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The Rumour Thread

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17 minutes ago, Beliman said:


Valrak said that we are going to see some HQs in the new Ark of Omens campaign, some of them tied to Dark Angels (last one being the return of the Lion) just before the new edition. The first rumors were pointing to Blood Angels vs Tyranids for a 10th edition. With a new Primarch-like Sanguinor, new Dante, jetpack Primaris, etc...

At least, that's what people are talking about between dakka and bolter&chainsword, not sure if there are more rumormongers around that can throw some light...

Yeah that's what I'd heard, with Dark Angels coming as a second set of releases later on.

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11 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

While I also expect GW to release them as part of a duel box, its totally possible that they don't do that and just release the beastlord + the tome. Mawtribes and Nurgle got just that, although nurgle singular release and the difficult in including Gargants in on of those boxes is probably the reason they got it this way.

They could have shown the dualbox in the preview as they did with previous boxes.

I think there is 0 chance to see a BoC vs Gitz dualbox  now.




This is the 40K roadmap




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22 minutes ago, Still-young said:

I’ve just noticed this, I was pointing up the battleforce boxes I like the look of; Dryads come in 10s, but both the Battleforce and the Dryad box come with 16 models, even though the sprues are in 4s so they’d just need an extra sprue in each to make 20 models? How irritating. 

Used to work that you could get 2 boxes. Make up 29 dryads an 3 branch nymphs. Then you have options for fielding them in 3 units of 10, one of 30. (or a 10 and a 20)

Not sure if this still works with the current unit size/reinforced rules.

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14 hours ago, novakai said:

I think I heard more rumblings and rumors of Blood Angel, I hedge my bet that the Holiday preview will be Sangunalia themed since it both blood angel related and 40K version of Christmas. Probably the best time to revealed Primaris Dante if rumors are true.

I swear down if we get ANOTHER 40K themed Advent Engine Ill scream.

GWS bias towards 40K is actually getting on my nerves. Even during Preview streams theyll speed run the AOS releases to talk about the next 40K individual mini for 10 minutes.

+++MOD HAT ON+++

I apologise for this comment but I shall keep it here in shame.

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49 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I swear down if we get ANOTHER 40K themed Advent Engine Ill scream.

GWS bias towards 40K is actually getting on my nerves. Even during Preview streams theyll speed run the AOS releases to talk about the next 40K individual mini for 10 minutes.

OK, who are you and what have you done to KingBrodd, aka Mr Sunshine?!?


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I swear down if we get ANOTHER 40K themed Advent Engine Ill scream.

GWS bias towards 40K is actually getting on my nerves. Even during Preview streams theyll speed run the AOS releases to talk about the next 40K individual mini for 10 minutes.

That being said, we did get a clear indication of commitment in the road map. AoS isn't as huge as 40k and we should expect this to be the case for some years ahead.

Also, MajorKill (40k YT creator) out of the blue made an AoS video (and seem to be considering to start doing AoS content because the lore has matured a lot since he last took at look at it + praises the quality of the minis), Tabletop Titans do AoS for awhile, and Tabletop Tactics are rolling out more and more AoS content. 

What I am saying is, we should temper our expectations a bit since if we compare AoS to 40k we will always end up being disappointed. Look at me, once again, seeing the sunny side of things. What the heck is going on? 😆

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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



It is halve chaotic and halve destro

Chaos Ogors here we go!

Now that I say that maybe a 'gutplate' or pauldron for a Shaggoth? 

I have a feeling it will likely be tied to Warcry or Arks of Omen as I can't think of much else Undivided in the pipeline. Do they use the Eightpointed star in 3OK?

Edited by Neverchosen
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13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



It is halve chaotic and halve destro

Crude, battered shield. Undivided, so not Khorne or Slaanesh. I'm not saying it's Beastmen but it's obviously Beastmen. I'm thinking Centigor shield.

Actually thinking about it a bit more, possibly a gutplate or chest plate which is also a thing beastmen of all stripes (Shaggoth included) usually wear. They also use round shields, but those are wood mostly.

Edited by madmac
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12 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

Ive been out the hobby for a bit, i see there is new chameleon skinks, I know they are warcry but are they also a replacement for the current molds? Or something different? Thanks. 

I don't think we know the answer for certain yet: it'll depend on the next Seraphon Battletome.


At the moment the Warcry Warband isn't a thing in AoS (although assuming the bases are the same size there's nothing stopping you using the new chameleon skinks as counts as ones).


Once the new book is out it's likely the that the Warband will either get full rules as it's own thing, or be takable as two separate units (chameleon skinks and whatever the fliers are called).

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10 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Weird if it's beastmen though. Considering they're just around the corner. Rumour engines tend to be a way off. 

Unless it's a range revamp planned for the next Broken Realms series.

I mean, around the corner in this case is like February. It's not without precedent.

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20 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Weird if it's beastmen though. Considering they're just around the corner. Rumour engines tend to be a way off. 

Unless it's a range revamp planned for the next Broken Realms series.

I think it is an Underwords warband/Warcry or an event model.

Edited by Nezzhil
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11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I think it is an Underwords warband/Warcry or an event model.

I always find it somewhat tragic and frustrating when they update ancient models through underworlds/warcry.

Still frustrated by the lack of new frostsabres, nearly three years on from the release of Hrothgorn's Mantrappers.

It would be the ultimate troll move (and just like GW) to make one or two new centigor and lock them behind an underworlds warband.



Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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22 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I always find it somewhat tragic and frustrating when they update ancient models through underworlds/warcry.

Still frustrated by the lack of new frostsabres, nearly three years on from the release of Hrothgorn's Mantrappers.

It would be the ultimate troll move (and just like GW) to make one or two new centigor and lock them behind an underworlds warband.



I think it's important here to distinguish between Underworlds and Warcry. Underworlds is the land of the hero proxies with a smattering of individual troop models. Generally not very useful unless their rules are busted somehow.

Warcry bands OTOH are full units. The new Seraphon Warcry band is absolutely a fitting replacement for the old resin Chameleons, perfect as proxies and honestly will probably get a warscroll that outright replaces the old models. The Warcry Shadowstalkers Warband is also a full unit and a very good one.  The 40K equivalent Killteam has been busily updating old models using KillTeam and there's no real complaints there.

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:



It is halve chaotic and halve destro

I'm calling gitmob.
Destruction are the only ones that "loot" stuff quite frequently, and this shield looks pretty battered. The rope at the top makes it look like its tied to something, rather than being held by someone, and gitz are the only destruction army left, and are probably getting a gitmob release.
This is probably strapped onto a chariot or pump wagon as an armor plate.

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