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7 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I have created 8 thus far, usually 1 every time a new Chorf rumour pops up. By the time we finally get a new army I might have chorfified every pepe in existence!


I don't really understand who Pepe is but I understand he is some how related to wronguns.

Can I like and share these Pepes without coming across as a rightwing nutter?

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4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

So no IDK/FS 'tomes for at least three weeks. Sad.

More time to slip in some new models at least. :D 

Rumor mongers said Deepkin in February and Fyreslayers in March(which is when Winter ends) so the predictions may be spot on.(same predicters that said they saw the playtester with new models for both armies so hopium floweth!)


Also loving those Warcry sets, gonna be great for Lumineth and DoK fans. Was a little iffy on Stormcasts being so low count but this line:

The imposing Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals can call down falling stars to damage even the mightiest of foes”

Has me content for celestial orbital strikes in Warcry.

Lastly, feeling more confident this year is gonna be Aqshy Realm Rules focused. Had a shower thought not only Fury of the Deep is set there but Arena of Shades is the NightHaunt besieging Har Kuron which was the former major Anvilgard port in the searing seas. 



Edited by Baron Klatz
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6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

With Summers Tomes being Order and Chaos what are the chances of Winters being Destruction and Chaos/Death? Gloomspite and Ossiarch perhaps?

you mean the Fall?

i mean with GW there a good of a chance it anything can happen and nothing can happen at the same time. it can be a brand AOS new army or it can be just more 40k stuff and zero AoS stuff

you asking a question no one going to know lol

Edited by novakai
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13 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

With Summers Tomes being Order and Chaos what are the chances of Winters being Destruction and Chaos/Death? Gloomspite and Ossiarch perhaps?

Considering Ossiarch just got a white dwarf bandaid I would more likely expect to see FeC if there's a death one. Gloomspite would be a great update for destruction, they've been in a rough place for quite some time so would be nice to see them get a bit more modern at least.


I'm suspecting summers tomes will likely be Khorne (they've been needing an update for a while) and maybe Sylvaneth for order? For the new Alarielle and Pipe player rules, though I can't remember if they already got a tome with those in.

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48 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

Considering Ossiarch just got a white dwarf bandaid I would more likely expect to see FeC if there's a death one. Gloomspite would be a great update for destruction, they've been in a rough place for quite some time so would be nice to see them get a bit more modern at least.

I think we are now at a point where we need to consider how long of a gap there is likely to be between a White Dwarf Tome Celestial and a battletome update. Personally, I think a new tome a year or so after a WD update does not seem out of the question. An Ossiarch update next winter would not necessarily surprise me, although with their WD update and the amount of rumour engines that could possibly be FEC, they seem like a stronger candidate to me.

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26 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I think we are now at a point where we need to consider how long of a gap there is likely to be between a White Dwarf Tome Celestial and a battletome update. Personally, I think a new tome a year or so after a WD update does not seem out of the question. An Ossiarch update next winter would not necessarily surprise me, although with their WD update and the amount of rumour engines that could possibly be FEC, they seem like a stronger candidate to me.

It depends on how GW intends to use the updates. For armies that mechanically clash really hard with the new edition I wouldn't doubt that the tome celestial could be used as a way to patch-fix them so they're playable, even if a new tome isn't terribly far off. Ossiarchs are probably the most likely army for that to be the case. For the vast majority however I imagine we'll see either a tome celestial or a new book for every army, but we won't see one with both until everything has one or the other.

That being said, GW play pretty fast and loose with their own rules, so I'm expecting we'll see some surprises that completely buck whatever trend they'd previously committed to.

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6 minutes ago, CeleFAZE said:

It depends on how GW intends to use the updates. For armies that mechanically clash really hard with the new edition I wouldn't doubt that the tome celestial could be used as a way to patch-fix them so they're playable, even if a new tome isn't terribly far off. Ossiarchs are probably the most likely army for that to be the case. For the vast majority however I imagine we'll see either a tome celestial or a new book for every army, but we won't see one with both until everything has one or the other.

That being said, GW play pretty fast and loose with their own rules, so I'm expecting we'll see some surprises that completely buck whatever trend they'd previously committed to.

I'd definitely hope that GW is foreward looking enough not to release a tome celestial and then a battletome for the same army just a few months later. But the recent DoK battletome announcement does not exactly inspire hope that they'd be above stunts like that.

In any case, here's the current state of battletomes in one picture:


Everything is in order of battletome age, except the armies with tome celestials, who are in order of that instead. Not really sure what conclusions to draw here, but right now Gitz, FEC and Khorne look like pretty strong candidates for new books in autumn.

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12 minutes ago, CeleFAZE said:

It depends on how GW intends to use the updates. For armies that mechanically clash really hard with the new edition I wouldn't doubt that the tome celestial could be used as a way to patch-fix them so they're playable, even if a new tome isn't terribly far off. Ossiarchs are probably the most likely army for that to be the case. For the vast majority however I imagine we'll see either a tome celestial or a new book for every army, but we won't see one with both until everything has one or the other.

That being said, GW play pretty fast and loose with their own rules, so I'm expecting we'll see some surprises that completely buck whatever trend they'd previously committed to.

We're actually getting to a point where most armies already have one or the other TBH. Assuming Sylvaneth/Skaven for the two summer books, there's about 8 armies left not covered-Slaanesh, LRL, KO, Tzeentch, Gits, Mawtribes, Khorne, FEC.

Obviously out of those only a few really jump out as needing an update urgently. Slaanesh, KO, Tzeentch are IMO good candidates for future Tome Celestial updates to get them by, LRL same except they probably have another wave+book coming eventually, really I think we'll see Gits, Khorne and FEC to round out the year with maybe a new army or other larger update. Mawtribes I'm not sure about, depends on if they're getting models, I think.

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