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Ok, found the bit where Rob talks about aos releases for the rest of the year and it's honestly just a bit of controversial guesswork and him saying the "rumor" is.....

Wouldn't put too much stock in it, and I would be absolutely shocked if there are no new aos releases for second half of the year. 

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19 minutes ago, Astro said:


new member here! Could someone tell me which are the main sources about the rumors on Sylvaneth/ skavens releases? Getting pretty hyped here! 
And where do you get the infos about possible BoC style minis for Sylvaneth? I try to read as much as possible over here but getting lost sometimes as a really new member of this hobby..


- We had a rumor from a reliable source that suggest that the two summer battletomes (the ones after Nighthaunt and Daughters) where Skaven and maybe Sylvaneath.

 - The Warcom article for the battletome roadmap tease that the chaos tome was mischief and the order was vigilant sentinels which fits with the two aforementioned armies.

- There was a GW leak of Sylvaneath reboxing in the summer which suggest that the battletome would be out around that same time.

- as for model, we are assuming that they are releasing another battle box set  that contain these two armies and that each one will get at least one new hero for this edition

- anything else like more new models is current unknown, usually armies don’t get more then one hero release in a new edition. There is skepticism if these two armies are getting anything bigger then that

- beastmen elves comes from the Kurnothi warband that was release like 3 years ago for underworld, they are basically half wood elf’s half satyr/centaurs and they allow to be field in a Sylvaneath army, there was also the Kurnothi archer release in cursed city who was more normal looking too. Nothing has been suggest that a Kurnothi release is coming anytime soon and the last Sylvaneath hero ( the Warsong revanant) was the tree variant but with GW you never know.


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44 minutes ago, Astro said:


new member here! Could someone tell me which are the main sources about the rumors on Sylvaneth/ skavens releases? Getting pretty hyped here! 
And where do you get the infos about possible BoC style minis for Sylvaneth? I try to read as much as possible over here but getting lost sometimes as a really new member of this hobby..


In addition to what Astro said, the leaker for the Underworlds warbands was correct about Pirate Ogre and Frankenstein Zombies if I remember correctly, and said one of the next bands would be Clan Eshin.

Whilst Underworlds isn't tied to AoS' releases too much, The Crimson Court did coincide with the Soulblight Gravelord BT and the Thunderstrike/Kruelboyz warbands were only a couple of months after Dominion.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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well as idk player i would have been happy to get a whitedwarf update instead this 3.0 tome...

so if my seraphons wont get a new bad 3.0 tome like previous ones for this year... im really happy!! haha


but im also angry with gw for the 40k increased focus and the ignore on aos, a remerge of woodelves into sylvaneth with kurnothis would be cool.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I was thinking the same thing. If there are really no releases after Slyvaneth/Skaven this year, then that must be because of global shipping and production issues. There is no way that GW wants to release just 6 battletomes this year. They want to move models. But if it happens, then the prospect of rushing into 4th edition in 2024 is not especially enticing. It's not exactly like the potential of 3rd edition has really been unlocked yet.

Exactly. I doubt the validity of that statement.

1 hour ago, PrimeElectrid said:

From what I hear it’s because Sylvaneth is going to be *ahem* controversial, to say the least 👀👀👀

What do you mean by controversial? As in a massive wave of releases!?

42 minutes ago, Astro said:


new member here! Could someone tell me which are the main sources about the rumors on Sylvaneth/ skavens releases? Getting pretty hyped here! 
And where do you get the infos about possible BoC style minis for Sylvaneth? I try to read as much as possible over here but getting lost sometimes as a really new member of this hobby..


Welcome to the TGA forums mate!!

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21 minutes ago, Gnawdwell said:

Ok, found the bit where Rob talks about aos releases for the rest of the year and it's honestly just a bit of controversial guesswork and him saying the "rumor" is.....

Wouldn't put too much stock in it, and I would be absolutely shocked if there are no new aos releases for second half of the year. 

Nothing against Rob, but while he can be very helpful and an active member of the community, he does come across as overly cynical in some cases. Not that it doesn't make sense sometimes, but when he comes out with a rumour that AoS is getting nothing for a year, I do wonder if this is just him trying to stir controversy because he's dissatisfied with the game. 

Perhaps "stir controversy" is too harsh, but in conversations I've had with him, he does prefer to keep pessimistic.  

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11 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Nothing against Rob, but while he can be very helpful and an active member of the community, he does come across as overly cynical in some cases. Not that it doesn't make sense sometimes, but when he comes out with a rumour that AoS is getting nothing for a year, I do wonder if this is just him trying to stir controversy because he's dissatisfied with the game. 

Perhaps "stir controversy" is too harsh, but in conversations I've had with him, he does prefer to keep pessimistic.  

I've never spoken with the bloke so I'm not sure what hes like but I just find it hard to believe they would hang their second biggest system out to dry. 

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15 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Nothing against Rob, but while he can be very helpful and an active member of the community, he does come across as overly cynical in some cases. Not that it doesn't make sense sometimes, but when he comes out with a rumour that AoS is getting nothing for a year, I do wonder if this is just him trying to stir controversy because he's dissatisfied with the game. 

Perhaps "stir controversy" is too harsh, but in conversations I've had with him, he does prefer to keep pessimistic.  

I know that there was a recent controversy with the AoS meta watch article and the Warcom taking out citation that would have acknowledge work. But I doubt he make a rumor to spite GW for it


9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I've never spoken with the bloke so I'm not sure what hes like but I just find it hard to believe they would hang their second biggest system out to dry. 

I mean they have done it before, there usually a big AoS drought every time there a new 40K edition so it not hard to believe it can happen

just at this moment it is weird for it to happen when we already in a semi drought 

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26 minutes ago, novakai said:

know that there was a recent controversy with the AoS meta watch article and the Warcom taking out citation that would have acknowledge work. But I doubt he make a rumor to spite GW for it

I don't think he'd spite GW or anything like that, but rather, if he feels like GW will ignore AoS, he'll say as such.  

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11 minutes ago, novakai said:

- We had a rumor from a reliable source that suggest that the two summer battletomes (the ones after Nighthaunt and Daughters) where Skaven and maybe Sylvaneath.

 - The Warcom article for the battletome roadmap tease that the chaos tome was mischief and the order was vigilant sentinels which fits with the two aforementioned armies.

- There was a GW leak of Sylvaneath reboxing in the summer which suggest that the battletome would be out around that same time.

- as for model, we are assuming that they are releasing another battle box set  that contain these two armies and that each one will get at least one new hero for this edition

- anything else like more new models is current unknown, usually armies don’t get more then one hero release in a new edition. There is skepticism if these two armies are getting anything bigger then that

- beastmen elves comes from the Kurnothi warband that was release like 3 years ago for underworld, they are basically half wood elf’s half satyr/centaurs and they allow to be field in a Sylvaneath army, there was also the Kurnothi archer release in cursed city who was more normal looking too. Nothing has been suggest that a Kurnothi release is coming anytime soon and the last Sylvaneath hero ( the Warsong revanant) was the tree variant but with GW you never know.


Thank you for this detailed response! Well Kurnothi minis would be awesome, I personally love the few models they released!

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22 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Well, sadly AOS has been not exactly been blessed with new and exciting models since Stormcast got their new stuff and Kruleboyz came out. All the new tome releases since then - meaning Maggotkin, Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers - only got one new infantry hero. Fyreslayers seems to have got an even shorter end of the stick as many players feel they were significantly nerfed. Their tome didn't even get new cover art. 

The infantry hero trend is scheduled to continue with Daughters of Khaine. Nighthaunt at least get a new unit in addition to the mandatory hero, although these ghosts with crossbows aren't quite blowing the roof off in terms of creativity. At this point most people expect Skaven and Sylvaneth to follow this trend, though they aren't exactly confirmed yet. We just know the armies in summer will be one for order and one for Chaos. 

Welcome to the forums, and my apologies if I wasted your time with things you already knew.

Hey, don't even dare to apologize! You helped me a lot


Oh, is AoS receiving the stick from GW? Man, I just came back from End Times, I can't with this guys


Um, I guess I'll still have some little hope for the Adepticon this thursday. Crossing fingers for at least a clan Eshin renovation

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Could easily be that the rumor was „no new books after X“ but X ain‘t Sylvaneth/Skaven but the release after those. Rob can be cynical, but I highly doubt he‘d spread false rumours to throw shade on a system in which he‘s so heavily invested. 
Then again, a little spice never hurt anyone.

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It really depends on when those two tome are release because the three month period of summer is June 21 to September 22, so it not really a half year no release but 3 months. If any of those two are getting a bigger release it can easily be stretch to September.

Fall has historically been use to drop secondary and specialist games release as well as holiday specials like Battleforces, in general main line game release are lighter in that period of time to begin with. However stuff like Underworlds and Warcry are still possible even if they are not mainline games.

edit: Cursed City as well

Their also a possibility that the new edition in Fall is taking place of the AoS release for that quarter as well as Harrowdeep 2 but that just my theory if Rob’s rumor is true.

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My two pence - I doubt very much GW would not release stuff for AOS unless they had no choice. Theres a giant Stormcast Eternal in front of their offices and AOS is one of their core games. I doubt very much they would just drop it.

Its easy to jump on board with the negativity or spend time gossiping like fish wives about stuff like “GW hates AOS” or “They got the interns to do it” but please just have a moment to pause. There is a lot of stuff happening globally and none of us know how that’s effecting plans in some companies let alone in GW. The guys who work on AOS are really passionate about it and will be doing what they can to make the game fun. But they don’t get everything right and make mistakes. So rather than jumping on the negativity wagon, just think about some of the comments people are making and how it makes you feel.

Im not having a go at anybody specifically or saying everybody should be nodding dogs, but being surrounded by negativity isn’t great. I’m pretty sure we will see some cool stuff for AOS come Thursday and GW will continue to support and release stuff. 

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10 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

My two pence - I doubt very much GW would not release stuff for AOS unless they had no choice. Theres a giant Stormcast Eternal in front of their offices and AOS is one of their core games. I doubt very much they would just drop it.

Its easy to jump on board with the negativity or spend time gossiping like fish wives about stuff like “GW hates AOS” or “They got the interns to do it” but please just have a moment to pause. There is a lot of stuff happening globally and none of us know how that’s effecting plans in some companies let alone in GW. The guys who work on AOS are really passionate about it and will be doing what they can to make the game fun. But they don’t get everything right and make mistakes. So rather than jumping on the negativity wagon, just think about some of the comments people are making and how it makes you feel.

Im not having a go at anybody specifically or saying everybody should be nodding dogs, but being surrounded by negativity isn’t great. I’m pretty sure we will see some cool stuff for AOS come Thursday and GW will continue to support and release stuff. 

I tend to be very cynic about the actual state of the game but this time I'm on your boat. 

Is so so so so damm unfair that one guy (well, not just one guy, he made a lot for age of sigmar) claims that the game is doomed (is not what he said, but let's be honest, saying in march that we are only going to get 4 books the rest of the year and all known is a hard hit for the community) with any source or proof about that and people working on the game can't do anything about because is forbidden for them to talk.


I think is not the time, not the way to announce it and ends being pretty toxic for the community.

Edited by Ragest
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1 hour ago, Ragest said:

I tend to be very cynic about the actual state of the game but this time I'm on your boat. 

Is so so so so damm unfair that one guy (well, not just one guy, he made a lot for age of sigmar) claims that the game is doomed (is not what he said, but let's be honest, saying in march that we are only going to get 4 books the rest of the year and all known is a hard hit for the community) with any source or proof about that and people working on the game can't do anything about because is forbidden for them to talk.


I think is not the time, not the way to announce it and ends being pretty toxic for the community.


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6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

In addition to what Astro said, the leaker for the Underworlds warbands was correct about Pirate Ogre and Frankenstein Zombies if I remember correctly, and said one of the next bands would be Clan Eshin.

Whilst Underworlds isn't tied to AoS' releases too much, The Crimson Court did coincide with the Soulblight Gravelord BT and the Thunderstrike/Kruelboyz warbands were only a couple of months after Dominion.

I feel it’s pretty inevitable.

Clans Eshin appear on the Harrowdeep map and have had a long standing living in the Realm of Shadows since the earliest battletomes as that’s now where they learn their assassiny shadow magic(shown off in Malign Portents when they melded into the shadows to drift around undead gargants).

It’d work way too well for a new Warband plus a army and battletome update. Meanwhile Sylvaneth go the path of continuing the Era of Beasts storyline like Maggotkin did with the mix of the Realm of Life being on the verge of purifying itself from chaos as settlers/Sylvaneth and Maggotkin fight over the ley lines(apparently that’s how the Cursed Skies get strengthened by gathering over a geometric fount so chaos can infest the area with empowered daemon swarms while blocking out interference from Azyr, both golden and scaley and gain a significant foothold again) while the cosmic roots of Ghyran are still spreading and causing other changes elsewhere in the realms.

edit: oh, add-in here of betting the bug leg rumor engine belongs to Sylvaneth reverant insect cavalry.

Plus there’s still the new GHB to look forward to and see if it’ll change the Realm rules to a new reality or stay in Ghur while we get some kind of optional supplement instead.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I dont get why AoS would be doomed. The models are awesome imo and a painters paradise in some cases. They had the best sales yet of AoS around the release of dominion (dont remember the exact date). The lore of AoS is getting better every time and 40k lore seems to repeat itself. To me AoS is going strong and 40K is falling flat with the weird messy structure of old and new marines and the codex + supplements. But it could be just me being biased. I wonder how the two compare to each other in a graph.

Edit: Maybe, just maybe, Rob did a sneak peak into the future of AoS and calls no battletomes after the summer release. Absence of things equals silence. Silent. A sneak peak needs a peephole. People. Silent people confirmed.

Edited by Iksdee
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10 hours ago, Iksdee said:

I dont get why AoS would be doomed. The models are awesome imo and a painters paradise in some cases. They had the best sales yet of AoS around the release of dominion (dont remember the exact date). The lore of AoS is getting better every time and 40k lore seems to repeat itself. To me AoS is going strong and 40K is falling flat with the weird messy structure of old and new marines and the codex + supplements. But it could be just me being biased. I wonder how the two compare to each other in graph.

Some people are wishing it dead so GW would bring back Fantasy. This wouldn't pan out the way they think.

Others are jealous of the creativity of AoS releases compared to 40k. Forgetting that fan backlash of changing anything chains down designers.

I don't think AoS is going anywhere, but do think the amount of design time wasted on space marines alone is as much as is spent on AoS as a whole since the Swamp Orcs came out.

Edited by zilberfrid
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1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

I dont get why AoS would be doomed. The models are awesome imo and a painters paradise in some cases. They had the best sales yet of AoS around the release of dominion (dont remember the exact date). The lore of AoS is getting better every time and 40k lore seems to repeat itself. To me AoS is going strong and 40K is falling flat with the weird messy structure of old and new marines and the codex + supplements. But it could be just me being biased. I wonder how the two compare to each other in graph.

Edit: Maybe, just maybe, Rob did a sneak peak into the future of AoS and calls no battletomes after the summer release. Absence of things equals silence. Silent. A sneak peak needs a peephole. People. Silent people confirmed.

40k has been advancing its narrative and resolving campaigns and plot threads that have been left dangling for 20 years. In 9th alone we've had giant refreshes and releases for Necrons, Orks, Sisters and Craftworlds. There's also practically confirmed big extensive releases for Chaos and Guard too.

This idea that 40k is currently only releasing Marines just doesn't hold up and isn't based on actual events.

In fact the way 40k is handling its faction releases right now is exactly what AOS desperately needs. The amount of half-finished armies or ancient legacy models in the system is higher than 40k and I don't think people will be very satisfied with one hero model on foot for Seraphon or Skaven when they're still having to buy individual Poison Wind Globadiers from 1993. So far it's not been very encouraging for AOS as for many people Kruleboyz were a bit disappointing release-wise and Maggotkin, FS and IDK only got one new hero on foot model (when the latter two are in dire need of proper range expansion).

But obviously these things take time to properly design and produce and with world events as they are its probably thrown all manner of spanners in the works. Right now I think AOS really needs to consolidate and update a lot of what already exists within the setting and model ranges before running off to introduce yet more shiny new (but ultimately very sparse) things. It doesn't matter if the designers have a chip on their shoulder about not wanting to be Fantasy again; Seraphon and Skaven exist and need proper updates. FEC and FS need to be actual armies.

Hopefully the rumours of a lack of major releases mean that the armies that need expansion are actually getting them and in the meantime the more "complete" ranges can get their battletomes and their mandatory new foot hero model. If what we're actually getting is Chorfs and Umbraneth and both have a combined total of only 10 different units between them (with half being special characters) then that'd honestly suck for the game.

Edited by Bosskelot
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Think it's kind of relief not to be spammed with a lot of releases in short time. I would be happy with just a narrative book and some old model updates.

With Warcry, Underworlds and Cursed City (also adding stuff for AoS) we maybe will see more focus on the side-games after the 'confirmed' AoS battletomes and get new stuff in 2023.

So much stuff and no money :( :D 

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