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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Ok tinfoil hat theory time. I think Skaven are part of the 4th edition starter set. Of all the factions in the game, the two most in need of a miniature update are Skaven and Seraphon with the poor old Beasts of Chaos and Ogors also in the running. 

We don't have much in the way of sales data but we do have the tournament data. Aside from Stormcast the only faction to ever be the most popular faction were the Skaven in second edition. You can head over to Instagram and check which faction has the most hashtags. I checked about 6 months ago and Stormcast were number one followed by Skaven. All this is just saying that Skaven are a perpetually popular faction, so why haven't they received an update yet?

Jes Goodwin said in an interview that they start concept work for a new starter set 5 years before launch. So when third edition came out they were already well into planning for the minis that would be in 4th edition. It also wouldn't surprise me if GW had already penciled in the starter factions for 5th and 6th edition. 

In the first three editions of AoS they've done Chaos, Death and Destruction so it makes sense to cycle back around to chaos. Slaves to Darkness and all 4 god's have all already had pretty big updates on AoS. That just leaves Beasts and  Skaven. It could be Beasts but Skaven are the more popular faction with older minis and huge potential for AoS wackiness. 

So my theory is that Skaven are getting a massive update with a dozen new kits in 2024.

Someone recently mentioned that next edition is going to be in the realm of shadows, sneaky mysterious conniving Skaven would suit this.

But, next might be order Vs order.

Or, if it's chaos then maybe Chorfs.


Chorfs Vs Skaven! 😍

Edited by EntMan
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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Maybe the next Warcry box is Skaven vs Destruction?

While we have been cautioned not to read too hard into the map, of the four highlighted areas on it - Skinslough Fen, The Wyrdlights, Bloodmad Ravage, and The Tainted Wound - the first three have had associated warbands.

The core book says that The Tainted Wound is where the Beastmen have been mucking about,

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24 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I don’t have the rules for KT myself. It’s already hard enough to teach them 40K :D (which is more versatile imo)

I believe the basic Kill Team (lite) rules are on the War Com website's downloads section but I get exactly what you mean, there's just more versatility in the bigger scale games of 40k/AoS

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59 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Ok tinfoil hat theory time. I think Skaven are part of the 4th edition starter set. Of all the factions in the game, the two most in need of a miniature update are Skaven and Seraphon with the poor old Beasts of Chaos and Ogors also in the running. 

We don't have much in the way of sales data but we do have the tournament data. Aside from Stormcast the only faction to ever be the most popular faction were the Skaven in second edition. You can head over to Instagram and check which faction has the most hashtags. I checked about 6 months ago and Stormcast were number one followed by Skaven. All this is just saying that Skaven are a perpetually popular faction, so why haven't they received an update yet?

Jes Goodwin said in an interview that they start concept work for a new starter set 5 years before launch. So when third edition came out they were already well into planning for the minis that would be in 4th edition. It also wouldn't surprise me if GW had already penciled in the starter factions for 5th and 6th edition. 

In the first three editions of AoS they've done Chaos, Death and Destruction so it makes sense to cycle back around to chaos. Slaves to Darkness and all 4 god's have all already had pretty big updates on AoS. That just leaves Beasts and  Skaven. It could be Beasts but Skaven are the more popular faction with older minis and huge potential for AoS wackiness. 

So my theory is that Skaven are getting a massive update with a dozen new kits in 2024.

This is my theory as well, they are in such dire need of a update a new edition is the perfect way to do it. 

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45 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

By the time Skaven get any kind of real update the cost of a unit of clanrats will be as high as a box set

You meam skryre acolyte right😂.

When the skaven finally get an update you’ll probably have to spend a 100 american dollar on each skryre acolyte to be able to field them.

so 500 for 5😂🤪

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I don't see Skaven being the launch to 4th edition. They seem to pair something new with Stormcast. I fall on the side that I think we might see Order vs Order. Or Stormcast vs Oathbreakers (Chaos Dwarves). I remember a distinct rumor that this edition ends with something breaking through the gates of Azyr and that would tie in nicely with Chaos Dwarves with some big machine. 

Now, just because, Skaven aren't in the starter doesn't mean they aren't in line for revamp. Before recently, GW was studying pure sales data. They could easily track what kits/armies sold the most. Skaven, because they are older may not have had high sales throughout the AOS life span, because a lot of people have already bought full armies in the past. Same with Beastmen.  However, now that GW seems to be actively looking at the competitive meta, they can see that Skaven is very popular in the tournament meta, even though they don't have a super high win rate. (Meaning people love them) 

Each edition seems to focus on a grand alliance and develop that. For first edition each chaos god had it's lore expanded upon, second was Death and third is destruction. However, Chaos is in a spot where it's kind of two different sections. You have the four chaos gods and then everyone else. I think if the 4th edition starts with the chaos dwarves the edition could easily be focused on the other powers of Chaos not associated with the big four. Which could lead to Skaven and Beastmen getting a Seraphon type update during that edition. 


GW is also able to track traffic of all their social media posts. Sometimes I wonder when they post the show us your (fill in the blank) army are they trying to collect online traffic data of that specific army. Either way, I'm hoping that they recognize the giant online hype of revamped Seraphon and realize that Skaven and Beastmen could have the same impact. 


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5 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Getting Skaven in the 4th edition box would be great. Thats would really lower the costs. I can still find Kruleboys on the 2nd hand market really cheap.

Do you remember that skaven half of the sylvaneth release vs. Skaven.

fun fact skaven are still being sold from that boxset, it just seems like that the sylvaneth weren’t too lucky to find a buddy interested in buying the box😂

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23 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

I don't see Skaven being the launch to 4th edition. They seem to pair something new with Stormcast. I fall on the side that I think we might see Order vs Order. Or Stormcast vs Oathbreakers (Chaos Dwarves). I remember a distinct rumor that this edition ends with something breaking through the gates of Azyr and that would tie in nicely with Chaos Dwarves with some big machine. 

Now, just because, Skaven aren't in the starter doesn't mean they aren't in line for revamp. Before recently, GW was studying pure sales data. They could easily track what kits/armies sold the most. Skaven, because they are older may not have had high sales throughout the AOS life span, because a lot of people have already bought full armies in the past. Same with Beastmen.  However, now that GW seems to be actively looking at the competitive meta, they can see that Skaven is very popular in the tournament meta, even though they don't have a super high win rate. (Meaning people love them) 

Each edition seems to focus on a grand alliance and develop that. For first edition each chaos god had it's lore expanded upon, second was Death and third is destruction. However, Chaos is in a spot where it's kind of two different sections. You have the four chaos gods and then everyone else. I think if the 4th edition starts with the chaos dwarves the edition could easily be focused on the other powers of Chaos not associated with the big four. Which could lead to Skaven and Beastmen getting a Seraphon type update during that edition. 


GW is also able to track traffic of all their social media posts. Sometimes I wonder when they post the show us your (fill in the blank) army are they trying to collect online traffic data of that specific army. Either way, I'm hoping that they recognize the giant online hype of revamped Seraphon and realize that Skaven and Beastmen could have the same impact. 


I sometimes think people forget how slow GW's process is. If someone at GW looks at this forum today and immediately decides to revamp the Skaven line it will be at least 2.5 years before we see those minis. The sculpting for the 4th edition starter is already done. They've already chosen the factions for 5th edition. 

As for Chaos Duardin, I don't think GW is willing to take such a big gamble on an unproven faction. If that army is coming I think it will be an end of the edition army as the League's of Votann were. 

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3 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Each edition seems to focus on a grand alliance and develop that. For first edition each chaos god had it's lore expanded upon, second was Death and third is destruction.

RIP Destruction if this truly is an edition focused on them. Unless we see a late edition revamp of the Warclans book with new kits or an entirely new army or two of course.

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8 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

RIP Destruction if this truly is an edition focused on them. Unless we see a late edition revamp of the Warclans book with new kits or an entirely new army or two of course.

Honestly the story development appear to happen in narrative books, with are more common at the end of the edition than at the start/middle. The new season of war should expand a little more on Ghur, but I woulnd't expect major developments until later in this year when we start to see the end of edition series, similarly to broken realms and the 40k books they are releasing right now.

Also I wouldn't expect new factions from now on. AoS has a high number now, so 1 new faction each 2~3 editions would make more sense. It's not that bad if we get 2~3 major revamps to factions that need it. So far we got Slaves, Seraphon and Cities coming for this edition and a good expansion for Sylvaneth, lets hope we get the Skaven/Beasts/FeC/Ogors in the near future!

Edited by Arzalyn
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36 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

RIP Destruction if this truly is an edition focused on them. Unless we see a late edition revamp of the Warclans book with new kits or an entirely new army or two of course.

Truly hoping that in the next Narrative event before 4th Edition we get the spotlight and each Faction gets a few minis because Im slightly salty about Destruction at the moment because for 'Our Edition' we havent actually recieved much and I dont want to have to wait another 8-9 years for a Destruction focused Edition.

Ill reserve judgement till the next Narrative even though.

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55 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

RIP Destruction if this truly is an edition focused on them. Unless we see a late edition revamp of the Warclans book with new kits or an entirely new army or two of course.

who said it is a destru edittion? it is a beast realm edittion and seraphon revamp is a totally nedeed and great beastlike faction revamp.


and second edittion was great, aos had a boom in every store. 3th...... has been really bad and slow so far, not only for destru players, gw ignored aos completly and focused in 40k while covid, and we know is release timers are around 3 years, so 40k continued like always but 3th aos got kicked in the balls and im sure we will have all our scheduled reseases of 3 years of 3th delayed to 5 yearsor so, making them more boring and slow

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It really pains me because I have actually loved 3rd edition of AOS fantastic lore, models, loved the core rules updates.

But unfortunately I will join the chorus of stating we feel quite forgotten this edition.

I don't think it is simply 40k as Horus Heresy and Middle Earth got some much needed love. Honestly this has been the heyday of Necromunda.

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