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2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

What was the last set of endless spells and faction terrain released? Kinds seems like faction terrain was a bit of an experiment that may not keep going. I'd definitely take more generic terrain though, please. Or bring some of the mia kits back. 

I would like them to implement a generic equivalent of faction terrain that would be based on the realms. 

The rule would be something like instead of your faction specific terrain you can instead pick realm terrain.

Here are some ideas off the top of my head:

Azyr,  Sigmarite Abbey, conveys a ward when garrisoned. 

Aqshy, Rent earth, dangerous terrain that limits line of sight that you can set up after armies are placed. Probalbly outside of deployment zones. 

Shyish,  Graveyard, impacts enemies bravery? 

Ghyran, Healing spring heals d3 wounds on nearby heroes

Hysh, Rebranding of the Realm gates and paired with Ulgu for some teleportation fun?

Ghur, Monster's den allows you to deepstrike a monster from the terrain piece

Chamon, Magical forge gives a benefit to combat?

Ulgu, see hysh

Okay these are terrible ideas but still conveys the idea of generic terrain that could benefit any army but probably would not be taken over faction terrain in most cases but a nice alternative when Faction terrain revolves around specific builds such as priests or wizards. But I also am adamant we need siege rules and like terrain. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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3 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

What was the last set of endless spells and faction terrain released? Kinds seems like faction terrain was a bit of an experiment that may not keep going. I'd definitely take more generic terrain though, please. Or bring some of the mia kits back. 

I think the last set was lumineth.

I think it was dropped because they were manufactured in china instead of in the UK but I might be mistaken.

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The problem with Faction Terrain is GW was very wild with the size variation. You had small things like gnawholes and charnal thrones that could easily fit into a predesigned board; and then you had insanely huge things like the Ossiarch Nexus which just cannot fit onto a well put together board after terrain and the function of which kind of makes you always want it in the middle which is silly for something so huge and so open line-of-sight wise. 

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16 minutes ago, Overread said:

The problem with Faction Terrain is GW was very wild with the size variation. You had small things like gnawholes and charnal thrones that could easily fit into a predesigned board; and then you had insanely huge things like the Ossiarch Nexus which just cannot fit onto a well put together board after terrain and the function of which kind of makes you always want it in the middle which is silly for something so huge and so open line-of-sight wise. 

100% this. And it can be a lot more weird.

Some of them are constructions that are hard to understand why are at the middle of the battlefield (some build them in the middle of the night before the battle?), and others are completely understandable because they can be moved around the realms, like Shrine Luminor or Zonberk... wait, no. KOs still don't have terrain nor endless spells /sadface.

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17 minutes ago, Overread said:

The problem with Faction Terrain is GW was very wild with the size variation. You had small things like gnawholes and charnal thrones that could easily fit into a predesigned board; and then you had insanely huge things like the Ossiarch Nexus which just cannot fit onto a well put together board after terrain and the function of which kind of makes you always want it in the middle which is silly for something so huge and so open line-of-sight wise. 

I personally also don't like that faction terrain an upgrade to your army list that doesn't cost points, but does cost money. Just from an accessibility perspective.

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30 minutes ago, Fellman said:

So hopfuly in a veak or two 
I more surprised that we don't have more articles aelf and gargant leding upp to the preorder

probably means the tomes didn't change much and its like skaven/tzeentch.

I hope the battlescroll drops today or tomorrow, I've got an event with the publication cutoff being saturday and I'm thinking of bringing Gitz/Kruleboyz

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2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Kinda weird they threw all 9 editions of 40k into one article, I thought they'd do a couple a day leading up to the 35th which must definitely be announcing 10e

They're probably just continuing to be coy about 40k 10th edition which is 100% getting announced on saturday.

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10 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I personally also don't like that faction terrain an upgrade to your army list that doesn't cost points, but does cost money. Just from an accessibility perspective.

I don't mind them not costing points, it does make them rather a no-brainer purchase; but the game has plenty of those already. You need troops and a leader to play so those are also forced purchases and such. That's the nature of a miniatures wargame. 

If anything done right I'm all for terrain that's more involved in the game.


My issue is more that some factions got them and some didn't and that some of them are fairly tactically dull. 

Eg the Gnawhole is tactically interesting because you have to think about where to place them in the game and they have a good impact.

Many others are more of a "this appears and does something that affects the whole army/battlefield" so it doesn't matter where you place them. Which to me is just a bit tactically dull on something in the game and on the table. 


But the biggest issue was, well, the size issue some had. Huge bits of terrain that chocked up segments of the board. Thematic yes, but so big that they are just not practical. 

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1 minute ago, Overread said:

I don't mind them not costing points, it does make them rather a no-brainer purchase; but the game has plenty of those already. You need troops and a leader to play so those are also forced purchases and such. That's the nature of a miniatures wargame. 

If anything done right I'm all for terrain that's more involved in the game.


My issue is more that some factions got them and some didn't and that some of them are fairly tactically dull. 

Eg the Gnawhole is tactically interesting because you have to think about where to place them in the game and they have a good impact.

Many others are more of a "this appears and does something that affects the whole army/battlefield" so it doesn't matter where you place them. Which to me is just a bit tactically dull on something in the game and on the table. 


But the biggest issue was, well, the size issue some had. Huge bits of terrain that chocked up segments of the board. Thematic yes, but so big that they are just not practical. 

You wait till the mega gargant sun shelter comes out, it’ll have it’s own terrain board segment.

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