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I don't see any merger with Malarion - though I can see him ending up a bit like Exodites in 40K - always mentioned but never appearing in model form. It IS strange that we've had armies like Ossiarchs (who are fantastic and need more models please GW) but nothing for the Shadow Aelves who rule most of an entire Realm. That said I'm sure they will come at some point. 


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9 minutes ago, Overread said:

I don't see any merger with Malarion - though I can see him ending up a bit like Exodites in 40K - always mentioned but never appearing in model form. It IS strange that we've had armies like Ossiarchs (who are fantastic and need more models please GW) but nothing for the Shadow Aelves who rule most of an entire Realm. That said I'm sure they will come at some point. 


It's not strange. GW aren't going to let a big ticket thing like Malerion come out before he can make the biggest impact possible . He'll have like a year minimum of warcom released gossip and trickles of intrigue before he shows up.

He's arguably the biggest thing AOS has left to reveal in respect to unfinished Old World stuff. Pretty sure he won't be out until they've established how to move the lore on from an Old World tribute act into something with its own distinct voice. 

Edited by Nos
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21 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Its about high time we got some Ogor Characters!! Give me Globb Glittermaw and Frost King Braggoth Vadruk!!

Big agree. I’d love some model refreshes but honestly? Give me some quality of life updates rather than an overhaul, a few more tools in the toolkit, some point rebalance, and a couple Big Bad Bosses.

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10 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Big agree. I’d love some model refreshes but honestly? Give me some quality of life updates rather than an overhaul, a few more tools in the toolkit, some point rebalance, and a couple Big Bad Bosses.

New characters with a generic build. Dynamically posed Gluttons a Dual build plastic Yehtee/Gorger and a Dual build Butcher/Slaughtermaster and that range is set.

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1 hour ago, Nos said:

It's not strange. GW aren't going to let a big ticket thing like Malerion come out before he can make the biggest impact possible . He'll have like a year minimum of warcom released gossip and trickles of intrigue before he shows up.

He's arguably the biggest thing AOS has left to reveal in respect to unfinished Old World stuff. Pretty sure he won't be out until they've established how to move the lore on from an Old World tribute act into something with its own distinct voice. 

I kind of expect Malerion to be the big bad of 4th edition when the theme rolls around to GA Order vs. GA Order.

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My guess would be that we'll see Malerion's stuff once the focus of the game's setting rolls into Ulgu, the only question in my mind is whether that's part of a new edition change or more of a GHB/Season of War supplement situation, but I'd generally lean towards them saving him to kick a new edition off with a big hitter.


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13 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

My guess would be that we'll see Malerion's stuff once the focus of the game's setting rolls into Ulgu, the only question in my mind is whether that's part of a new edition change or more of a GHB/Season of War supplement situation, but I'd generally lean towards them saving him to kick a new edition off with a big hitter.


I feel that much like Hysh and the Lumineth in the last edition, we will see Ulgu be the narrative bridge between editions. I feel like AOS has a primary narrative that shifts every edition between Sigmar and his enemy of the week... and then we have Aelves and Slaanesh doing their own thing in the background. 

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I kind of expect Malerion to be the big bad of 4th edition when the theme rolls around to GA Order vs. GA Order.

if they actually did Order vs Order, I hope it's more of a 'civil' war than a complete split. it'd be more interesting to see Malerion and Morathi start a war over having an equal godhood standing to Sigmar, than completely break from the Order alliance. They all know none of them can take on Chaos alone, I don't want to see infighting for whatever grimdark-contrived reason.

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5 hours ago, Overread said:

I don't see any merger with Malarion - though I can see him ending up a bit like Exodites in 40K - always mentioned but never appearing in model form. It IS strange that we've had armies like Ossiarchs (who are fantastic and need more models please GW) but nothing for the Shadow Aelves who rule most of an entire Realm. That said I'm sure they will come at some point. 


They definitely will; AoS released in 2016, and it took 4-5 years to get the fantasy equivalent of high elves. Dark elves are arguably more exotic, and a number of more exotic armies usually take a longer time to release, like Chaos Dwarfs. It might take another year or two, however. 

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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

if they actually did Order vs Order, I hope it's more of a 'civil' war than a complete split. it'd be more interesting to see Malerion and Morathi start a war over having an equal godhood standing to Sigmar, than completely break from the Order alliance. They all know none of them can take on Chaos alone, I don't want to see infighting for whatever grimdark-contrived reason.

Gods having a petty squabble only to have their mortal followers settle it on the field of battle costing countless lives seems a little far fetched if you ask me!

In unrelated news I present you with this new CoS terrain piece!

Edited by Neverchosen
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6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

New characters with a generic build. Dynamically posed Gluttons a Dual build plastic Yehtee/Gorger and a Dual build Butcher/Slaughtermaster and that range is set.

My biggest hope for New Stuff is (maybe a rhinox??) heavy cavalry to fit in between mournfang light cavalry and Stonehorn/Thundertusk Monster Cavalry. And for Thundertusks to be as useful as stonehorns.

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9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

New characters with a generic build. Dynamically posed Gluttons a Dual build plastic Yehtee/Gorger and a Dual build Butcher/Slaughtermaster and that range is set.

Don't forget plastic Maneaters with loads of build options.

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6 hours ago, Sahrial said:

My biggest hope for New Stuff is (maybe a rhinox??) heavy cavalry to fit in between mournfang light cavalry and Stonehorn/Thundertusk Monster Cavalry. And for Thundertusks to be as useful as stonehorns.

Rhinox Cavlary should definitely make a return!! I have so many idea for other beasts and creatures that should join with the Ogors; Giant Ground Sloths, Mammoths, Giant Frost Sabres.

Basically give me an AOS version of Ice Age.

3 hours ago, Mutton said:

Don't forget plastic Maneaters with loads of build options.

Oh absolutely, enough parts to build a Maneater from each Realm!!

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I like the skaven- really fun models they look great to paint, the Aelves I think suffer from being close to the Warcry stuff, they are nice models but I think we were all hoping from something fresher. Interesting that GW have reinforced that part of the faction - could be they are planning on fleshing out that side of DoK a bit more so they become more regular aelves as opposed to the Khinerai and Melusai. Makes me think Kurnothi going from deer legged aelves to more regular wood aelves. ..


15 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

After decades of waiting the Squats we're prepared for the last bastion of Dwarfdom to be brought back.

Hoping still with tall Hats and bovine features.

I'm hoping for at some point seeing what they do for the AoS version of Classic dwarfs [and an expansion of KO as well].Chorfs aren't my thing but each tot heir own. 

I do wonder if the return of Squats took up the dwarf design space for the last while and thats why we haven't seen much in the way of new dwarfs for AoS. I know the teams are separate but I think the team that did the AoS dwarfs, especially KO and Gotrek, would be the ones you'd trust to reinvent and return the squats. Hopefully we will see some new dwarfs soon.

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I started with Warhammer in the mid nineties, with some very old dwarves (still got a few of them), but the Ogre Kingdoms (and later on Khemri) were my first big projects.

Now, I don’t love the Bonereapers, the latter one‘s optical successors (they’re fine), but boy would I be pleased with an updated model range of Ogor Mawtribes. 

Just more dynamic (and in plastic) across the board. That would be aces.

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2 hours ago, silverstu said:

I like the skaven- really fun models they look great to paint, the Aelves I think suffer from being close to the Warcry stuff, they are nice models but I think we were all hoping from something fresher. Interesting that GW have reinforced that part of the faction - could be they are planning on fleshing out that side of DoK a bit more so they become more regular aelves as opposed to the Khinerai and Melusai. Makes me think Kurnothi going from deer legged aelves to more regular wood aelves. ..


I'm hoping for at some point seeing what they do for the AoS version of Classic dwarfs [and an expansion of KO as well].Chorfs aren't my thing but each tot heir own. 

I do wonder if the return of Squats took up the dwarf design space for the last while and thats why we haven't seen much in the way of new dwarfs for AoS. I know the teams are separate but I think the team that did the AoS dwarfs, especially KO and Gotrek, would be the ones you'd trust to reinvent and return the squats. Hopefully we will see some new dwarfs soon.

I am so excited for my Chaos Duardin lovers but I too long for an updated Disspossessed Faction. 2.0 was Aelves and Ghasts, 3.0 seems to be Destruction and Order so I'm hoping 4.0 is the rise of the Duardin with Disspossessed and Chaos Duardin releasing alongside a Fyreslayers and KO update.

21 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

I started with Warhammer in the mid nineties, with some very old dwarves (still got a few of them), but the Ogre Kingdoms (and later on Khemri) were my first big projects.

Now, I don’t love the Bonereapers, the latter one‘s optical successors (they’re fine), but boy would I be pleased with an updated model range of Ogor Mawtribes. 

Just more dynamic (and in plastic) across the board. That would be aces.

100% mate. Ogre Kingdoms were one of my main armies as well in WHFB. They're biggest issue I think is the amount of resin and block infantry posing.

Leadbelchers are fine enough in their stance as are Ironguts but the Gluttons need more dynamic posing. I could see them getting the same treatment as the Chaos Warriors Start Collecting.

We also desperately need a new Butcher model as it is hideous and not in a good way.

Updated posing of Gluttons and new Butcher/Slaughtermaster and the updated Yehtees and Gorgers and I would be so ****** happy!!

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8 hours ago, silverstu said:

I'm hoping for at some point seeing what they do for the AoS version of Classic dwarfs [and an expansion of KO as well].Chorfs aren't my thing but each tot heir own. 

I do wonder if the return of Squats took up the dwarf design space for the last while and thats why we haven't seen much in the way of new dwarfs for AoS. I know the teams are separate but I think the team that did the AoS dwarfs, especially KO and Gotrek, would be the ones you'd trust to reinvent and return the squats. Hopefully we will see some new dwarfs soon.

To be honest,my post did'nt mentioned classic dwarves because with the Old World they'll be back.

Still an Aos take on the classic dwarves with Grungni comeback definitely would be welcomed and loved(as would be chaos dwarves).

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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I keep wondering how people would feel if DOK and Malerion's Aelves were to share a battle line unit of basic Ulgu Aelves in the aesthetic of the Warcy/Underworlds unit?

I think that it would be nice but then the question of soup would lie over both armies from that point forward.

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