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1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

If I have one hope for Seraphon tomorrow. Its that Kroxigor please should get a new model.

They cant keep getting away with them and rat ogres

Yeah, especially with how good the Blood Bowl and Total War Kroxigors look it's a bit of a tease. At least Rogers got the fantastic Island of Blood models (little comfort that may be).

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I don't know how accurate but some random info from GW Battlereport:


Viletide: 1D3 mw and the unit can't recieve Commands
Warherd charge: 1 roll for each model that made a charge. On a 2+, 1 mortal wound.

Bullgors: On turn 1, their GreatAxes impact on 4+ with -1 rend, on turn 3, with All-out-Attack, they hit on 2+ and Rend-3 (wtf?)
Centigors: Save 4+ and remember that they ignore the first 2 wounds.
Gors: They can debuff units with Attack-last. On turn 1, they lost 50% of their unit, on turn 3, they are fully recovered (3+1D3 recovery in each battleshock phase) . 20 gors with 3+/3+ without rend.
Ungor raiders: 2 attacks at 4+/4+ without rend.


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Not sure if already discussed.

Yet anyone else pondering that there was supposed to be a Beasts Of Chaos vs. Gloomspite Gitz box set. 
Which was then, never realeased?

Just like the revision of other AoS factions over the past year.
You have one new character model for the revised faction. Upwards of one new unit, in the new Vs. box set.
With the associated Vanguard box sets to be released later.

Yet now.
For BoC & GG.
No big Vs. box set.
One new character each. One "new" unit with the revised Wolf Riders.
& the two Vanguard box sets are out at the same time as the Battletomes.

An indication GW are getting away from the AoS box sets, as they don't tend to sell as well?

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16 minutes ago, Roland said:

Not sure if already discussed.

Yet anyone else pondering that there was supposed to be a Beasts Of Chaos vs. Gloomspite Gitz box set. 
Which was then, never realeased?

Just like the revision of other AoS factions over the past year.
You have one new character model for the revised faction. Upwards of one new unit, in the new Vs. box set.
With the associated Vanguard box sets to be released later.

Yet now.
For BoC & GG.
No big Vs. box set.
One new character each. One "new" unit with the revised Wolf Riders.
& the two Vanguard box sets are out at the same time as the Battletomes.

An indication GW are getting away from the AoS box sets, as they don't tend to sell as well?

Well the last one was Arcane Cataclysm in August last year but if you look over to 40k it has been even longer with Eldritch Omens in February last year. After that they only released army sets which could mean those are more profitable for them and if that is the case for 40k I would expect them to at least try the same for AoS

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15 hours ago, Beliman said:

Imho, it's the best AoS book.

I don't care about how good it is, but their main mechanics brings a lot of tools for players. I think it one of the most customizable armies.

I'm a bit upset that armies with few units didn't recieve the same treatment. I can't understand why fyreslayers, with only 3 units, can't take runes as "marks of chaos" to give their players a lot more variety to their gameplay.

S2D is a good example where updating the book works since the foundation is already there.

15 hours ago, TechnoVampire said:

I think it’s ok to hope that the devs are capable of recognising issues in tomes that are as old as 3 years, and applying a little knowledge and creativity to change the core mechanics, making them better and more interesting, without breaking the game. Gitz have consistently been one of the worst performing armies, so it’s clear they have issues. I would hope that they could solve some of these issues with more than warscroll upgrades, and try to address the core mechanics. It’s been years. I don’t think that’s too much to expect. I’m optimistic that the new Gitz tome will be more than that, but copy pasting old tomes like we’ve seen with factions like skaven, without doing anything new where necessary, just feels lazy. 

...And Gitz is the opposite, where they really do need to get properly updated. Skaven is another which should have gotten more out of their updates.

14 hours ago, Ferban said:

I think the tome updates should, more or less, be evolutionary rather than revolutionary.  It should update the rules to comport better with 3.0.  It could add in some heroic actions or monstrous rampages when warranted.  And it should align with the new philosophy that choosing a sub faction no longer locks you into an artefact or command trait. 

I think the meta shakeup is mostly seen with the GHBs.  And I'm OK with that.  If you want a highly evolving game where good units become bad and bad units become good, I think the GHB battlepacks seem to do much of that.  But if you are just playing with your mates and having a good time with your army, you probably want some level of consistency.  

Seeing the squig movement change is a great quality of life improvement.  That's the kind of thing I want from new tomes.  That, and making the army feel like the lore.  Not every 3.0 battletome has been a banger, but the majority have been improvements in those terms (even if they aren't giving significant power improvements). 

Yeah, more or less that. With the previous two replies in mind it is quite clear we cannot just do updates, just as we cannot (or shouldn't do) just do massive revamps every time.

Overall, we need to accept the fact AoS isn't their main game but like  @KingBrodd wrote in an earlier post AoS need a few more editions to truly become established as a setting. Having a reputation as being GW's balanced game with a healthy competitive scene is also extremely beneficial in the long run. In addition to quite a few 40k content creators picking AoS up it is looking pretty hecking good. I mean, it doesn't help the factions who needed more attention but at the very least the game is improving (least from where I'm sitting).

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3 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Well the last one was Arcane Cataclysm in August last year but if you look over to 40k it has been even longer with Eldritch Omens in February last year. After that they only released army sets which could mean those are more profitable for them and if that is the case for 40k I would expect them to at least try the same for AoS

I think army sets have more appeal than the battle boxes. If a box comes out that has one new miniature for each faction and I only play one of those factions then I'm unlikely to buy it when I can just wait and spent much less on the army book and figure by themselves. On the other hand if it's an army box of entirely new or updated kits then that's an easier sell. Obviously we'll see what the future brings but I could see army boxes being used for larger releases but everything else just coming out normally.

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37 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I think army sets have more appeal than the battle boxes. If a box comes out that has one new miniature for each faction and I only play one of those factions then I'm unlikely to buy it when I can just wait and spent much less on the army book and figure by themselves. On the other hand if it's an army box of entirely new or updated kits then that's an easier sell. Obviously we'll see what the future brings but I could see army boxes being used for larger releases but everything else just coming out normally.

Agreed. Plus the army boxes usually bundle in a battletome, which is bad for resellers and buying multiple copies, but great for one and done purchases, given that battletomes these days are only available physical and cost roughly a billion dollars now.

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2 hours ago, pnkdth said:

S2D is a good example where updating the book works since the foundation is already there. 


...And Gitz is the opposite, where they really do need to get properly updated. Skaven is another which should have gotten more out of their updates.


Overall, we need to accept the fact AoS isn't their main game [...]

So first of all you clearly never read the "old" Slaves to Darkness Battletome.

It had horrible, unfluffy rules but enough different units that some of them were broken ( 13" Charging Barbarians... Deepstriking. Because reasons)

The fact you think it was just slightly tweaked just shows how much the new rules allign with how we always expected the army to play. Well done GW! 

Since i have not read ANYTHING out of the (few) previews that didnt sound reasonable and fluffy i am optimistic about the final product.


I would also like to use this moment to give a general statement about the tone of dialoge - not a specific comment on your post:


It is perfectly fine to disagree with the direction of rules writing in certain books (or in general). And you might or might not be able to find reasonable arguments for this opinion. 

But self - victimizing and hyperbole is exactly the kind of toxic behaviour that has plagued most gaming/online forums. 

- of course AoS is one of the three main systems for GW 

- this does not mean that at any given time those three systems get exactly the same amount of attention.

- the same applies to any (sub) faction

- the rules are written by hobbyists

- often their rules will work well, sometimes not so much. Usually because of bad ideas or bad testing, never due to bad intentions.

- noone is out there to discrininate YOUR pet peeve faction (!)

- GW does indeed want you to spend money for their product

- therefore they want you to be happy with/about it. 

- If you are unhappy try to reasonably communicate the why and how to them. ( Read: not here and not this way!)

- please always remember this is a hobby and people visit this forum to share (or increase) their positive hobby energy. 


( I should probably put this in my sighature as Well as: tabletop gamers hate two things: the state of the game and change)

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7 minutes ago, Koala said:

So first of all you clearly never read the "old" Slaves to Darkness Battletome.

It had horrible, unfluffy rules but enough different units that some of them were broken ( 13" Charging Barbarians... Deepstriking. Because reasons)

The fact you think it was just slightly tweaked just shows how much the new rules allign with how we always expected the army to play. Well done GW! 

Since i have not read ANYTHING out of the (few) previews that didnt sound reasonable and fluffy i am optimistic about the final product.


I would also like to use this moment to give a general statement about the tone of dialoge - not a specific comment on your post:


It is perfectly fine to disagree with the direction of rules writing in certain books (or in general). And you might or might not be able to find reasonable arguments for this opinion. 

But self - victimizing and hyperbole is exactly the kind of toxic behaviour that has plagued most gaming/online forums. 

- of course AoS is one of the three main systems for GW 

- this does not mean that at any given time those three systems get exactly the same amount of attention.

- the same applies to any (sub) faction

- the rules are written by hobbyists

- often their rules will work well, sometimes not so much. Usually because of bad ideas or bad testing, never due to bad intentions.

- noone is out there to discrininate YOUR pet peeve faction (!)

- GW does indeed want you to spend money for their product

- therefore they want you to be happy with/about it. 

- If you are unhappy try to reasonably communicate the why and how to them. ( Read: not here and not this way!)

- please always remember this is a hobby and people visit this forum to share (or increase) their positive hobby energy. 


( I should probably put this in my sighature as Well as: tabletop gamers hate two things: the state of the game and change)

I guessing you've been holding onto something cause... wow. Not even touching that one. Maybe reflect on what is/isn't toxic behaviour when you read that incoherent rant back to yourself. For example, AoS isn't GW's main game. 40k is, no matter how angry you get about it. Second, I'm advocating for the opposite of victimhood... But I realise that I was only a vehicle to express your rant at this point, so have at it.

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3 hours ago, Nuriel said:


Not sure if this was posted but... Isn't it the new color scheme for Beasts of Chaos?

I think this colour scheme works so much better and actually makes the Bullgors look a better model!!

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28 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I think this colour scheme works so much better and actually makes the Bullgors look a better model!!

Colour scheme is nice, but the bullgors are by far one of the worst designs in the AoS lineup right now

(Tbf I did a double take on the picture very excited, then got sad lol)

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I'm very curious to how many new models we see for Seraphon... I know they are a very popular army, so it would seem fitting that they get a decent upgrade. We can assume new Slann, new saurus and sometype of monster or calvary. 

I hope they throw in new Kroxigor and Salamanders as well.  With those five kits they would be set for the foreseeable future. 

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I know this might be a bit offtopic, but I just wanted to say how excited I am for the preview. The seraphon have always been my beloved army and will always stay that way. The little scraps of lizard stuff we got through underworlds and warcry have been awesome, but what they really did was get me hyped for a proper wave of new models. The seraphon have a lot of potential for expanding their esthetic and I believe GW will deliver. I am keeping my expectations reasonable, but even then, a new slaan, saurus warriors and cavalry kit will be absolutely awesome. It's time for AoS's time in the light again, and it'll be the glorious light of a basking lamp, under it a cohort of beautiful new seraphon models!

So yeah, I am just completely overtaken by cold-blooded hype and will happily wake up early to see the preview live!

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1 hour ago, GenericEdgyName said:

I know this might be a bit offtopic, but I just wanted to say how excited I am for the preview. The seraphon have always been my beloved army and will always stay that way. The little scraps of lizard stuff we got through underworlds and warcry have been awesome, but what they really did was get me hyped for a proper wave of new models. The seraphon have a lot of potential for expanding their esthetic and I believe GW will deliver. I am keeping my expectations reasonable, but even then, a new slaan, saurus warriors and cavalry kit will be absolutely awesome. It's time for AoS's time in the light again, and it'll be the glorious light of a basking lamp, under it a cohort of beautiful new seraphon models!

So yeah, I am just completely overtaken by cold-blooded hype and will happily wake up early to see the preview live!

I am so excited to see new Seraphon mate but half of my excitement is for fans such as yourself and @DinoJon!! I truly hope your guys scaly dreams come true tomorrow morning.


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Me predictions are the 3 rumoured seraphon units. Warcry khorne vs soulblight. Underworlds mystery warband reveal that i believe will be just DoK or CoS elves, could even be Sylvaneth or Undivided imho. Hopefully also the next season of war/ incarnate but that would be a lot of AoS related things in one show. Hopefully they have some surprises left for us too.

Edit: Im going to watch the livestream too for the first time.

Edited by Gitzdee
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