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Could be underworlds, for sure, but it's worth noting some factions do get fancy bases on their regular minis (Slaanesh blissbarbs in particular spring to mind here, who also have broken statues/sculptures on a lot of the minis.)  The little dangle thing even kinda looks like the slaanesh icon.

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17 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Could be underworlds, for sure, but it's worth noting some factions do get fancy bases on their regular minis (Slaanesh blissbarbs in particular spring to mind here, who also have broken statues/sculptures on a lot of the minis.)  The little dangle thing even kinda looks like the slaanesh icon.

My mind also went to Sigvald at first, between the leg armour and the model standing on a statue head. I kinda doubt it's a Slaanesh thing, though. That armoured boot design would not be out of place on a Cities model. Or maybe heavily armoured Lumineth? They like to stand on bits of broken masonry.

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

Cool looking statue head makes me think of Underworlds more elaborate bases

Maybe. It doesn't tell us a lot, basically every GW armored foot looks like that.

Looks a little too slim for Stormcast though, and doesn't have the bolts. I'm gonna say probably some kind of elf though, both IDK and LRL (Stoneguard) have armored boots that look pretty much exactly like that. If not an elf, than probably a human.

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11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



You are right, and it confirms the leak of Ulgu aelves!

This is the most disappointing part. Are Malerion's Aelves just slightly different DoK? AoS has had some amazingly creative factions. I hope the design team haven't lost their mojo. 


Gw on twitter said "teaser for something coming sooner than you think". So maybe we will get more today. Still think this was a stupid way of doing it. 

Edited by Chikout
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20 minutes ago, novakai said:

Shadowstalkers from Warcry

Not going to lie, if that is what most Malerion elves will turn out like I'm a little disappointed. They are cool for what they are, but shadow elves could really be a lot more out there than just being Dark Elves 2.0.

Still happy that our Skaven friends can look foreward to new models soon!

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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

This is the most disappointing part. Are Malerion's Aelves just slightly different DoK? AoS has had some amazingly creative factions. I hope the design team haven't lost their mojo. 

It could just be a DoK war band in the end and not related to Malerion, shadowstalkers are part of the DoK army as of right now and this does coincide with the tome coming out soon.

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5 minutes ago, Chikout said:

This is the most disappointing part. Are Malerion's Aelves just slightly different DoK? AoS has had some amazingly creative factions. I hope the design team haven't lost their mojo. 


Gw on twitter said "teaser for something coming sooner than you think". So maybe we will get more today. Still think this was a stupid way of doing it. 

The leak never said Malerion aelves...

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

It reminds me Sigvald 's base and armoured "boots"




When I first saw this I totally saw broken statue head of insectiod with horns/antennae. (Silent People!)

Didn't see legs/feet at all. Just shows the power of my wishful thinking 😂

Edit: I meant the original rumour engine image.

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