tau

 Kill Team 

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo


Yeah. Gw's high speed release schedule has them pretty much caught up. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised to see the Death times in the first week of April. That would have all but three battletomes updated with 14 months to go in the edition.  I really do feel like we've room for at least one more big release in addition to Cities, Seraphon and FeC. 

The only disappointment is the continued wait for more cities news. An update every two or more months really isn't enough especially with the Old World going monthly. I really hope the lack of an update so far this month is a sign that Adepticon will bring something more substantial. 

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9 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Silent People vs the Techno Chamber!!!

Honestly, I am excited for tenth I am going to split it with my cousin as our proper foray into 40k.

Morghur still feels to me like the last minute big bad of 3rd Edition. I just feel like we are going to see an epic duel between Kragnos and the God of Chaos Spawns... I still think Yndrasta will clutch the Victory by Tossing an epic Javlin at Morghur and then Kragnos will wreck house with Yndrasta thinking she attacked the wrong beast-god

Well, BoC are allied with dragon ogors, who hate Kragnos, if I'm not wrong...

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

We need the Adepticon right now! The number of unreleased items is very low!

Adepticon should give us the Death Tomes and the Lion with his AoO book for 40k for sure.

Originally I thought 10th would only be at Warhammer Fest but since they already dropped a mini teaser I could see them showing the animated trailer at Adepticon with the full boxset at Warhammer Fest. For reference 9th edition teaser was released on May 10th with the full animated trailer on May 23rd and the Indomitus Boxset was revealed on June 13th.

For AoS they could show off the rest of the Seraphon but I think any models still missing will be shown of in the bi-weekly Model-Mondays so if they show something Seraphon at Adepticon I would expect an army set for May/June.

Maybe we will even get a first actual model reveal of Dawnbringers? Since I don't expect a new AoS army at Warhammer Fest when all focus should be on 40k 10th.

Also Underworlds should get their next season in April so should be shown off at Adepticon.

Than add Necromunda/Kill Team/Warcry as needed.

Edited by Matrindur
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13 hours ago, Captaniser said:

I believe that the greatest hint towards them being an actual army/unit is that their name contains a classic AoS name misspelling.


Unless it's just a classic GW placeholder. 'Here's an idea we might come back to at some point in the future if we have a plan what to do with it.'

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19 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Unless it's just a classic GW placeholder. 'Here's an idea we might come back to at some point in the future if we have a plan what to do with it.'

Sounds like they could be an AoS equivalent to the Squats' Ironkin.

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15 hours ago, EntMan said:

@KingBrodd would be so conflicted by this! His loyalties would be sorely tested!

But yeah, it'd be a great narrative, I bet the Goats could give the greenskins and friends a schooling in wrecking stuff.


I WOULD LOVE THIS. Destruction and Beasts going at it with a few model updates would be chefs kiss.

15 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Silent People vs the Techno Chamber!!!

Honestly, I am excited for tenth I am going to split it with my cousin as our proper foray into 40k.

Morghur still feels to me like the last minute big bad of 3rd Edition. I just feel like we are going to see an epic duel between Kragnos and the God of Chaos Spawns... I still think Yndrasta will clutch the Victory by Tossing an epic Javlin at Morghur and then Kragnos will wreck house with Yndrasta thinking she attacked the wrong beast-god

I would absolutely love this. Beasts of Chaos taking the fight to Kragnos and Destruction with a Dawnbringer Crusade led by Yndrasta intervening would make for an absolutely epic finale to 3.0!!

All hope seems lost and the tide is turning against the Crusade when beams of starlight appear from the heavens and who arrives Gandalf style on the light of the third day? The Seraphon.

6 hours ago, Chikout said:

Yeah. Gw's high speed release schedule has them pretty much caught up. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised to see the Death times in the first week of April. That would have all but three battletomes updated with 14 months to go in the edition.  I really do feel like we've room for at least one more big release in addition to Cities, Seraphon and FeC. 

The only disappointment is the continued wait for more cities news. An update every two or more months really isn't enough especially with the Old World going monthly. I really hope the lack of an update so far this month is a sign that Adepticon will bring something more substantial. 

It really does seem like the chances of a new Faction being added are getting higher and higher!!

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So I'm guessing the rumours of a bretonnia Vs Tomb Kings starter are true. I'm ok with this as it has the least overlap with AoS. That said the Bretonnian previews in particular sum up at lot of my problems with this project. Those helmets sure do look exactly like the old ones with not much extra detail. images(2).jpeg.77eba2d1a1f0b1724d6ccb378e35ee88.jpeg

The swords look like swords and nothing more. The Tomb king stuff is better with some pretty cool weapons. I'm still waiting for the project to wow me. I was a Warhammer fantasy fan back in the day. I even had a small Bretonnian army but I feel like the creative spark is missing from what we've seen so far. 

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At first I saw the Brettonia stuff and thought, “Oh wow, that’s much more Brettonian than I expected.”  

Then I saw the Tomb Kings stuff and for a very brief moment was extremely confused. If you can’t tell, I’m a pictures-first, words-later kind of person lol

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I really hope that plastic TOW stuff is not where the AoS resources have been going. If there's going to be multiple plastic armies for an unrelated game while a lot of AoS factions have barely gotten more than a hero or two in the past four years I'm going to be quite disappointed.

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