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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I do hope we see more Hobgrots. I keep on not understanding why we get thees awesome Goblin support units like hobgrots and gnoblars without dedicated hero support. Also I am still hoping that Hobgrots get an additional Chaos Dwarf/Hashut keyword in the future. I also still think a cavalry equivilant of them riding Trogoths to be supported by the Brekkaboss on Mirebrute would be an outstandingly unique unit choice that would differentiate Kruelboyz cavalry from the Pig riders and wolf riders of their fellow destruction warbands, while better integrating Trogoths into Kruel Boy Ranks.


I'm not against more hobgrots, but as a KB player i'd rather they get fleshed out as a sub force in chaos dwarves than in KB.

To me they always felt out of place in KB, who are sort of a reimagining of Greenskinz. Especially since they have a bunch of grot models accompanying the actual KB models, but never any hobgrot companions. They're the odd unit out, and it doesnt help that their aesthetic doesnt match either.

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10 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

I'm not against more hobgrots, but as a KB player i'd rather they get fleshed out as a sub force in chaos dwarves than in KB.

To me they always felt out of place in KB, who are sort of a reimagining of Greenskinz. Especially since they have a bunch of grot models accompanying the actual KB models, but never any hobgrot companions. They're the odd unit out, and it doesnt help that their aesthetic doesnt match either.

I think that is the goal of my idea of incorporating some Hobgrot Troggoth riders is the hopes of making the more desperate elements feel coherent. For me it also establishes the Brekerboss as likely the one that deals with the Chaos Dwarves and considering how cruel/kruel that model appears it would make a cool way of tying together elements of the lore. Of course I am happy with Krruel Boyz simply getting any new unit support going forward. 

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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

RumourEngine Dec27 Content

Do those look like runes carved into the top of the pipes?

Am I just seeing things for the copeium of wanting Chorfs? Obviously, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.


Excellent idea. It would make sense that the Oathbreakers would lean more towards technology. It may seem out of place for AOS, but what they did Kharadron somehow worked. Kind of in between AOS and 40k 

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24 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I think that is the goal of my idea of incorporating some Hobgrot Troggoth riders is the hopes of making the more desperate elements feel coherent. For me it also establishes the Brekerboss as likely the one that deals with the Chaos Dwarves and considering how cruel/kruel that model appears it would make a cool way of tying together elements of the lore. Of course I am happy with Krruel Boyz simply getting any new unit support going forward. 

I dont think kruleboyz deal with spiky stunties, its the hobgrots as middle men. Like, iirc, its their whole shtik. 

All has to do with the "war of the broken promise" or something like that. there's just a few sentences somewhere about it. 


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6 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


Much like His Royal Swoleness @KingBrodd, long May his Stomp crush the realms, I think AOS has been shafted this year. Necromunda has gotten so much lore and releases that it feels like an entirely separate world, Horus and his Heresy have gotten a brand new lease on life, and 40K continues to get more models than you can shake a stick at. It is my personal belief that GW is holding back on the good stuff till 2023, which as others have pointed out is the 40th anniversary of Warhammer Fantasy and the rumored release date of TOW.

Thank you My Loyal Son.

I agree I hope that 2022 was the Production Knock On year from Covid and they just saw AOS as a good scapegoat because 40K pays the bills and the side games have seperate designers so focuses their efforts on the money maker.

2023 will be a telling year and I hope and believe we will see big releases for Gloomspite, Seraphon, Cities of Sigmar and perhaps even Beasts of Chaos.

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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I mean very likely the upcoming beasts o’ chaos books point will be in the new ghb.

The book

may even come put for pre-order before the ghb does

I would expect to see the GHB announced this Sunday seeing as its out in youtubers hands, hence why all the leaks. 

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6 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Anything for Nighthaunt or Slaanesh? With Slaanesh it doesn't matter as it'll still be bad until the next book (still curious), but hoping that the Black Coach gets a meaty points reduction!

Hedonites of SLaanesh


hellstriders Claw Spears -15
Hellstriders Hellscourges -5
Bladebringer Herald (both) -35
Epitome -5
Dexcessa -40
Enrapturess -10
Lord of Pain -10
masque -20
Shardspeaker -5
Sigvald +5
Synessa -20
KoS -30
Shalaxi -40
Syll'Esske -25
Blissbarb Seekers -10
Dread Pageant -15
Exalted Chariot -15
Fiends -5
Hellflayer -10
Painbringers -10
Seeker Chariots -15
Seekers -10
Slickblade Seekers -20



Hexwraiths +10
Spirit Hosts +5
Coach -45
Drowner -5
Briar Queen -20
Cairn Wraith -15
Dreadblade Harrow -15
Knight of SHrouds -15
Knight on STeed -5
Executioner -10
Scriptor -25
Spirit Torment +5
Banshee -25
Nagash -55
Bladegheists +5
Chainghasts -5
Craventhrone Guard -25
STalkers -25
Myrmourn Banshees -5
Terminexus -5
Reaper -20
Vault -5


9 hours ago, The Red King said:

Got any beasts of chaos points? I'm hopeful it isnt too nerfed if everyone is going down.

Some people are talking about them, but I didn't see the rumored points yet.

(More rumors) 6 New Battleplans:


Positions of Power: 
4 Objectives, one on both edge-sides (called Flank objectives), and the other two in the middle of each territory.
At the start of the fourth battleround, remove Flank Objectives. If Flank objectives are contested by Galletian Champions, +1VP

Ours for the taking:
Territories are L-shaped, and each territory has their own Home objective on their right. Center objective just in the middle of the table. Galletian Champions score +1VP if they control the Center objective

The Jaws of Gallet
Territories are L-shaped, but shorter than Ours for taking.  4 Objectives in the middle of the table (like an small square),  and 1 objective in the middle. At the start of the 2d battleround, the player going 2d can remove one objective.

Path of Champion
Table divided in 4 quadrants. Two of them are the players territories. 4 objectives in the middle of each quadrant (so 1 in each territory). At the start of the hero phase, if a Galletian Champion control an objective outside of their territory, the player can choose two battle tactics to complete in that turn.

Only the worthy
Territories are exaclt half of the table (No neutral zones). 4 objectives, two in the middle of each territory and two on each side of the lines between both terriotires (note: this objectives are half on both territories). If there are any Galletian champion contesting an objective, only Galletian champions can contest that objective.

Twists and turns
L-shaped territories on opposite corners of the table, a bit smaller than the Jaws of Gallet. 5 Objectives doing a line from the other 2 neutral corners (note: 1 on each corner, 1 on the middle of the quadrant, 1 on the center of the table, 1 on the other quadrant and 1 on the other corner).
At the end of each turn, the active player roll a dice for each active controlled objective (with +1 if there is a Galletian champion controlling that objective). 1-3 the objective is inactive, 4-6 the objective is OK. 
On your hero phase, roll a dice for each controlled objective that is inactive (with +1 if there is a Galletian champion controlling an objective). On a 4+ becomes active.


Edited by Beliman
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20 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

I hope these leaks are wrong because I struggle to see how this new GHB is going to help bring back the players who left due to the complexity and restrictions from the current GHB. 

Given the production time of those books, the upcoming GHB was probably already written when the last one came out. I doubt there was ever time to react to how the community received the whole Galletian Veterans dynamic in the first place

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I dunno, I was fairly negative on how the matched play elements from the last GHB ultimately shook out, but at first glance these leaks seem a lot more manageable.  Really, in my view, the main issue with the Galletian Veterans system was in the battalions, which sort of vicious cycled one another into redundancy with lists trying to minimise GV units to avoid the threat of powerful bounty hunters, etc.

But there doesn't look like there's too much of that in this case, it's much closer to the normal rules, you only need to buy into the battalions if you have a particular plan in mind, rather than just dumping all your hammer units in bounty hunters by default.  My main concerns up front would be that useful galletian champion units aren't necessarily distributed evenly between factions, and the sniper battalion might become a mini-bounty hunters where it's the obvious pick for all shooting units, but the effect is much lesser than the damage bonus, so we'll see.

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On 12/26/2022 at 2:07 PM, Enoby said:

Some relatively large points changes given on discord for Hos (may not be true). 

Hellstriders w/ claws: -15

Hellstriders w/ Scourge: -5

Bladebringers Herald: -35

Epitome: -5

Dexcessa: -40

Enrapturess: -10

Lord of Pain: -10

Masque: -20

Shardspeaker: -5

Sigvald: +5

Synessa: -20

KoS: -30

Shalaxi: -40

Syll'Esske: -25

Blissbard Seekers: -10

Dread Paegent: -15

Exalted Chariot: -15

Fiends: -5

Hellflayer: -10

Painbringers: -10

Seeker Chariot: -15

Seekers: -10

Slickblade Seekers: -20

Again, not sure if true, but it would be nice if so.

No slaangor changes, GW clearly feels they are in a good spot and fear a slaangor meta

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Battle Tactics


Gaining Momentum: Pick an enemy unit. Complete this tactic if it's killed and you control more objectives.

Eye for an eye: Complete this tactic if 1 or more friendly units died in the previous turn and 1 or more enemy units died this turn.

Desecrate their lands: Pick a terrain feature (or faction terrain feature). Complete this if you are in control it.

This One's Mine!: Pick 1 enemy unit. Complete this if you kill it with your General.

Matter of Honour: Pick 1 Galletian Champion or Sworn Bodyguard. You complete this tactic if you killed them with attacks made by friendly Galletian Champion or Sworn Bodyguard.

Lead the Assault: Complete if 2 or more objectives in the enemies territory and each one are controlled by friendly Galletian Champions.

United Offence: Pick an objective controlled by an enemy. You complete this tactic if yuo control it and 2 or more friendly Galletian Champions are contesting the objective.

Cunning Manoeuvre: Pick 1 friendly Galletian Champion that is more than 3". Complete this tactic if it's still more than 3" and contesting an objective outside of your territory.

Ok, everything from GHB seems to be leaked. Glad to see Tuskhelmet or gryph-feather charm again!

Happy GHB'23!

Edited by Beliman
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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Given the production time of those books, the upcoming GHB was probably already written when the last one came out. I doubt there was ever time to react to how the community received the whole Galletian Veterans dynamic in the first place

I mean, I agree, but it also seems like they learned from a lot of the associated mistakes?

All of the spoiled battle plans/tactics seem to successfully reward you for actually playing the seasonal theme successfully (Galletian Champions), and none of them appear to overtly punish you for doing so.  

It seems like a significant improvement all around, which seems unlikely if they weren't able to react to at least a degree. 

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