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50 minutes ago, Sprues&Brews said:

Thank for the review ! Anything new on the  lore side ? 

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1 hour ago, Bosskelot said:

As expected, the Lumineth book is mostly minor tweaks to warscrolls and allegiance abilities.

Very hard to get excited about playing this new edition with my army and paying £32.50 on new hardback books when there's barely anything that changes in the rules.

Opinion from a casual lumineth player- the minor tweaks (and there seem to be a lot of them) look to add up to a large difference. I’m not thrilled that there’s already a new book when the spine is barely creased on my old one, but from a rules I’m pretty happy overall from a changes standpoint.

Sentinels are toned down just enough to make them less spammable, without punishing people who just brought one or two boxes of them. Meanwhile pretty much everything that was underwhelming has been tuned up a bit - I might be biased here as I particularly like using bladelords, the calligrave, eltharion and alarith units. 

The change to shining company is slight on paper but opens up how the vanari dude if the  army plays- they were frustratingly static before (unless you abandoned shining company first turn) but now dawnriders and wardens will have much greater mobility and hopefully will open up how my army plays.

I’m also pleased that so many of the allegiance abilities are finally on the warscrolls- having half a page of army rules that only mattered if you had a cathallar, combined with special rules scattered all over the book (2 books in my case as I used BR teclis rather than getting the 2nd tome) made referencing anything a headache. The whole thing looks a bit more streamlined now. 

Again, not thrilled I’m having to look at getting a new book so soon, but seeing as there is one the changes they have made are the kind of stuff I was hoping for. My lumineth have been shelved for a while but I do want to dust them off and try them out again based on this.

I can understand anyone with lots of sentinels or wind spirits might be a bit cheesed off though. 

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1 hour ago, Bosskelot said:

As expected, the Lumineth book is mostly minor tweaks to warscrolls and allegiance abilities.

Very hard to get excited about playing this new edition with my army and paying £32.50 on new hardback books when there's barely anything that changes in the rules.

I got it mostly for streamlined rules and path to glory

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8 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Yes, but that's 5 years away lol. 

I'm sure 40 years of 40k will be massive but why not make a song and dance out of the 35th anniversary, after all it is an impressive milestone. 

I can't see 10th Ed being announced tomorrow or that ever being the case as there are still 9th Ed books to come and if its not coming until next summer that's a massive lead time. 

I'm hoping next year there is a big celebration of 40 years of warhammer, it would be the perfect time to release The Old World. 

A huge reveal of Old World next year would be exciting! 

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i don't see it happing next year because of the next edition of 40K will most likely take up that summer slot where they like releasing new things

it doesn't even look like they made progress at all with the game, sounds like it not due out for a long time



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33 minutes ago, novakai said:

i don't see it happing next year because of the next edition of 40K will most likely take up that summer slot where they like releasing new things

it doesn't even look like they made progress at all with the game, sounds like it not due out for a long time



The preview show announced "Arks of Omen" which looks like the new psychic awakening. So that's going to be the lot of 40k between now and next summer.

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It seems that the new "narrative arc" Arks of Omen (aka Broken Realms to 3d edition AoS) of 40k has already been revealed.

Pretty sure that 40k will build hype with world eaters early 2023 and maybe another surprise (abaddon new dark mechanicus alies?) to end with 10th edition (Blood angels vs Tyranids?).

Time will tell if AoS will have some slots/releases between all this hits, appart from random heroes and a few Bt.

Btw, it seems that 40k is going to recieve battleplans/rules to fight in space hulks. I hope to see something like that but in stormvaults or the "streets of death" from early editions for matched play.


Edited by Beliman
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4 minutes ago, Beliman said:

It seems that the new "narrative arc" Arks of Omen (aka Broken Realms to 3d edition AoS) of 40k has already been revealed.

Pretty sure that 40k will build hype with world eaters early 2023 and maybe another surprise (abaddon new alies?) to end with 10th edition (Blood angels vs Tyranids?).

Time will tell if AoS will have some slots/releases between all this hits, that are juicy enough yo make the game fresh.

Btw, it seems that 40k is going to recieve battleplans/rules to fight in space hulks. I hope to see something like that but in stormvaults or the "streets of death" from early editions for matched play.


yeah and they confirm new models too, if Valrek is correct is going to be more SM character going through the Rubicon (Dante and Azrael), Plastic Farsight and a named Daemon Prince character

hopefully outside of Slaves there a substantial release for AOS in the spring before that summer slot and not just more Books and 1 hero releases

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6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Btw, it seems that 40k is going to recieve battleplans/rules to fight in space hulks. I hope to see something like that but in stormvaults or the "streets of death" from early editions for matched play.


A streets of death, stormvault or duardin tunnel expansion would be soo cool. It would also probably get a lot of attention from tabletop rpg players

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Seems to me that AoS is now relegated to tier 2-release status with Horus Heresy being tier 1 and 40k tier 0. Games Workshop probably spent multiple years treating AoS as 40k's equal in number of releases (perhaps with the goal of building the brand). In the end they realized that having an equal amount of releases didn't make sense due to 40k massively outselling AoS. So, if they want to maximise profits, they needed to switch gears and up the amount of 40k stuff. The rerelease of Horus Heresy is still very new, but could also supplant AoS - or at least be an equal - in terms of releases. It's difficult to maintain any sort of hype for AoS right now, although it must be said that the upcoming Slaves to Darkness miniatures look awesome. 

Edited by Vicar in a tutu
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they said AoS did lose momentum in the last report but i don't know what kind of momentum they expected with just plain Battletome (often with minimum changes), 1 hero, and battlebox release which are not really exciting to begin with if that all they have to show for it. 

there was the new Warcry  but even then, the whole release and marketing was kind of meh and they definitely didn't give it that much thought and love compared to Killteam

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13 minutes ago, novakai said:

they said AoS did lose momentum in the last report but i don't know what kind of momentum they expected with just plain Battletome (often with minimum changes), 1 hero, and battlebox release which are not really exciting to begin with if that all they have to show for it. 

there was the new Warcry  but even then, the whole release and marketing was kind of meh and they definitely didn't give it that much thought and love compared to Killteam

Yeah the sad fact is that AoS has just been barely coasting by for the last year or so. Our biggest release since last fall was Syvlaneth, and that was still just a hero and two new troop boxes, only notable because of the huge dearth of new product. The new battletomes have been pretty decently balanced, I'll give whoever is in charge of design over there now that much, but none of them have been very interesting. Copy-pasted lore, copy-pasted art, frequently reused covers, and slightly tweaked rules with very few exceptions and at a price that honestly makes me pause before purchasing. $55 is a lot of cash to throw down on a slightly updated book that will likely be invalidated in two years. It's just been a whole lot of nothing overall for AoS while 40K and HH are absolutely being flooded with new releases.

The STD release is looking very good, but it's going to take more than one good release a year and half after edition launch to get things moving again.

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38 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Did they just reveal Dark Mech! 🤯

Or is it just a new character model?

Oh man if it is Dark Mech I have my next army!

I think it’s just a character for now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it heralded a bigger Dark Mech release in the next edition. 

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Thats the thing Im struggling to come to terms with, will AOS have any sizeable releases this Edition?

Id convinced myself that the longer these single model releases go on, the more likelihood that meant towards the end of Edition we would have a massive wave of releases. 

I now worry that 3.0 will be entirely small releases, save STD and that we wont get anything substantial till 4.0. 

I really dont want GW to go back to the WHFB days of some Armies getting nothing for whole Editions, sometimes multiple.*


*At least we get at least 1 new model for AOS esch release.

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21 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I now worry that 3.0 will be entirely small releases, save STD and that we wont get anything substantial till 4.0. 

*cough, cough - Cities of Sigmar - cough, cough* ;)


Here is what GW wrote in its July 2022 financial report about AoS :



After a great launch in July 2021, subsequent Warhammer: Age of Sigmar releases were affected by shipping delays meaning we lost some
momentum. That said, Age of Sigmar remains in good shape and we have an exciting roadmap of releases going forward. 

We can only cross our fingers for bigger releases in 2023 and beyond... May Sigmar May Sigmar come to our aid with his brave human soldiers !

Edited by Draznak
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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Thats the thing Im struggling to come to terms with, will AOS have any sizeable releases this Edition?

Id convinced myself that the longer these single model releases go on, the more likelihood that meant towards the end of Edition we would have a massive wave of releases. 

I now worry that 3.0 will be entirely small releases, save STD and that we wont get anything substantial till 4.0. 

I really dont want GW to go back to the WHFB days of some Armies getting nothing for whole Editions, sometimes multiple.*


*At least we get at least 1 new model for AOS esch release.

It's hard to say. Next year could be like this year or could potentially be super packed.

We already know that big S2D release is coming and Cities are being worked on, too. Plus we know of three more Warcry boxes and probably a bunch of cool Underworlds warbands as base line releases.

In addition to that, we might still see a new army and/or a large scale model release for an army that needs it like Beasts or Gitz. Chaos dwarf and regular dwarf rumours have also yet to pan out.

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1 minute ago, Draznak said:

*cough, cough - Cities of Sigmar - cough, couch* 


Here is what GW wrote in its July 2022 financial report about AoS :


We can only cross our fingers for bigger releases in 2023 and beyond... May Sigmar May Sigmar come to our aid with his brave human soldiers !

i believe roadmap was the one that was shown with all the fall and winter release but i guess they were just trying to make a positive there

they again they been very slow about te Dawnbringer release and marketing compare to Worldeaters that most have forgotten about it lol


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The only thing slower than Dawnbringer previews has been ToW updates, honestly. They announced Dawnbringers with a very short video and a picture of a coin, then after ~three months we've gotten one journal since then showing off some weapon designs.

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