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An interesting thing I saw on twitter. The new episode of Hammer and Bolter was written by Phil Kelly. It increases the chance that some of things in the episode exist as minis. I'm sure I'd want to write about a cogfort too if I'd seen the mini. 

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The dearth of AoS minis is really depressing. Since AoS 3rd edition kicked off with the wonderful Dominion set in early july 2021, 40k has had the following significant releases (single mini releases not included)

* Black Templars range refresh
* Orks range refresh plus large expansion
* Sisters of Battle large range expansion
* Eldar range refresh
* Chaos space marines large range expansion

Plus the following stuff in the pipeline, likely before the end of 2022:

* Leagues of Votann brand new range
* Imperial guard large range refresh (confirmed by leaks)

The massive release of Horus Heresy is also related to 40K (some minis can be used in both games).  

And then significant rumours mongers like Valrak confirm that 40k 10th edition is slated for summer 2023. That will suck up all the oxygen in the room for a long time. Rumoured inclusions: Tyranid range refresh + new space marines painted like Blood Angels, with a follow-up of Dark Angel range refresh.  

In the same time, AoS has - after the factions of Dominion were complete - had the following significant releases (single mini / hero releases not included):

- Night Haunts small range expansion (1 unit and 1 hero)
- Sylvaneth medium range expansion (2 units and 1 hero)

In addition before the end of the year we are going to get a large range refresh of Slaves to Darkness, which admittadly looks very cool.

And ... that's it for significant releases for AoS in 2022? Where are our range refreshes? Beasts of Chaos, Seraphon and Skaven could really do with large refreshes. Is 2023 going to be any better or will it be dominated by 10th edition 40k? 

Sometimes when I get depressed, I think that GW kept up the high release schedule for AoS in recent years to invest in it and see the response. Maybe the sales did not validate all the investments into the brand and GW pivoted to Horus Heresy as a 3rd mainline game instead, with prospects of reduced AoS releases in the foreseeable future. 

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If the last few years are any indication we'll get more focus next year. There is big fanfare when a new edition comes out, but as we've just seen with AoS they'll then focus on updating codexes, while minimal minis. This happened with both AoS 3 and 40k 9, so it seems daft to worry about post edition slowdown, while assuming a new 40k edition won't see the same thing.

That said... No I don't think the two systems are on an even footing. I don't think we will necessarily get as much stuff overall as 40k does, but only because of the insane level of support for space marines.

I still expect AoS to solidly be the second flagship, with more stuff than non-space marine 40k releases get.

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Oh, stay still my beating heart! That cogfort looks beau-ti-ful!!!

Sadly if that image is a tease of things to come seems Dawnbringers will be very much human-centric and I won't get my dream of mixed species units 😭

Not the biggest loss, granted, I'm still very much on team Dawnbringers - and I suspect we'll see them before Chorfs. In fact, due to my Chorf-addiction I've searched far and wide to truly be the most Public Universal (Infernal) Duardin of them all. In my search I've found the place to truly live the Chorf lifestyle. Minimum wage customer service! My boss whips me as I stop to take a break, my customers spit phlegm and slurs on me and as I crawl my broken body back to bed I can rest assured that the few hours of sleep I get are merely a temporary distraction from serving the diabolical effigy serving as my chain's mascot. Sleep, eat, work. Like death, the cycle is inevitable and inescapable. I no longer need new miniatures, for I have evolved past them. As I close my eyes I can smile, knowing that I have become a true Chaos Duardin.

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Im really hoping we do have our big waves coming. As @EccentricCircle said once 10th releases they need to update Codexes and not every Faction will recieve massive support. 

This may be why AOS has been slow, they may be waiting for this time period, using the ranges they know arent getting the big updates to fill up the time leading to the new Edition whilst simultaneously updating those Factions with their Tomes.

Once 10th drops and they begin their cycle this is where the massive AOS releases come in, production will have been amped up again being the better half of almost 2 years to recover from Covid and we will see the Factions which are getting more support released.

Beasts of Chaos and Seraphon for example may actually be heavy hitters this Edition.


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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Oh, stay still my beating heart! That cogfort looks beau-ti-ful!!!

Sadly if that image is a tease of things to come seems Dawnbringers will be very much human-centric and I won't get my dream of mixed species units 😭

Not the biggest loss, granted, I'm still very much on team Dawnbringers - and I suspect we'll see them before Chorfs. In fact, due to my Chorf-addiction I've searched far and wide to truly be the most Public Universal (Infernal) Duardin of them all. In my search I've found the place to truly live the Chorf lifestyle. Minimum wage customer service! My boss whips me as I stop to take a break, my customers spit phlegm and slurs on me and as I crawl my broken body back to bed I can rest assured that the few hours of sleep I get are merely a temporary distraction from serving the diabolical effigy serving as my chain's mascot. Sleep, eat, work. Like death, the cycle is inevitable and inescapable. I no longer need new miniatures, for I have evolved past them. As I close my eyes I can smile, knowing that I have become a true Chaos Duardin.

And, just like Chaos Duardin, while your existence might be bare-bone snd crappy, at least in TGA you are a truly revered legend! 


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2 hours ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

The dearth of AoS minis is really depressing. Since AoS 3rd edition kicked off with the wonderful Dominion set in early july 2021, 40k has had the following significant releases (single mini releases not included)

* Black Templars range refresh
* Orks range refresh plus large expansion
* Sisters of Battle large range expansion
* Eldar range refresh
* Chaos space marines large range expansion

Plus the following stuff in the pipeline, likely before the end of 2022:

* Leagues of Votann brand new range
* Imperial guard large range refresh (confirmed by leaks)

The massive release of Horus Heresy is also related to 40K (some minis can be used in both games).  

And then significant rumours mongers like Valrak confirm that 40k 10th edition is slated for summer 2023. That will suck up all the oxygen in the room for a long time. Rumoured inclusions: Tyranid range refresh + new space marines painted like Blood Angels, with a follow-up of Dark Angel range refresh.  

In the same time, AoS has - after the factions of Dominion were complete - had the following significant releases (single mini / hero releases not included):

- Night Haunts small range expansion (1 unit and 1 hero)
- Sylvaneth medium range expansion (2 units and 1 hero)

In addition before the end of the year we are going to get a large range refresh of Slaves to Darkness, which admittadly looks very cool.

And ... that's it for significant releases for AoS in 2022? Where are our range refreshes? Beasts of Chaos, Seraphon and Skaven could really do with large refreshes. Is 2023 going to be any better or will it be dominated by 10th edition 40k? 

Sometimes when I get depressed, I think that GW kept up the high release schedule for AoS in recent years to invest in it and see the response. Maybe the sales did not validate all the investments into the brand and GW pivoted to Horus Heresy as a 3rd mainline game instead, with prospects of reduced AoS releases in the foreseeable future. 

It's better to compare the first year of AoS 3 and the first year of 40k 9. 40k got exactly 1 non marine or Necron in its first 6 months. It wasnt until the following summer with the sisters that 40k got a largish release. The orks and Eldar got about 10 kits each which is fewer than the Soulblight got. 2021 was a great year for AoS minis, with major minis releases for 5 factions: Stormcast, Kruleboyz, Lumineth, Slaanesh and Soulblight, Warhammer quest, broken realms along with 7 major new kits,  Underworlds, and even a warcry box with Red Harvest. 

In 2022 40k will match that with Lotann, Eldar, Chaos, Chaos Knights and Imperial Guard. They have had several kill team boxes as well but I'd still say it's honours even. AoS is shaping up to have a slightly worse 2022 than 40k did last year; 2 mini waves s o far and one major wave for the end of the year plus warcry and Underworlds. 40k had 3 waves of minis with sisters, orks and black templars plus kill team. 

One thing I've noticed is that AoS often gets their big waves dumped in a single week while 40k gets theirs spread out much more. Despite only being 8 kits the Chaos marines have been split into 3 weeks of releases. 

There is always a lot of talk about evil corporate gw but if they just followed the money there would be a much larger focus on 40k kits than there is. 

I understand the frustration waiting for news especially for destruction fans but nobody predicted the Nighthaunt unit before it was previewed. There may yet be some surprises in store this year. 

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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

I understand the frustration waiting for news especially for destruction fans but nobody predicted the Nighthaunt unit before it was previewed. There may yet be some surprises in store this year. 

This is 100% what i am hoping for.

I also didnt expect the Sylvaneth release to be that big this year and Skaven to get next to nothing was also weird to me.

This a weird AoS year, with a bunch of battletome releases added. Underworlds and Warcry kept me entertained for a while but i am starting to crave some normal multipart kits.

Edited by Gitzdee
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56 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It's better to compare the first year of AoS 3 and the first year of 40k 9. 40k got exactly 1 non marine or Necron in its first 6 months. It wasnt until the following summer with the sisters that 40k got a largish release. The orks and Eldar got about 10 kits each which is fewer than the Soulblight got. 2021 was a great year for AoS minis, with major minis releases for 5 factions: Stormcast, Kruleboyz, Lumineth, Slaanesh and Soulblight, Warhammer quest, broken realms along with 7 major new kits,  Underworlds, and even a warcry box with Red Harvest. 

In 2022 40k will match that with Lotann, Eldar, Chaos, Chaos Knights and Imperial Guard. They have had several kill team boxes as well but I'd still say it's honours even. AoS is shaping up to have a slightly worse 2022 than 40k did last year; 2 mini waves s o far and one major wave for the end of the year plus warcry and Underworlds. 40k had 3 waves of minis with sisters, orks and black templars plus kill team. 

One thing I've noticed is that AoS often gets their big waves dumped in a single week while 40k gets theirs spread out much more. Despite only being 8 kits the Chaos marines have been split into 3 weeks of releases. 

There is always a lot of talk about evil corporate gw but if they just followed the money there would be a much larger focus on 40k kits than there is. 

I understand the frustration waiting for news especially for destruction fans but nobody predicted the Nighthaunt unit before it was previewed. There may yet be some surprises in store this year. 

It would be so easy to keep Destruction lovers happy this Edition with 1 Hero and 1 Unit releases.

Upgrade sprue for Sons of Behemat.

Scuttleboss and Spider Riders update for Gloomspite.

Butcher and Ogor Glutton update for Mawtribes would more than satisfy Destruction lovers.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

This is 100% what i am hoping for.

I also didnt expect the Sylvaneth release to be that big this year and Skaven to get next to nothing was also weird to me.

This a weird AoS year, with a bunch of battletome releases added. Underworlds and Warcry kept me entertained for a while but i am starting to crave some normal multipart kits.

1 Fyreslayer's Hero was close to an insult

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29 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I still hope at least one Destruction faction gets a big release, though. Preferably Ogors, I think they would be an ideal candidate.

Ogors are definitely due an update and of Destruction the most in need of one. Most of the units are nearly 20 years old at this point and all monopose, there are vast quantities of resin and for mainline AOS theyve only had the Tyrant released in 7 years of AOS.

2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

1 Fyreslayer's Hero was close to an insult

Fyreslayers and Skaven were done dirty. If next Edition they dont get updates again I wouldnt blame any of their players to boycott GW.

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20 hours ago, Enoby said:

If it wasn't already known, looks like this sorcerer's staff answers a Rumour engine.


So as much as I love my new Megaboss, it's a great mini and cool alternate sculpt, I have to admit the 40k minis seem to have that special something, in terms of being unique. 

The Vindicare is like a mini diorama and such a nice display piece. Plus looking at the silhouette and the old artwork that it's seemingly based on, the 40k terminator is going to be amazing. (abit like the updated plastic noise marine)

I will reserve judgment until we see them both in full, but the AoS sorceror might end up being like the Megaboss, cool sculpt, but interchangeable with existing WHU/AoS minis.

As these are the sort of special minis that don't need to fit any existing army, what else would you like to see for?

Maybe some based on BL characters? (als Gotrek, or those recently previewed guys). How about a pre-death Nagash or Sigmar?

An update to a classic chaos hero such as Aekhold Hellbrass, Arbaal the Undefeated, Harry the Hammer?








Edited by SunStorm
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20 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Fyreslayers and Skaven were done dirty. If next Edition they dont get updates again I wouldnt blame any of their players to boycott GW.

I partly agree with that sentiment. The thing is, that people that plays exlusive AoS 1.0 armies seems to be in bad shape. First AoS armies (2015-2016) were SCE, Khorne, Seraphon, Chaos (everchosen), Fyreslayers, Pestilense, Ironjawz, FEC, Sylvaneth, Bonnesplitterz and BCR.

So, from all of them, the only ones that started with an AoS exclusive roster were Fyreslayers, Ironjawz and Sylvaneth.

6 years later, Fyreslayers and Ironjawz are still the same roster with a few random Underworlds bands or a hero... 

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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

I partly agree with that sentiment. The thing is, that people that plays exlusive AoS 1.0 armies seems to be in bad shape. First AoS armies (2015-2016) were SCE, Khorne, Seraphon, Chaos (everchosen), Fyreslayers, Pestilense, Ironjawz, FEC, Sylvaneth, Bonnesplitterz and BCR.

So, from all of them, the only ones that started with an AoS exclusive roster were Fyreslayers, Ironjawz and Sylvaneth.

6 years later, Fyreslayers and Ironjawz are still the same roster with a few random Underworlds bands or a hero... 

Yes its honestly ridiculous. Especially Skaven as one of GWs most recongisable IPs they have lingered with nothing in AOS for too long. Order in general has had the most attention of the Grand Alliances.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

Yes its honestly ridiculous. Especially Skaven as one of GWs most recongisable IPs they have lingered with nothing in AOS for too long. Order in general has had the most attention of the Grand Alliances.

It sounds a bit rude, but I don't care about Grand Alliance.

If you collect KOs, you only have 1 hero and 1 Underworlds warband as new releases.
If you collect skavens, you will still have 2 heroes and 2 warbands.

Doens't matter how many Slaanesh or SCE kits are released each year, you will not care about them.

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16 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Yes its honestly ridiculous. Especially Skaven as one of GWs most recongisable IPs they have lingered with nothing in AOS for too long. Order in general has had the most attention of the Grand Alliances.

We are getting OT and i might overreact but i get a bit cranky when this kind of jealousy/entitelment is brought Up.

Be happy when some other army gets new stuff, there is always SOME hobbyist looking forward for their new Toys.

Instead point out the interesting design space still open in your faction. Be Sure: GW will happily sell you plastic crack if they can be convinced it will both sell well and not harm their IP in the long Run. ;)


As for skaven they feel like Cities/old Empire: all over the place. So here is me hoping they pick a subfaction and give it a full redesign. Not likely, though.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

It sounds a bit rude, but I don't care about Grand Alliance.

If you collect KOs, you only have 1 hero and 1 Underworlds warband as new releases.
If you collect skavens, you will still have 2 heroes and 2 warbands.

Doens't matter how many Slaanesh or SCE kits are released each year, you will not care about them.


1 hour ago, Koala said:

We are getting OT and i might overreact but i get a bit cranky when this kind of jealousy/entitelment is brought Up.

Be happy when some other army gets new stuff, there is always SOME hobbyist looking forward for their new Toys.

Instead point out the interesting design space still open in your faction. Be Sure: GW will happily sell you plastic crack if they can be convinced it will both sell well and not harm their IP in the long Run. ;)


As for skaven they feel like Cities/old Empire: all over the place. So here is me hoping they pick a subfaction and give it a full redesign. Not likely, though.

I agree with both of you. Every Faction deserves their time in the sun and to be showered with releases.

I just wish there was more of an even spread as sometimes it feels like Destruction is viewed, not as individual Factions but just as the WAAAGH.

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41 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

Still hoping for another wave of Kruleboyz someday.

Hoping for a few more troop types for the Boyz, they have so many Leaders and not enough troops.

Another unit of stealth based Assassin Orruks and a mounted Lesser Gnarltoof unit.

Also hoping for Ogor Mawtribes Wave 1 someday.

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

We are getting OT and i might overreact but i get a bit cranky when this kind of jealousy/entitelment is brought Up.

Be happy when some other army gets new stuff, there is always SOME hobbyist looking forward for their new Toys.

Instead point out the interesting design space still open in your faction. Be Sure: GW will happily sell you plastic crack if they can be convinced it will both sell well and not harm their IP in the long Run. ;)


As for skaven they feel like Cities/old Empire: all over the place. So here is me hoping they pick a subfaction and give it a full redesign. Not likely, though.

Well, the truth is that some factions (not just Space Marines) get lots of releases/waves in a somewhat short time and that rubs people the wrong way (in a way). I can remember when it was always Khorne/Nurgle a couple of years ago. Then it was only Nurgle. It was annoying as for years Tzeentch and Slaanesh wondered when it will ever be their turn. Thankfully that got rectified now but in order to make things fair, Chaos releases from the big 4 should be Tzeentch and Slaanesh stuff for the next 5 years. Or even better: lots of Skaven and beastmen as the fifth and sixth faction, they do deserve some love and T and S are at very healthy places overall. ;)

In AOS' case the Order factions did get those huge releases with multiple waves (SCE and Lumineth), so it's quite obvious that people think they got "too" much, especially when others got so "little" (thankfully we got some pretty decent releases for some other factions too, SBGL or Nighthaunt for example).

It's not about them getting so much, they should get lots of cool stuff but it feels not exactly "balanced" (for a lack of a better term), especially when other forces even in their own GA are seriously lacking. Personally I think that's however a bit on them and one of the main drawbacks of splitting up forces that used to be cohesive force (slayers, orruks e.g.) or creating more factions (IDK who could also use a couple of kits). The good news is that there is hope, as demonstrated by the latest Sylvaneth wave that turned an army with few kits into a much more decent one overall, especially because the kits all look great (at least IMO).

Anyways, I understand the players of some factions can be a bit miffed at this point. Yes, someone needs to be the last one to get cool updates but I get that they're impatient at this point. Hell, I've been waiting for Tzeentch elite mortals since forever (even before AoS). Now all the others got theirs. Thankfully outside of that Tzeentch got lots of great releases but I'd love to have such a unit now - however if I imagine that I'd think that about almost every unit in my army, I'd be impatient too. I seriously feel bad for the last few forces that need significant updates.

it's not like we can do anything about it though but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some factions more than others.


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