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10 hours ago, MitGas said:

I think they look great in Khornate colors already but I like all 4 four cult troops. I might try an Issac Clarke color scheme (lots of bronze). I LOVE Dead Space and with me playing its remake right now and always digging the engineering suit, I think about going that route. Loving all the cults might be down to me being used to having had access to all of them before CSM got separated into their respective forces. I‘ll get a unit of them as a Kill Team. I‘d like to get 1 for each of them (yes, even Nurgle) but let‘s see if I‘m not too lazy for 4 KTs (5 if I go for an Undivided one as well - I got the hors for Word Bearers too, I always found them the scariest CSM - religious fanaticism is something that frightens me as there‘s even less room for reasoning with such clowns)… 😇 

The good thing is that you can easily paint them in NL colors (they’d also look great in dark blue and bronze I figure) and it still makes sense (strictly speaking, NL aren‘t exactly likely to devote themselves like that but there are surely exceptions). Only Thousand Sons are from their original legion after all (if we adhere to the fluff) but in theory every other cult trooper isn‘t locked into their original legion. So you go right ahead and do as you please. 👌

And personally I dig Khorne too although I think GW makes them a bit too one-sided at times. While I wouldn‘t collect a whole army of them, I totally get the appeal. Hate and mindless carnage, what‘s not to like? But I like all Chaos forces (and not just those either….), it‘s just that I happen to like Tzeentch best. 

Sorry for the long post.

I was thinking of mixing the new berserkers with some Corpse Grinder Cults and Forgeworld Night Lords bits (terror squad helms and pauldrons) to make them seem like they're just starting to fall, but are still more or less Night Lords. Lorewise my warband leader cares more about keeping the idea of Nostramo and the legion alive, even if that means accepting the corrupted amongst his warriors. 

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I know this is AoS here, but hey, I needed to toss in some daily humor centering around our 40K cousins. 

So are Desolators what happens when a Tactical marine with a missile launcher crosses the Rubicon and forgets to put his gun down? Or did the Ad Mech just go insane with a welder? Or was there an administrative error and the missile launcher design was outsourced to an ex-imperial world now ruled by Orks? 

I feel this old Simpsons clip exemplifies the Missile Marines. 



Well with the introduction of Desolators, at least theres finally something worthy enough to ride in a Repulsor...

A Deadly Combination: Primaris Repulsor LORE





Edited by Gothmaug
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33 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I was thinking of mixing the new berserkers with some Corpse Grinder Cults and Forgeworld Night Lords bits (terror squad helms and pauldrons) to make them seem like they're just starting to fall, but are still more or less Night Lords. Lorewise my warband leader cares more about keeping the idea of Nostramo and the legion alive, even if that means accepting the corrupted amongst his warriors. 

Sounds like a totally feasible plan to me - Corpsegrinder Cult looks great too, I‘ve always loved the one helmet with the visor/slits. Just because most NL are said to be A doesn‘t mean there aren‘t some Bs, Cs or even Zs in there! Heck, my Thousand Sons Sorcerer Lord is so far gone (mentally) that he creates as many spawns as possible and sees it as freeing the human form of its shackles. I‘ve always found there‘s a certain horror in such misguided individuals and a certain irony as he himself is free of mutation due to the Rubric. I think such different takes add a ton of flavor and they in a way actually reinforce the suggested fluff as they‘re clear outliers. 👍

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25 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I do think 40k fans could stand to accept the ridiculousness of the setting a biiit more instead of seeing it as this self-serious epitome of "mature" scifi... I laughed out loud when I saw those marines, the concept sure is SOMETHING. But you know what? if 40k wants to establish that everything in the universe wants to kill humanity? you're gonna end up with rocket launchers on top of chainguns that maybe also shoot rockets

The worst part of those models is actually the stances, I know there are 5 different sculpts, but it only looks like 3 at a glance. The weapons look like ork weapons, and orks are awesome.

8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

This image. This image makes me want Forest Troggoths so damn bad.


This looks awesome, my preference is still for the sulphurbreath troggoths. Fire breathing troggs sounds awesome.

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10 hours ago, Mutton said:

It's so boring. Hag queen and witch elves again? Really? If they were going to do another DoK gang it should have been all Khinerai or warlocks or something remotely interesting.

It seems this warband was rushed during covid. It is even first WU warband without full scenic base, they never use sand and tufts on WU bases even when they are really flat. They really could have made them more interesting.

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44 minutes ago, Aleser said:

It seems this warband was rushed during covid. It is even first WU warband without full scenic base, they never use sand and tufts on WU bases even when they are really flat. They really could have made them more interesting.

It might be a design issue with DoK in general - it really seems like they’re out of ideas at this point

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1 hour ago, Aleser said:

It seems this warband was rushed during covid. It is even first WU warband without full scenic base, they never use sand and tufts on WU bases even when they are really flat. They really could have made them more interesting.

Oh yeah, I hadn't noticed that. I really hope this isn't a new trend. I love the scenic bases. 

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I hadn't noticed that, interesting.  Normally the underworlds scenic bases are part of the sprue, but these models look like they might have rubble/rock elements attached to their feet like the normal witch elf kit, which would suggest separate bases.  I'm curious if they'd have to have different packaging to safely fit a few bases in, the underworlds separators have been pretty tightly designed for 2 sprues plus all the cards, to my memory.

It does seem to suggest that these maybe weren't originally intended for underworlds, or at least not for this release window, in some capacity.

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43 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I hadn't noticed that, interesting.  Normally the underworlds scenic bases are part of the sprue, but these models look like they might have rubble/rock elements attached to their feet like the normal witch elf kit, which would suggest separate bases.  I'm curious if they'd have to have different packaging to safely fit a few bases in, the underworlds separators have been pretty tightly designed for 2 sprues plus all the cards, to my memory.

It does seem to suggest that these maybe weren't originally intended for underworlds, or at least not for this release window, in some capacity.

So if I remember correctly, some of the early Underworlds kits were designed to be similar to the old £10 "pocket money" e2b releases. It was whilst they were being worked on that they ended up having Underworlds designed around them. My guess is that Gryselle's Arenai were designed during this time but ended up being side lined for some reason. The basing style is similar to a couple of the old Shadespire bands (Ironskull's Boyz even had tufts added to their bases for the official models and the Sepulchural Guard had very plain bases in some cases). I think these are probably early resin prints painted but then archived when the warband wasn't released. They've just had the rim of the base repainted to match the rest of the Gnarlwood warbands. So I think you'll find those skeletons and rocks are probably moulded onto the bases and they're on the sprue same as all the other warbands.

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15 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Kroxigors... welp, that's my 2024 new army confirmed for me, Seraphon have another patron. They were my absolute favourite as a 10 year old way back when they were metal and their arms fell off every time I pick them up 

I've got a few of those stuck in the back of a cabinet - I swear I hadn't touched them in over a decade, and yet a couple of their heads had fallen off. Just... time and gravity.

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YESSS another wish off the list, this is clearly a Kroxigor mace! They really are going to make this release perfect, aren't they? Now I just need confirmation of new saurus knights. Or a lumineth style second wave after a few months (jk, I'm not that greedy

32 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:



I am honoured that I have become synonimous with seraphon hype like You are with hype for gargants and ogors, kind sir

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