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1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

I know WarCom responding to stuff is usually worth a hill of beans but I'm excited for the possibility of it being Saurus Knights.


Interesting... I also noticed this spear might be a lance? the tip looks like it could easily break away, like how historical lances did. Except this one you could still use to stab afterwards >:)


I'd love a range refresh on Seraphon to lean them more towards the star-lizard/Order "daemon" idea. I'm definitely hoping a Warcry warband is first so I can prepare my wallet and storage!!

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Seraphon had a good chance of a refresh anyway since they got Kroak during BR and I don’t they would have made such a centerpiece model without concurrent designing other Lizardbois at the time. Also it you look at it, army that have gotten models during BR Kragnos and Be’lekor where the armies that had more bigger releases ( NH, Sylvaneath, CoS in the future, SCE and Slaves)

probably why Skaven didn’t get anything too since they had nothing from BR

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:


So, we see more and more clearly for the short-term aos's future :

  • Summer : Sylvaneth / Skavens 
  • Autumn : Lumineth / Tzeench / Destruction tome (Sons of Behemat with special character/super-mega gargant kit according with some rumour engine pics ?) / Destruction tome (personnal guess : Gloomspite Gitz)
  • Winter : Slaves to Darkness
  • 2023 : Cities of Sigmar revamped before 3rd edition's end (I hope sooooo much !!)

Cannot believe we are getting more Mega Gargant goodness so soon!!

1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I wonder if we'll get a roadmap for Warcry. Oh Sigmar I hope there's Seraphon. Can you imagine?!

Ohhh I doubt you could even imagine it, new Seraphon Sculpts.....


Id love a Road Map for Warcry like last Seasons Underworlds with the Faction Insignia!!

26 minutes ago, novakai said:

Seraphon had a good chance of a refresh anyway since they got Kroak during BR and I don’t they would have made such a centerpiece model without concurrent designing other Lizardbois at the time. Also it you look at it, army that have gotten models during BR Kragnos and Be’lekor where the armies that had more bigger releases ( NH, Sylvaneath, CoS in the future, SCE and Slaves)

probably why Skaven didn’t get anything too since they had nothing from BR

Damn mate nice detective work!!

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29 minutes ago, novakai said:

Seraphon had a good chance of a refresh anyway since they got Kroak during BR and I don’t they would have made such a centerpiece model without concurrent designing other Lizardbois at the time. Also it you look at it, army that have gotten models during BR Kragnos and Be’lekor where the armies that had more bigger releases ( NH, Sylvaneath, CoS in the future, SCE and Slaves)

probably why Skaven didn’t get anything too since they had nothing from BR

I like those words you have typed. If it's a whole range refresh, I'll lose my mind. 

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Has there been any solid connection between armies that got a new model in Broken Realms and armies that have since been updated? Or is it too soon to tell?

Sylvaneth got the warsinger, now have an update. Cities got the witchhunter pair, now we have confirmed Cities are getting a huge update. Seraphon got Kroak, now we have some pretty apparent Seraphon rumour engines...? 




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Someone posted up on the 40k reddit suggesting that it might actually be a squat spear. There are certainly some design overlaps with one of the pictures they put up on their article today. The image from Reddit:

r/Warhammer40k - Evidence that the new Rumor Engine is a Squat Spear: common design motifs.

I'm not sure if I'd lean that way or not, but it's definitely possible. With the league being put up as sort of a fancy high tech I could see this being a highly advanced power weapon of some type. 

Edited by Grimrock
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21 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Has there been any solid connection between armies that got a new model in Broken Realms and armies that have since been updated? Or is it too soon to tell?

Sylvaneth got the warsinger, now have an update. Cities got the witchhunter pair, now we have confirmed Cities are getting a huge update. Seraphon got Kroak, now we have some pretty apparent Seraphon rumour engines...? 




There some exception like the Ironscale and LRL 2nd half wave was more related to new 2nd edition tome release that came out very shortly afterwards.

then there the two Slaanesh twin who came out months after the new Slaanesh tome.

but so far stuff from the last two BR books have been sort of true.

NH Cruelgheist- mini NH release

Warsong - Sylvaneath release

Be’lekor - S2D release in Winter

Ven denst - Dawnbringer crusader release in the future

Gardius - New SCE from Dominion

Kragnos - Kruleboyz Warclans sort of ( not sure if he totally related to the army and this maybe a coincidence) 

Kroak - ?? Seraphon new book is still way away 

Slaanesh twin - book is also way away judging by the TC they got

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2 hours ago, Draznak said:


So, we see more and more clearly for the short-term aos's future :

  • Summer : Sylvaneth / Skavens 
  • Autumn : Lumineth / Tzeench / Destruction tome (Sons of Behemat with special character/super-mega gargant kit according with some rumour engine pics ?) / Destruction tome (personnal guess : Gloomspite Gitz)
  • Winter : Slaves to Darkness
  • 2023 : Cities of Sigmar revamped before 3rd edition's end (I hope sooooo much !!)

Worth pointing out that 2023 is probably 10th edition 40k so AoS probably has a couple bigger releases next year in addition to Cities of Sigmar.

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7 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

Someone posted up on the 40k reddit suggesting that it might actually be a squat spear. There are certainly some design overlaps with one of the pictures they put up on their article today. The image from Reddit:

r/Warhammer40k - Evidence that the new Rumor Engine is a Squat Spear: common design motifs.

I'm not sure if I'd lean that way or not, but it's definitely possible. With the league being put up as sort of a fancy high tech I could definitely see this being a highly advanced power weapon of some type. 

That's not the only part that's very seraphon. The part where the haft connects to the tip looks a lot like the skink oracle's weapon, and the tip has similarities to Kroq Gar's laser claw and the speartips from total war

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18 minutes ago, novakai said:

There some exception like the Ironscale and LRL 2nd half wave was more related to new 2nd edition tome release that came out very shortly afterwards.

then there the two Slaanesh twin who came out months after the new Slaanesh tome.

but so far stuff from the last two BR books have been sort of true.

NH Cruelgheist- mini NH release

Warsong - Sylvaneath release

Be’lekor - S2D release in Winter

Ven denst - Dawnbringer crusader release in the future

Gardius - New SCE from Dominion

Kragnos - Kruleboyz Warclans sort of ( not sure if he totally related to the army and this maybe a coincidence) 

Kroak - ?? Seraphon new book is still way away 

Slaanesh twin - book is also way away judging by the TC they got

Kragnos has a lot of connection to the Kruleboyz, both in the lore and model wise. His base has a Kruleboyz idol, and multiple Kruleboyz models have effigies and banners depicting him.

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2 hours ago, ChemyWords said:

That's not the only part that's very seraphon. The part where the haft connects to the tip looks a lot like the skink oracle's weapon, and the tip has similarities to Kroq Gar's laser claw and the speartips from total war

Yeah, not saying it's definitely a squat spear or anything. GW does like to bury the lead on these a bit though and there have been a ton of them that looked blatantly obvious that ended up being something else entirely (most recent I can think of is the StD centaur tail that everyone was 100% sure was a new tyranid). I'd lean to seraphon as well but the haft and dangly bits to have enough similarity that I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by Grimrock
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4 hours ago, Grimrock said:

Yeah, not saying it's definitely a squat spear or anything. GW does like to bury the lead on these a bit though and there have been a ton of them that looked blatantly obvious that ended up being something else entirely (most recent I can think of is the StD centaur tail that everyone was 100% sure was a new tyranid). I'd lean to seraphon as well but the haft and dangly bits to have enough similarity that I wouldn't be surprised.

At first glance i thought the spear could be Tomb Kings related. It just has that vibe to it imho. No way that could be right, right?

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2 hours ago, Iksdee said:

At first glance i thought the spear could be Tomb Kings related. It just has that vibe to it imho. No way that could be right, right?

I think the small spikes on the sides underneath the blade don't fit Leagues of Votann nor Tomb Kings, but they very much fit Seraphon.

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56 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

I think the small spikes on the sides underneath the blade don't fit Leagues of Votann nor Tomb Kings, but they very much fit Seraphon.

I also noticed that this bit looks very Necron in design. I'm not saying this doesnt look Seraphon because it clearly does but i want to keep my options open. 


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5 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

I also noticed that this bit looks very Necron in design. I'm not saying this doesnt look Seraphon because it clearly does but i want to keep my options open. 


takeC0872C32-95E2-4D4E-9F15-73A1170A8D56.jpeg.16a80a413b49e67629c743c0c6c01fad.jpeg a look at Kroq‘gar’s claw

It’s Necron(ish) design as well.




Edited by JackStreicher
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I've been out of AoS for a while... Did the rumours of Dwarf soup / Grungni Dwarfs ever get any more substance? I know since they were aired first we've had the Fyreslayers battletome as a standalone release but the whole classic Grungni Dwarf rumour front seems to have dried up?

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28 minutes ago, Freypal said:

I've been out of AoS for a while... Did the rumours of Dwarf soup / Grungni Dwarfs ever get any more substance? I know since they were aired first we've had the Fyreslayers battletome as a standalone release but the whole classic Grungni Dwarf rumour front seems to have dried up?

Kharadron do not need Grungni, and Disposessed and Ironweld did not get any news recently. With Fyreslayers having a tome, I don't see a reason for it going further.

It could be a good place for the old dwarves if and when Sigmar's fundamentalists take off, Wanderers get back to Sylvaneth (they are already forgiven), Dark Elves are absorbed by Malarion and what remains of the Phoenix Temple is canned (after which Lumineth get halberds and birds).

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Yeah, the 40k vibes match up pretty well with the meteoric javelin crystal-head and clean magi-tech armor from Direchasm.


They’re leaning really hard on the space alien/star daemon premise with the recent Space Battles, Lord Kroak’s “Stargate” glow-up and the white dwarf update revealing many of the stars(and a number of moons & planets) in Azyr are actually magi-tech mecha-planetoids they inhabit and control


”The stars are not distant suns but rather distant orbs of pure celestium, devices of stone and gold made by the Old Ones, and other "cosmological bodies".

“Also since many of the stars are celestium, they are prophetic in nature. So Astrology is a real, founded, and sensible science in the Mortal Realms. Rather than the invention of scammers”


The magazine also noted that several temple ships have crashed due to either the new Ghur magic flood Kragnos unleashed which has caused coalesced pilots to go fully feral or those flying too close to areas infected by the Cursed Skies. To counter this the Seraphon have began sending down increased sorties of Starborne on missions(as they’re less affected by Ghur) to re-establish the Astro Matrix and fix the Geomantric ley-lines to both calm Ghur down and repel the Cursed Skies which are drawn towards the ley-lines.

(a nice subtle detail that went kinda unnoticed was the 2019 Seraphon could ally with Sylvaneth but not in 2021 after Broken Realms. The life flood Alarielle caused may have done mostly good but in their eyes it’s just as disruptive to the Astral Matrix balance of the Realms as Kragnos beast flood is that’s turning animals, greenskins and Seraphon feral or making vampires spontaneously mutate into new Vengorian Lords)

So it Could be a Warband as Dinojon speculated since there’s plenty of reasons a Seraphon space ship can crash in the Realm of Beasts between the bewildering magic radiation and shifting cursed skies but the sci-fi aesthetic has me wondering if it’s another big push to reboot Seraphon towards their new star daemon glory that AoS gave the badass constellations of space dinos.


17 minutes ago, Freypal said:

I've been out of AoS for a while... Did the rumours of Dwarf soup / Grungni Dwarfs ever get any more substance? I know since they were aired first we've had the Fyreslayers battletome as a standalone release but the whole classic Grungni Dwarf rumour front seems to have dried up?

Pretty much just dried up. 🤷

Fyreslayers did get a new commander trait that let allied duardin use Fyreslayer runes as part of the Duardrazhal though as the half of the Fyreslayers that see Grungni as Grimnir’s kin, with the other half saying he still can’t be forgiven for abandoning his people.(the Kharadron are way worse about it with all the Sky-ports putting listening to Grungni to a vote. Only Barak Thryng voted yes. The rest the Kharadron stick to progress or will even work with the Lumineth when they need a magic-focused solution instead)


4 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Wanderers get back to Sylvaneth (they are already forgiven)

Not by the Sylvaneth themselves, they still see them all as weak traitors. That’s why they either hang out in the Living City where Alarielle’s pardon protects them or in Greywater with the industrial powers aiding them against the hostile forests.

So far Sylvaneth(usually the more wild ones) will slaughter Wanderers and their villages if they get the chance. There’s a reason Sylvaneth have better relations and can ally with the duardin instead of the “traitor marked” aelves that hide in cities.

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21 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Kharadron do not need Grungni, and Disposessed and Ironweld did not get any news recently. With Fyreslayers having a tome, I don't see a reason for it going further.

It could be a good place for the old dwarves if and when Sigmar's fundamentalists take off, Wanderers get back to Sylvaneth (they are already forgiven), Dark Elves are absorbed by Malarion and what remains of the Phoenix Temple is canned (after which Lumineth get halberds and birds).

Don’t know how important books are in the context, but in gitzslayer KO and gotrek where highly interested in The Khazalid Empire and now in soulslayer fyreslayers also got more interested.

Gotrek also wanted to do something with it at the end of both books.

But who knows how much this matters. Maybe the next book will be about Karaz-a-Zaruk, Barak Urbaz and Karag Varr.

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