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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

At the same time, just over a week ago, GW would not allow you - even for a minute - to forget that Warhammer Underworlds is the Perfect Game to Add to Your Board Game Nights and you can Carve Through the Gnarlwood or Conquer the Gnarlwood Your Way with The Gnarlspirit Pack Struggling With Animalistic Fury or The Sons of Velmorn, who Vow To Clear the Gnarlwood of the Living.

They really like to shove some stuff in the face while neglecting something else. 

They should be marketing this though. It's not mutually exclusive with AOS tabletop getting articles.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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3 hours ago, Ogorek said:

It really does feel bad getting basically no hype for ogors, I’m still excited for the new tome, but it really seems like GW did the absolute bare minimum in terms of marketing and the such.

Destruction loves to get given the cold shoulder by GW, but here we stand always the stronger for it!! MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!!

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Destruction loves to get given the cold shoulder by GW, but here we stand always the stronger for it!! MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!!

Destruction will get what Death had (And necrons in 40k so both setting are affected). Being the big bad in the starter box with a lore on how they are on the rise, Seasons of war settled in their realm eventually, and the epilogue, Broken Realms style, in a book or two before we jump unto a new big bad on the rise...

Ultimately I got the feeling that Death and Destruction are just side bosses and that Chaos and Order are the major contenders. In a galaxy far far away Death and Destruction would have been the Separatists and the Hutt Cartel...but the focal point has always been Sith against Jedi.


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1 hour ago, Harioch said:

Destruction will get what Death had (And necrons in 40k so both setting are affected). Being the big bad in the starter box with a lore on how they are on the rise, Seasons of war settled in their realm eventually, and the epilogue, Broken Realms style, in a book or two before we jump unto a new big bad on the rise...

Ultimately I got the feeling that Death and Destruction are just side bosses and that Chaos and Order are the major contenders. In a galaxy far far away Death and Destruction would have been the Separatists and the Hutt Cartel...but the focal point has always been Sith against Jedi.


Well Death got two new armies during their time as the big bad, and a big update for soulblight... hopefully Destruction gets a big Gitz update and a new army next year

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Interesting, i saw the Bloodpelt hunter on the New Zealand GW page and it's written "This multipart plastic kit builds a Bloodpelt Hunter, a beast-slayer of the Ogor Mawtribes"

Is he multipart? i don't see any other head or alternative sculpt mmhh

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45 minutes ago, Elbaf said:

Interesting, i saw the Bloodpelt hunter on the New Zealand GW page and it's written "This multipart plastic kit builds a Bloodpelt Hunter, a beast-slayer of the Ogor Mawtribes"

Is he multipart? i don't see any other head or alternative sculpt mmhh

We’ve only got the one picture of him that I’ve seen. Multi party would be news to me but since we’ve had zero reveals on what they can do, who knows?

Im legit refreshing my pages for book reviews to go live.

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4 hours ago, Sahrial said:

We’ve only got the one picture of him that I’ve seen. Multi party would be news to me but since we’ve had zero reveals on what they can do, who knows?

Im legit refreshing my pages for book reviews to go live.

Multipart doesn't necessarily mean optional ways to build. For example looking at Tyranids there seems to be a number of models which require assembly but don't seem to have any variety in how you can assemble them.

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4 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Multipart doesn't necessarily mean optional ways to build. For example looking at Tyranids there seems to be a number of models which require assembly but don't seem to have any variety in how you can assemble them.

Here's the sprue. Doesn't look like there's alternative options.Screenshot_20221105-080006.png.a0c9cde799a29dd9445b92359806b7ac.png

Thanks @Elbaf I never realised I could change location to New Zealand to get an early look at pre-orders when I'm impatient on a Saturday morning 😃

Edited by EntMan
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2 hours ago, Lucentia said:

Multipart just means, y'know, multiple parts, it's more of a legal thing so people know they're not buying a completed, single-piece figure, I think.

They are labelled that way to show the difference between them and the easy-to-build push-fit kits like starter sets or WHU, which while still technically are multipart, they require glue to assemble. 

Edited by SunStorm
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12 hours ago, Harioch said:

Destruction will get what Death had (And necrons in 40k so both setting are affected). Being the big bad in the starter box with a lore on how they are on the rise, Seasons of war settled in their realm eventually, and the epilogue, Broken Realms style, in a book or two before we jump unto a new big bad on the rise...

Ultimately I got the feeling that Death and Destruction are just side bosses and that Chaos and Order are the major contenders. In a galaxy far far away Death and Destruction would have been the Separatists and the Hutt Cartel...but the focal point has always been Sith against Jedi.


The Star Wars analogy is so on point it stings!!

11 hours ago, Kelsicle said:

Well Death got two new armies during their time as the big bad, and a big update for soulblight... hopefully Destruction gets a big Gitz update and a new army next year

I really hope Gitz get a Wave 2. Im not sure we will get a new Destruction Faction, Im sure GW will be like 'Kruelboyz?!' Which are, as they made them, a subfaction.

Then again we almost have 2 years left of this Edition so we may just get some new Destruction!!

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I'm disappointed with the AoS rule team after this Ogro Mawtribes book. Not because they are bad or anything (they seems to have the stats to make a push in the meta). I don't care at all how good they are or if they can top tournaments, but the philosophy behind the book seems to go back instead of trying to improve the game. Let me explain:

If you read the leaked Slaves to Darkness book, everybody can see that there is A LOT of customization (again, ignore the competitive scene). You have a lot to play around: trait and artifact (as usual), each unit with Marks of Chaos (with an active and passive abilities) and even a Banner that can improve this marks. But that's not all, they still have the Eye of the Gods going on for a lot of heroes (or even units if you want, just take the mark and combo with subfaction, spells, prayers and Hero Actions). That's without looking at their new qnd awesome profiles!

So, the whole point is how far can players customize their own (aka, personal and unique) Slaves to Darkness army without the ****** Artifact+Trait combo. Answer: A lot!  THAT'S AWESOME!!

And then the Ogor Mawtribe book throw everything to the bin:

  1. Your traits and artifacts are locked behind something (maybe keywords, maybe one unit). So if your warlord is a Suneater, you probably will have 1 trait that will only affect 1 unit in your entire army (hurra), and maybe 2 or 3 artifacts that 90% of ALL heroes from other Ogor players are going to use
    Remember, unique and personal army? sure...
  2. If you try to combine Gutbusters and beastclaw riders, you will lose half of the synergies and the player will feel bad because THAT'S NOT what wargamers want.
    NPE experience without even playing the game!
  3. And even after focusing only on BCR, you still have diferent untis that will not use your main battle traits or customization options because [reasons].

Sorry for the rant, but IMO, Slaves to Darkness book seems to be 1 step forward and this battletome seems to be 2 steps backward.

Edited by Beliman
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9 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I love those stormcast paint schemes. Really nice and refreshing compared to most others I've seen 😃

You focus on the entirely wrong thing, friend - this was meant to celebrate the cool new chaos box 😂😂😂

But yeah, lots of cool high-quality paintjobs to be found there 👍

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2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

You focus on the entirely wrong thing, friend - this was meant to celebrate the cool new chaos box 😂😂😂

But yeah, lots of cool high-quality paintjobs to be found there 👍

Hey there my friend, Sigmar is recruiting you know. Just call out his name as you die.

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32 minutes ago, MitGas said:


Nice in-depth look at the new army box (Daemon Prince, theridons and Chosen)

looks like Chosen might be a tiny bit smaller than Varanguard.

Plastic Chaos Chosen & Chaos Warriors scale comparison

They're both excellent minis but it's weird to see regular ol' chaos warriors have cloaks and chosen not have them. My brain just defaults to 'seniority = cloaks' so this does not compute.

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4 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

They're both excellent minis but it's weird to see regular ol' chaos warriors have cloaks and chosen not have them. My brain just defaults to 'seniority = cloaks' so this does not compute.

Same for me...oh well time to scult some fur on shoulders at least.

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